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This book is the largest referral for Turkish companies.
İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Alanında Uluslararası Çalışmalar IV” adlı bu kitabın amacı, iktisadi ve idari bilimler alanında gerek teorik gerekse pratik alan yazının veri ve araştırma düzeyini geliştirerek ilgililere rehber olabilecek bilgiler sunmaktır. Her bölümde yer alan konular, başta lisans ve lisansüstü programlara devam edenler olmak üzere, akademisyenler, iş dünyası ve alana ilgi duyan herkese fayda sağlayacak güncel konulardan oluşmuştur. Bu anlamda yazarların gösterdiği katkılar takdire şayandır.
Hüseyin Edemir’in ikinci romanı Aşağıdan okuru rahat bırakmayacak özelliklere sahip sürükleyici bir kitap. Roman, kahramanlarıyla hayatınıza girecek, onların fikirleriyle sizi keskinleştirecek ve hikâyesiyle sürekli olarak sorgulamaya sevk edecek. Kitap bittiğinde hayatınıza sanki eskiden yaşadığınız ama unuttuğunuz bir kesit ve o kesitin insanları da dahil olmuş olacak. Hafızanızdan silinmiş bu dönem ve insanlar üzerine çok düşüneceksiniz. Aşağıdan, geleceğinizde var olmaya aday bir roman. Yazarın ilk romanı C-84, 2015 yılının Ocak ayında yayımlanmıştı. Hapishaneyi, hücreyi, sevgiyi, esareti ve özgürlüğü en doğal haliyle anlatan C-8...
The Turkish government under the Erdoğan regime is undertaking a brutal crackdown against the participants of a civic group, namely the Gülen movement, also known as the Hizmet (service) movement, with the deliberate intention of destroying this social group, in whole or in part. In this extensive research, Dr. Keneş argues that this crackdown is filled with violations that may be classified at the very least as crimes against humanity and could very well be the harbinger of what comes next in terms of a full-scale genocide to exterminate thousands of innocent people. Keneş exemplifies many of these crimes and scales them against the genocide criteria according to definitions and norms accepted by United Nations and field experts. Given that the international community has historically downplayed the early signs of genocidal acts and thus failed to prevent such crimes many times before, it is necessary to be on the alert before the Erdoğan regime goes that far. A Genocide in the Making? is a unique volume that loudly cries out to the world this highly probable risk before it is too late.
Interdisciplinary Researches in Humanities and Social Sciences: Concepts, Researches and Applications-2, Livre de Lyon
Adel Safty leads a distinguished group of scholars, researachers, and practitioners in the field of leadership in a multidisciplinary, multicultural, and critical inquirey into leadership in various social contexts. They thus address issues related to leadership and Public Policy, Leadership and Management, Leadership and Capacity Building and Leadership and Self-Development. The contributors include Mrs. Harriet Fulbright (USA), Mr. Enver Yucel (Turkey), Dr. John Kane (Australia), Ambassador Ingmar Karlsson (Sweden), Dr. Mansour Elagab (Sudan), Dr. Hafiza Golandaz (India), Ms. Marina Tyasto (Russia), Ms. Cristina Lamana (Spain), Dr. Carol Allais (South Africa), Dr. Stanley Gryskiewicz (USA), Dr. Nawal Amar (USA), Dr. Bruce Lloyd (England) Dr. Christos Nicolaidis (Greece), Dr. Ajay Chhibber (India), Dr. Muhsin Mengütürk (Turkey), and others.
INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOPS (at IAREC'17) (This book inclueds English (main) and Turkish languages) International Workshop on Mechanical Engineering International Workshop on Mechatronics Engineering International Workshop on Energy Systems Engineering International Workshop on Automotive Engineering and Aerospace Engineering International Workshop on Material Engineering International Workshop on Manufacturing Engineering International Workshop on Physics Engineering International Workshop on Electrical and Electronics Engineering International Workshop on Computer Engineering and Software Engineering International Workshop on Chemical Engineering International Workshop on Textile Engineering I...