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Avrupa Yeşil Mutabakatı Kapsamında YEŞİL EKONOMİ
  • Language: tr
  • Pages: 456

Avrupa Yeşil Mutabakatı Kapsamında YEŞİL EKONOMİ

Dünya kaynaklarının tahrip edilmesi ile ortaya çıkan çevresel felaketler, bu kaynakların sınırsız olmadığının anlaşılmasında etkili olmuştur. Yaşanan gelişmeler, kalkınmanın sürdürülebilir kılınması için çevre ve ekonomi dengesini korumak gerektiğini ortaya koymuştur. Yeşil ekonomi, tüm ekonomik faaliyetlerin çevresel amaçlarla yeniden tasarlandığı, sosyal, ekonomik ve çevresel faktörleri bütünleştiren, kapsayıcı ve sürdürülebilir kalkınmanın yeni yol haritasıdır. Avrupa Komisyonu, 2019 yılında yeşil ekonomik dönüşümü gerçekleştirmek üzere Avrupa Yeşil Mutabakatı'nı küresel kamuoyuna sunmuştur. Ancak Avrupa'nın, Mutabakat'...

Socio-Economic Implications of Global Educational Inequalities
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 331

Socio-Economic Implications of Global Educational Inequalities

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2023-11-21
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  • Publisher: IGI Global

As societies strive for progress, the need to ensure equal access to education for all, irrespective of socioeconomic, ethnic, or gender backgrounds, emerges as a pivotal factor. In the thought-provoking book, Socio-Economic Implications of Global Educational Inequalities, the complex interplay between education and its profound impact on human capital, economic growth, and development is meticulously explored. The book delves into the multifaceted dimensions of education as a critical determinant of income and gender disparities, poverty levels, and financial sector advancement. Drawing on the expertise of professional researchers, this comprehensive work presents a panoramic view of the socio-economic implications of educational inequalities on a global scale. By examining the profound link between education and various societal aspects, the book opens avenues for insightful discussions and strategic policymaking. In addition to catering to scholars and researchers, this book addresses a broader audience, including individuals, managers, and governmental employees who recognize education's pivotal role in shaping economic, financial, and social landscapes.

Economic and Social Implications of Information and Communication Technologies
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 334

Economic and Social Implications of Information and Communication Technologies

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2022-12-19
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  • Publisher: IGI Global

Enormous developments have been made in the field of information and communication technologies (ICT) during the past four decades as ICT has spread rapidly in the world and become a significant part of daily life for economic units. ICT development and penetration are continuing to affect all aspects of societies and have led to significant changes in almost all disciplines such as education, environment, economics, management, energy, health, and medical care. Economic and Social Implications of Information and Communication Technologies explores the economic and social implications of ICT development and penetration from a multidisciplinary perspective. Covering key topics such as sustainability, public health, and economic growth, this reference work is ideal for managers, industry professionals, researchers, scholars, practitioners, academicians, instructors, and students.

Considerations on Education for Economic, Social, and Environmental Sustainability
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 549

Considerations on Education for Economic, Social, and Environmental Sustainability

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2023-05-08
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  • Publisher: IGI Global

Considerable increases in economic growth and development, population, and urbanization have been experienced in the world as of the industrial revolution, but significant environmental degradation, climate change, resource depletion, inequality in education and income, gender inequality, and poverty have accompanied these developments. In this context, the joint efforts of the United Nations and countries have led to the emergence of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development consisting of 17 sustainable development goals to overcome these problems. One of the sustainable development goals is quality education. Education can influence the achievement of other sustainable development goals ...

