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This work is the first to examine the expressive and communicative functions of law in a comprehensive way in the field of atrocity crime. It shows that expression and communication are not only inherent parts of the punitive functions of international criminal justice, but are represented in a whole spectrum of practices.
Intimate image abuse is a recent, endemic phenomenon which raises multiple legal issues and presents a significant challenge for the traditional institutions of law and criminal justice. The nature of this phenomenon requires considering the traditional complexities of regulating privacy, sexual offences, and cybercrimes, alongside the social and cultural issue of what may be considered 'intimate', 'private', or indeed 'sexual'. Since the harm experienced by victims of intimate image abuse is particularly serious and involves disparate legal interests, criminal law has been invoked as one of the solutions, but it is unclear what its role and limits should be. The law's approach should avoid ...
Acts of terror on a global scale are straining to the breaking point the due process guarantees of the legal systems of modern democracies. In unequalled breadth and depth, this book analyzes the rights of persons suspected of a crime, in normal times and emergencies, from the pre-trial phase to the trial and the post-trial period under all the universal and regional human rights treaty regimes, pertinent customary international law, general principles of law, international humanitarian law as well as the hybrid procedures developed by international criminal tribunals. The book then presents a detailed analysis of United States due process guarantees, in peacetime and in war, and the executive, legislative and judicial responses to the attacks of September 11, 2001. Professor Pati appraises the American actions in terms of international law s due process guarantees and proposes courses of action which can better defend a public order of human dignity.
Modern state law excludes populations, peoples, and social groups by making them invisible, irrelevant, or dangerous. In this book, Boaventura de Sousa Santos offers a radical critique of the law and develops an innovative paradigm of socio-legal studies which is based on the historical experience of the Global South. He traces the history of modern law as an abyssal law, or a kind of law that is theoretically invisible yet implements profound exclusions in practice. This abyssal line has been the key procedure used by modern modes of domination – capitalism, colonialism, and patriarchy – to divide people into two groups, the metropolitan and the colonial, or the fully human and the sub-human. Crucially, de Sousa Santos rejects the decadent pessimism that claims that we are living through 'the end of history'. Instead, this book offers practical, hopeful alternatives to social exclusion and modern legal domination, aiming to make post-abyssal legal utopias a reality.
"These studies recover the historical roots of thinking that are in conflict with, and critical of, present-day tendencies. Criminological theory over the last few decades has oscillated between extremes: on one side there are calls for increasing the state exercise of punitive power as the only means of providing security, in the face of both urban and international rime; while the other side highlights the need for reducing the exercise of punitive power because of the paradoxical effects that it produces. Useful for academics, practitioners, professionals and students, this book will certainly contribute to a wider awareness in crime prevention and criminal justice."--Publisher's website.
Few contemporary scholars have done more in their work to develop the idea of responsibility than Nicola Lacey. She ranks alongside thinkers and writers such as HLA Hart and Antony Honoré in developing approaches to understanding responsibility. Like these authors, the influence of her work has spread beyond academia to change the perception of responsibility amongst practitioners. Both Hart and Honoré have during their lifetime had volumes dedicated to their work. This book does the same for Nicola Lacey, marking her ongoing influence and accomplishments in the common law world through a collection of essays by leading international scholars reflecting and interrogating her contribution t...
This first edition of Philosophical Foundations of International Criminal Law: Correlating Thinkers contains 20 chapters about renowned thinkers from Plato to Foucault. As the first volume in the series "Philosophical Foundations of International Criminal Law", the book identifies leading philosophers and thinkers in the history of philosophy or ideas whose writings bear on the foundations of the discipline of international criminal law, and then correlates their writings with international criminal law.
A Lavagem de Dinheiro tornou-se um tipo penal recorrente nas operações policiais amplamente veiculadas pela mídia, tendo como foco da perseguição estatal não só os indivíduos que praticam o ato de lavar dinheiro, mas também aqueles sujeitos que, pela posição que ocupam, são implicados em decorrência do descumprimento de um dever de Compliance. Essa situação salta aos olhos, na medida em que se aprofunda o estudo do direito penal e do processo penal, despertando um interesse em compreender melhor tal fenômeno. Nesse sentido, a presente obra visa analisar essa temática, a partir da devida compreensão dos limites do compliance, mais especificamente do compliance criminal, da dogmática referente aos crimes omissivos, para, por fim, apresentar uma conclusão que coadune com a legislação pátria, bem como sugerir um novo caminho a ser seguido, a fim de evitar piruetas argumentativas com o nítido condão de forçar uma responsabilização criminal de um sujeito que descumpre um dever de compliance relacionado a Lavagem de Dinheiro.
This volume contributes to the emergence of a transnational canon of criminal law by critically engaging with formative texts in criminal legal thought since Hobbes.