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Çalışmaları Yordam Kitap tarafından kitaplaştırılan Bağımsız Sosyal Bilimciler'in bu yeni ortak ürünü, ekonomik gelişmelere arka planda yer vererek, hemen tümü ile AKP yönetiminde geçen 2000'li yıllarda sermaye yanlı/serbest piyasa ağırlıklı politikaların emekçiler üzerindeki etkilerine odaklanıyor. Kitabın ilk bölümü, ele alınan dönemde Türkiye ekonomisinin uluslararası düzlemde değerlendirilmesine, ikinci bölümü ise işgücü piyasalarındaki gelişmelerin analizine ayrılmıştır. Yaygın söylemin aksine, AKP yönetimi altında Türkiye'nin parlak ve istisnai ekonomik sonuçlara ulaşamadığı sergilenmiştir. Kitabın izleyen üç bölümünde...
This volume spotlights recent advances in the worldwide use of quantitative performance measures in the public sector, especially approaches that incorporate program evaluation techniques. Chapters include single-country case studies, multi-country comparisons, and thoughtful essays on the challenges of making performance measurement and management work in diverse settings.
Increasing recognition of the impact that globalisation may be having on public health has led to widespread concern about the risks arising from emerging and re-emerging diseases, environmental degradation and demographic change. This book argues that health policy making is being affected by globalisation and that these effects are, in turn, contributing to the kind of global health issues being faced today. The book explores how the actors, context, processes and content of health policy are changing as a result of globalisation, raising concerns about growing differences in who can influence health policy, what priorities are set, what interventions are deemed appropriate and ultimately who enjoys good and bad health. Bringing together a distinguished, international group of contributors, this book covers a comprehensive range of topics and geographic regions and will be invaluable for all those interested in health, social and public policy and globalisation.
Geçen ayın birikimi Ömer Laçiner 3-7 Bayramlaşma bitti, vedalaşma nasıl olacak? Seçimler ve politika Osman Özarslan 7-12 Muhtar çakmağından Beştepe tribünlerine muhtarlar Zafer Yılmaz 12-18 23 Haziran seçimleri ve ötesi: Umudu örgütlemek Yaşlılara bir yer var mı? Birikim Dergisi 18-19 Sunuş İpek Gürkaynak 19-24 Herkesin annesi olmak Özlem Erden Aki 24-30 Yaşlılık psikiyatrisi - yaşlılarla nefes almak: Yaşlandıkça çeşitlenmek Şadiye Dönümcü 30-38 Daralan zamanı sündürme telaşındaki insan kırılgandır Sinan Sülün 38-42 Aslanların düşünü görenler Özgür Arun Yaşlananların bir çift sözü var!: Türkiye artık yaşlı bir toplum Melek İ...
Quality of life (QoL) is a broad concept that has many definitions and meanings depending on the context under consideration. It can be perceived as the overall enjoyment of life, and a multidimensional concept which emphasizes the self-perceptions of an individual’s current state of mind, which is affected in a complex way by the person’s physical health, psychological state, personal beliefs, social relationships, and their relationship to salient features of their environment. On the other hand, demographic data suggests an increased need for workers worldwide and a rapid aging trend in the active workforce as well as in general. This trend of workforce deficit and population aging will be even more prominent in the future. Therefore, in order to have and sustain a healthy, motivated, and productive workforce, but also healthy, independent, and active elderly adults, one must improve their QoL, and vice versa. Improving QoL will improve general public health, and in turn create communities who can contribute in diverse and positive ways to both promote and sustain health for future generations.
Turkey’s Health Transformation Programme (H.T.P.) has been instrumental in reshaping the country’s healthcare landscape, aiming at enhancing accessibility, efficiency, and quality of services. Despite generating significant academic and policy interest, there remains a gap in consolidated scholarly resources. This book addresses this need, synthesizing the existing research to provide a comprehensive overview and critical analysis of the H.T.P.’s impacts from multiple perspectives. Structured into five main sections, the book delves into the H.T.P.’s policy changes, theoretical framework, and intended outcomes since its inception in 2003. It then assesses its effects through various ...
2008 Kavşağında Türkiye "farklı hükümetler, tek siyaset"le geçen 1998-2007 çevrimini genel siyasal ortam, uluslararası ekonomik çerçeve, makroekonomik politikalar, dış ekonomik ilişkiler, kamu maliyesi, tarım, sanayi, enerji sektörleri, eğitim, sağlık, sosyal güvenlik, kamu yönetimi ve yolsuzluk, yasal düzenlemeler gibi konu başlıkları altında irdeliyor. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti'nin sosyal bir hukuk devleti olma özelliğinin büyük ölçüde erozyona uğradığı AKP iktidarının ikinci döneminin bir başka çarpıcı yanı, rejimin laik niteliğinin de yıpranmasıdır. Türkiye toplumunun son on yıllık serencamını, önceki dönemlerle de bağlantılar kurarak...
This handbook covers DEA topics that are extensively used and solidly based. The purpose of the handbook is to (1) describe and elucidate the state of the field and (2), where appropriate, extend the frontier of DEA research. It defines the state-of-the-art of DEA methodology and its uses. This handbook is intended to represent a milestone in the progression of DEA. Written by experts, who are generally major contributors to the topics to be covered, it includes a comprehensive review and discussion of basic DEA models, which, in the present issue extensions to the basic DEA methods, and a collection of DEA applications in the areas of banking, engineering, health care, and services. The han...