Malatya il yıllıği, 1967
  • Language: tr
  • Pages: 246

Malatya il yıllıği, 1967

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1967
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Demokrasi ve Hukuk Devleti İkilemi
  • Language: tr
  • Pages: 334

Demokrasi ve Hukuk Devleti İkilemi

Devlet, yönetilenlerin hak ve özgürlüklerini garanti altına almakla yükümlüdür. Devlete aşırı kutsiyet atfedilmesi ve araçtan çok bir amaç haline getirilmesi, demokratik ya da anti-demokratik usullerle siyasal iktidarı elde eden aktörlerce suiistimal edilerek, devlet aygıtının hukuktan uzaklaştırılması ve devletin hukuki niteliğe sahip normlarının içinin boşaltılarak demokrasi ve hukuka aykırı uygulamaların aracı haline gelmesine yol açar. Demokratik usullerle iktidara gelseler de siyasal iktidarların kendi hukuksuzluklarını çoğunluğun isteği, halk iradesi hatta millet iradesi gibi kavramlar ile meşruiyet kazandırma çabalarının önüne geçilmelidir. Nitekim çoğunluk, ahlaki ve vicdani donatılarını yitirerek pekâlâ hukuksuzluğu, adaletsizliği ve insan onuruna yakışmayan uygulamaları arzu edip destekleyebilir. Bu düşüncenin devlete sahip olması ve hukukun tahrip edilmesi, ilerleyen süreçte insanoğlunun zarar görmesine yol açacaktır. Bunun önlenmesinin en önemli şartı ise siyasal iktidarların insan hakları, temel hak ve hürriyetler ve hukukun ilke ve gerekleri ile sınırlandırılmasıdır.

  • Language: en
  • Pages: 485


This revised edition builds upon and updates its twin themes of Turkey's continuing incorporation into the capitalist world and the modernization of state and society. It begins with the forging of closer links with Europe after the French Revolution, and the changing face of the Ottoman Empire in the 19th century. Zurcher argues that Turkey's history between 1908 and 1950 should be seen as a unity, and offers a strongly revisionist interpretation of Turkey's founding father, Kemal Ataturk. In his account of the period since 1950, Zurcher focuses on the growth of mass politics; the three military coups; the thorny issue of Turkey's human right's record; the alliance with the West and relations with the European Community; Turkey's ambivalent relations with the Middle East; the increasingly explosive Kurdish question; and the continuing political instability and growth of Islam.

Alveolar Distraction Osteogenesis
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 56

Alveolar Distraction Osteogenesis

Alveolar distraction osteogenesis offers the potential for increasing alveolar bone height and width while avoiding many of the risks associated with bone grafting. Ongoing clinical studies show promise for much wider application of this technique.

Mineral Resources of Turkey
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 753

Mineral Resources of Turkey

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2019-01-21
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  • Publisher: Springer

This book furnishes detailed information about Turkey's existing mineral resources, besides providing concepts and ideas which may help the search for potential mineral resources in the future. It is a first book in the English-language international literature on mineral resources of Turkey and it is aimed at economic geologists, mining engineers, and mining investors, as well as graduate and undergraduate students. This work focuses mainly on a range of mineral systems and related geological features throughout Turkey. Taking into account the lack of international literature on these resources, a considerable portion of the book explains the geological context of the region and the settings in which the mineral resources occur. The genetic characteristics of these mineral resources are emphasized and important information is also presented on their economic aspects. All chapter contributions are prepared by researchers and professional geologists.

The Book of Dede Korkut
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 224

The Book of Dede Korkut

The Book of Dede Korkut is a collection of twelve stories set in the heroic age of the Oghuz Turks, a nomadic tribe who had journeyed westwards through Central Asia from the ninth century onwards. The stories are peopled by characters as bizarre as they are unforgettable: Crazy Karchar, whose unpredictability requires an army of fleas to manage it; Kazan, who cheerfully pretends to necrophilia in order to escape from prison; the monster Goggle-eye; and the heroine Chichek, who shoots, races on horseback and wrestles her lover. Geoffrey Lewis's classic translation retains the odd and oddly appealing style of the stories, with their mixture of the colloquial, the poetic and the dignified, and magnificently conveys the way in which they bring to life a wild society and its inhabitants. This edition also includes an introduction, a map and explanatory notes.