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Güvence hizmetleri, bilgi kullanıcıları açısından bilginin kalitesini arttıran bağımsız profesyonel hizmetlerdir. Güvence hizmetlerinde sunulan bilginin bağımsız, dürüst ve tarafsız bir profesyonel kişi tarafından sunulması çok önemlidir. Bağımsızlık kavramının böyle büyük bir öneme sahip olmasının nedeni güvence hizmeti sonrasında sunulan bilginin daha değerli bir hâle gelmesini sağlamasındandır. Güvence hizmetleri, bağımsız denetçiler (SMMM ve YMM ünvanlı) veya diğer çeşitli meslek uzmanları tarafından piyasada sunulan hizmetlerdir. Yıllardır bağımsız denetçiler, işletmelerin finansal olan veya olmayan bilgilerine ilişkin pek ç...
"The Demand for Money: Theoretical and EmpiricalApproaches" provides an account of the existing literature on thedemand for money. It shows how the money demand function fits intostatic and dynamic macroeconomic analyses and discusses the problem ofthe definition (aggregation) of money. In doing so, it shows how thesuccessful use in recent years of the simple representative consumerparadigm in monetary economics has opened the door to the succeedingintroduction into monetary economics of the entire microfoundations, aggregation theory, and micro-econometrics literatures.It also compares and contrasts the theoretical and empirical aspectsof the microeconomic- and aggregation-theoretic approach to the demandfor money to those of other paradigms, presents empirical evidenceusing state-of-the-art econometric methodology, and recognizes theexistence of unsolved problems and the need for further developments.Finally, it suggests answers to a number of problems raised overprevious studies of the demand for money. Most important is the ideathat traditional measures of money and log-linear money demandfunctions are inappropriate in the recent volatile financialenvironment.
Discusses auditing concepts for a changing environment and how auditing is responding to public expectations. This book analyzes the role of external auditors as a vital part of decision making in the market economy and the need to expand their role beyond traditional financial statement audits. It also discusses external auditing.
This text offers a structured approach to principles of auditing using International Standards on Auditing as its basis. Written by a team of influential professional auditors with a wealth of teaching experience this book provides a real world perspective on current auditing practices with coverage of cutting edge developments and techniques. The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.
The book provides a comprehensive overview of the latest econometric methods for studying the dynamics of macroeconomic and financial time series. It examines alternative methodological approaches and concepts, including quantile spectra and co-spectra, and explores topics such as non-linear and non-stationary behavior, stochastic volatility models, and the econometrics of commodity markets and globalization. Furthermore, it demonstrates the application of recent techniques in various fields: in the frequency domain, in the analysis of persistent dynamics, in the estimation of state space models and new classes of volatility models. The book is divided into two parts: The first part applies ...
This paper analyzes the macroeconomics of HIV/AIDS. The paper highlights that the mortality and morbidity associated with AIDS make it unlike most other types of sickness and disease. The paper describes the most common approaches used in accounting for growth in the context of an HIV/AIDS epidemic. The impact of HIV/AIDS on education and the accumulation of human capital is discussed. The paper also discusses the impact of HIV/AIDS on the public sector, and elaborates certain demographic events specific to the HIV/AIDS pandemic.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Auditing Cases provides auditing cases that focus on each of the major activities performed during an audit. Most of the cases are based on actual companies, and a number address financial reporting fraud. The fifth edition includes several new and updated cases.
Global growth is forecast at 3.0 percent for 2019, its lowest level since 2008–09 and a 0.3 percentage point downgrade from the April 2019 World Economic Outlook.