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Single Molecular Machines and Motors brings together different approaches and strategies to design, synthesize and study single molecular machines and motors in a multidisciplinary way. Written by leading international experts, this book summarizes the advances in the field through a number of disciplines. Some contributions describe molecular chemistry such as organic, aromatics, and coordination chemistry while others address theoretical chemistry in a predictive way or through post-experimental modelling. Experimental physics with extensive use of scanning probe microscopy (STM and AFM) is discussed for examining one single molecule. This book is aimed at those who are interested in the rapidly growing field of molecular machines and motors acting and studied at the single-molecule scale. The goal of the authors and editors is to provide the reader with an up-to-date summary while also offering future perspectives on the field.
Written by the leading experts of this field, this book results from the International Symposium on “Single Molecule Machines on a Surface: Gears, Train of Gears, Motors, and Cars” which took place in Toulouse, France on November 24th - 25th, 2021. The different chapters focus on describing the use of single molecule mechanics on a surface and analyze the different steps leading to the design of a single molecule nanocar. The authors present how a single molecule is rotating, how a single molecule gear can participate to a train of molecule gears to propagate motion and how this knowledge is used for the design of nanocars. The way energy is provided to a single molecule and how this energy drives it onto the surface is also analyzed. A large portion of this volume is written by the eight teams selected to participate in the Nanocar Race II event. This book is of great use to graduate students, post-doctoral fellows and researchers who are interested in single molecule mechanics and who want to know more about the fundamentals and applications of this new research field.
This book presents mechanics miniaturization trends explored step by step, starting with the example of the miniaturization of a mechanical calculator. The ultra-miniaturization of mechanical machinery is now approaching the atomic scale. In this book, molecule-gears, trains of molecule-gears, and molecule motors are studied -one molecule at a time- on a solid surface, using scanning probe manipulation protocols and in solution as demonstrated in the European project "MEMO". All scales of mechanical machinery are presented using the various lithography techniques currently available, from the submillimeter to the nanoscale. Researchers and nanomechanical engineers will find new inspirations for the construction of minute mechanical devices which can be used in diverse hostile environments, for example under radiation constraints, on the surface membrane of a living cell or immersed in liquid. The book is presented in a format accessible for university students, in particular for those at the Master and PhD levels.
This journey through the fascinating world of molecular topology focuses on catenanes, rotaxanes and knots, their synthesis, properties, and applications and the theory of interlocking and interpenetrating molecules. Nearly one hundred years of progress have passed since Willstätter's speculative vision of a molecule consisting of two interlinked rings. But even today the synthesis of such structures are a challenge to the creativity of synthetic chemists. These molecules are not only of academic interest, since they occur naturally. In such molecules as DNA, knots and related topological features play a key role in biochemical processes. In addition, extensive research on the properties of...
The nanosciences and their companion nanotechnologies are a hot topic all around the world. For some, they promise developments ranging from nanobots to revolutionary new materials. For others, they raise the specter of Big Brother and of atomically modified organisms (AMOs). This book is a counterbalance to spin and paranoia alike, asking us to consider what the nanosciences really are. Nanosciences are not just a branch of materials sciences, a common misrepresentation fostered in the funding wars. Nor should nanotechnology be confused with miniaturization, a convergence of microelectronics, biotechnology and lab-on-chip techniques. These misconceptions arise from a well-orchestrated US po...
The cutting-edge advances in this research field are nicely pictured in the chapters of this volume. They come from world’s leading laboratories engaged in the development of molecular machines and are authored by some of the most respected scientists in the field. This volume shows, on the one hand, the level of ingenuity and technical capability reached in the construction of artificial nanomachines roughly two decades after their inception. On the other hand, it conveys the excitement about the enormous opportunities as well as the challenges this research area presents, as the interest of researchers is shifting from ensemble to single-molecule measurements and from homogeneous to hete...
Inodores, incolores et invisibles, les nanomatériaux ont envahi les objets du quotidien : bonbons et chocolats, peinture et colle, vêtements et médicaments, yaourts et plats cuisinés, crème de beauté et dentifrice ! Même les emballages en regorgent. Faut-il en avoir peur ? Les encenser ou les boycotter ? Cet ouvrage souligne la complexité du problème dès lors que l’on y porte un regard global. Il alerte contre les solutions simplistes et plaide pour que le consommateur soit pleinement informé.
Les nanotechnologies ont le vent en poupe. On nous promet des nanorobots étonnants et des matériaux révolutionnaires, tandis que de farouches opposants invoquent le fantôme de Big Brother et agitent l'épouvantail des OAM (organismes atomiquement modifiés). Entre marketing médiatico-scientifique et angoisses immaitrisées, la voie de la sagesse, prônée ici, rappelle que le champ des nanotechnologies est plus étroit qu'on ne se plaît à le dire, qu'il ne s'est élargi que pour des raisons de politique intérieure états-unienne, et que les enjeux éthiques restent encore très surévalués. Sous la plume d'un chercheur à l'origine de cette saga, ce petit livre apporte des réponses claires et factuelles. Christian Joachim est directeur de recherche au CNRS et responsable du groupe Nanosciences au Centre d'élaboration des matériaux et d'études structurales (CEMES) à Toulouse. Laurence Plévert est journaliste scientifique.