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The Anatomy of Consumerism is a story of greed and obsession and consumption. Of waste and environmental degradation. Of destruction and despair. It is the story of being human. In this earnest account of a serious problem in which we are all implicated, we come to terms with our collective obsession with material consumption. The Anatomy of Consumerism tracks this consumption from the Industrial Revolution, through a ravenous stretch of excessive production and acquisition, all the way to our digital present—a period during which we overconsume as a matter of course and visit irreparable damage on our natural environment as a result. It is no wonder the consequences of human greed fester so hotly in debate among economists, social scientists, and environmentalists. The Anatomy of Consumerism wades into this debate’s center.
Caught between the Ottoman Empire to the west, the Russian sphere of influence in the north, and the British colonial territories in India and the Middle East, Iran at the end of the nineteenth century was a hotly contested strategic battleground. The ruling Qajar Dynasty was led by a young and inexperienced king, and the British were busy extending their reach through unbalanced treaties and resource concessions. Meanwhile, powerful tribal leaders like Sheikh Khaz'al sought to retain their traditional positions and block efforts to unite the country under a strong central government. With the discovery of oil and Britain's need to fuel her war machine in World War I, increased attention on ...
The Anatomy of Consumerism is a story of greed and obsession and consumption. Of waste and environmental degradation. Of destruction and despair. It is the story of being human. In this earnest account of a serious problem in which we are all implicated, we come to terms with our collective obsession with material consumption. The Anatomy of Consumerism tracks this consumption from the Industrial Revolution, through a ravenous stretch of excessive production and acquisition, all the way to our digital present—a period during which we overconsume as a matter of course and visit irreparable damage on our natural environment as a result. It is no wonder the consequences of human greed fester so hotly in debate among economists, social scientists, and environmentalists. The Anatomy of Consumerism wades into this debate’s center.
Congo, a former Belgian colony, at the beginning of the independence of the territory, a brave and dedicated leader, Patrice Emery Lumumba, won the election and was appointed Prime Minister. As the first Prime Minister of a democratic Congo, the newly elected representative of the country filled with devotion had in mind to providing Congolese with a better future. He therefore fought on behalf of Congolese. His methods were disliked by the former colonizers for whom he became a danger to their interests in Congo after his speech on independence day, on June 30, 1960. Since then, various plots were arranged against him to be killed. Those conspiracies never succeeded against him since the...
A distanza di 40 anni, un'approfondita analisi storica ricostruisce la genesi e l'esplodere di uno degli eventi più significativi del Novecento, analizzando la politica iraniana fin dai primi anni del secolo, attraverso le esperienze della rivolta costituzionale, della fine della dinastia Qajar e dell'inizio di quella Pahlavi, del governo nazionalista di Mossadeq e del golpe organizzato dagli Stati Uniti nel 1953, fino alla monarchia assoluta e autoritaria di Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. All'epoca ben pochi ebbero la capacità di prevedere le dinamiche che dalla metà del 1978 trasformarono l'Iran dal paese più stabile e promettente della regione in quello più turbolento e inviso. L'immagine di una monarchia felice, amata e solidamente al potere svanì in modo repentino e violento, travolta dalle proteste popolari che portarono al successo la rivoluzione guidata dall'ayatollah Khomeini. E lo scià, colui che sino a poco tempo prima era conosciuto come "re dei re e luce degli ariani", si trovò a girovagare penosamente per il mondo, rifiutato dai capi di stato che lo avevano adulato sino a pochi mesi prima, debilitato nella sua malattia e ricercato dai nuovi vertici della repubblica.
Congo, ancienne colonie belge, dès l'accès à l'indépendance du territoire, un brave et dévoué leader politique du nom de Patrice Emery Lumumba avait remporté les élections et promu Premier Ministre du pays. En tant que tout Premier Ministre de la République démocratique du Congo, le garant nouvellement élu à la tête de l'État et remplit de dévotion optait pour un avenir prometteur pour le peuple congolais. Il était dès lors motivé à mener à bien tout ce qui concernait le bien être des Congolais. La motivation du Premier Ministre était considérée comme des méthodes déloyales aux yeux des colons pour qui Lumumba devenait encombrant concernant leurs intérêts représe...
Après plusieurs années de troubles sociopolitiques en Côte d'Ivoire, les Ivoiriens sont conviés de nouveau à honorer la voie des urnes au cours de la nouvelle année 2023. Cette compétition politique consiste à élir ou reconduire les anciens tout comme les nouveaux maires et administrateurs régionaux des différentes communes de la ville d'Abidjan ainsi que les circonscriptions et régions à l'échelle nationale. Les élections municipales et régionales prévues pour Mars 2023 sont reportées au mois d'Octobre de la même année. Cependant, les préparatifs en vue de conduire à bien ces scrutins se déroulent dans un climat de méfiance. Les pièces d'identité et autres attribut...
The Inside Scoop on Eating Disorder Recovery is a fresh, smart, how-to book that helps people with eating disorders to heal their relationship with food, their bodies, and ultimately themselves. Written from the perspective of two eating disorder therapists, both of whom are recovered from their own eating disorders, the text uses humor, personal narratives, and research-proven techniques to offer specific actionable guidelines on how to reclaim one’s life from an eating disorder. The authors explain the difference between dieting and eating disorders, break down the stages of recovery, and provide tips on how to thrive in each stage. The book provides powerful myth-busting on topics that ...
In Feminine Visibility in Contemporary Iran: Women, Religion, Culture and the State, Esmaeil Zeiny and Seyed Javad Miri bring together a collection of essays which offer a number of new perspectives on the role and power of Iranian women in refashioning the country’s politics, culture, and religion. This collection threatens the stereotypical representations of Iranian women, and illustrates how high women leapt over the hurdles obstructing their progress and how much they have achieved to renegotiate the roles demanded by Iranian society.