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Dr. H. M. Baagil’s Muslim Christian Dialogue is a proselytic tract that sets forth Islam’s primary charges against Christianity: the corruption of Scriptures revealed to earlier prophets and the adoption of false and idolatrous doctrine. Dr. Baagil’s treatise has been used by countless Islamic organizations to urge Christians to return to the pure, authentic, uncorrupted religion of Islam. Yet Dr. Baagil’s tract employs insidious and subtle twists of logic to support its conclusions. The book is especially dangerous to the Christian or Muslim unschooled in Christian doctrine or having shallow biblical knowledge. Such a reader will fall prey to Dr. Baagil’s traps, thus being led ast...
In the Name of Allâh, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. I am grateful to Allâh for the opportunity to read the manuscript of Muslim Christian Dialogue and for being asked to write an introduction to this remarkably eye-opening booklet. Anyone interested in comparative religion will find in this booklet many surprises that challenge what many once believed to be absolute truths. This work by Dr. Hasan M. Baagil reflects his meticulous and painstaking effort to present his findings clearly, concisely, and thoroughly. As a result of his study of Christianity and the Bible over a four-year period, Dr. Baagil, a dedicated Muslim, learned that Christians differ in their basic beliefs (i.e., the Trin...
C. Why have there been in the last decade many discussions held between Christians and Muslims about their beliefs? M. I think because we both have several things in common. We believe in the One Creator Who sent many Prophets and in Jesus as the Messiah as well as the Word of God who was denied by the Jews. Our Holy Qur'an mentions in Surah 3:45: [Remember] when the angels said: 'O Mary! Verily Allah gives you the glad tidings of a Word from Him, his name will be Messiah Jesus, the son of Mary, held in honor in this world and in the hereafter, and of those who are near to Allah....' Dialogues have been held everywhere in Europe, Canada, the United States, and Australia. Even the Vatican has participated: discussions were held between Vatican theologians and Egyptian Muslim scholars in Rome in 1970 and in Cairo in 1974...
This book was written by a Muslim author who believes "that in the Bible, Jesus never claimed to be God; that Jesus did not die on the cross; that the miracles performed by Jesus were also performed by many other prophets, and even disbelievers; and that Jesus prophesied the advent of the Prophet Muhammad. All of this and much more is detailed from the clear passages of the Bible."
In this second volume of his three-volume Intercultural Theology, Henning Wrogemann turns to theologies of mission. Tracing developments across a range of Christian traditions, movements, themes, and regions of the globe, Wrogemann provides an overview of the theological underpinnings, rationalizations, and visions for mission and its practice.
This book is designed to meet the daily challenges that most believers face when interacting with Muslims or Non-Christians in schools, offices, market places and other arenas of life. The purpose is not to ridicule any religious sect but to further tell the whole world that the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is more than just who some people think he is.(Matt 28:19-20)The book is structured in such a way that everyone can use it with ease. The Biblical verses are ordered so that anyone who desires to carryout the Great Commission can follow the verses step by step to lead a person to Christ. The Qur'anic verses are provided as tools for you to use when carrying out your evangelism to the Muslims. Many people have asked me questions on these areas knowing that I was once a Muslim so verses from both have been provided.I believe the details contained in this book will stir-up the hearts of many folks who lay their hands on it.God bless you richly
Have you ever wondered what the Bible has to say about homosexuality? A growing number of Christians have come to believe that the Bible does not prohibit or condemn homosexual acts. This book is intended to refute this fundamentally flawed view, and to respond to one of its principal propagators—the Rev. Dr. Mel White. The Rev. Mel White’s What the Bible Says—and Doesn’t Say—About Homosexuality is a treatise that argues that the Bible, when correctly understood, neither condemns nor prohibits homosexual relationships between loving, committed same-sex partners. The apparent prohibitions of sodomy and other homosexual acts in the Old Testament are intended not as injunctions from G...
In his best-selling book, The Myth of a Christian Nation, Dr. Gregory Boyd, a widely-respected theologian and pastor, argues that the church was established to serve the world with a Christ-like love that is diametrically opposed to the pursuit of political power. Christians are called to manifest a “kingdom of the cross” that impacts culture through self-sacrificial love, not the Romans 13 “kingdom of the sword” that impacts culture through coercive force. Dr. Boyd’s radical separatism leaves committed Christians with no choice other than to abandon the civic realm. His is a call to effect change through spiritual disciplines, such as prayer, not by taking up the reins of governme...
In The True Message of Jesus Christ, Dr. Bilal Philips claims that Jesus Christ was merely a prophet of Allah who reaffirmed the central message that was later revealed to Muhammad. Dr. Philips argues that although Jesus claimed to be the Son of God in the Bible, modern translations of the Bible are corruptions of the original revelations given by Allah. Only the Qur’an, which downgrades Jesus’ status from the Son of God to a prophet, reflects God’s true, uncorrupted message. This Reply to The True Message of Jesus Christ demonstrates that Dr. Philips’ arguments are flawed and suffer from serious weaknesses on multiple levels. First, Dr. Philips’ claims are not historically grounde...