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Mohan, seorang anak yang cerdik dan pintar. Suka menyelidiki peristiwa yang terjadi di tempat tinggalnya. Karena kebiasaan ini, dia dijuluki ?Detektif Cilik.?
Most literature on the economic crisis in indonesia has focused on the negative macro-economic impacts during the "crisis- years" of 1997-99. The case studies presented in this book take a different perspective. With a longitudinal research perspective, this comparative study analyses a wide variety of responses to the crisis among communities and households. The case studies in this book cover the coping and adapting mechanisms of rural households under a variety of resource use practices and resource use regulations in different areas of Indonesia.
Throughout the world people are concerned about the demise of tropical forests and their wildlife. Hunting by forest-dwelling people has a dramatic effect on wildlife in many tropical forests, frequently driving species to local extinction, with devastating implications for other species and the health of the forests themselves. But wildlife is an important source of protein and cash for rural peoples. Can hunting be managed to conserve biological communities while meeting human needs? Are hunting rates as practiced by tropical forest peoples sustainable? If not, what are the biological, social, and cultural implications of this failure? Answering these questions is ever more important as na...
To address the grand challenges of the 21st century, societies must undergo substantial transformations. Whether the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), set in place by the United Nations as targets to be reached by 2030, can be reached will depend in part on how successfully education strategies empower learners of all ages with the knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes to transform themselves, their communities, and their societies. Educational institutions have critical roles to play in facilitating and supporting these transitions. To fulfill this vision and be transformational, however, education and educational institutions themselves will have to be transformed. Digitalization, N...
Nowadays, the concept of SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) is starting to replace the concept of MDGs (Millennium Developmental Goals). It is a global goal adopted by all United Nations member states. It emphasizes the idea that the development of every country can only be achieved by balancing other factors such as social, economic, and environmental sustainability. It is already clear how sustainable development works with environmental ethics and management. However, there are still issues regarding the sustainable development and human well-being. Sustainable development should focus on finding a way for society to meet their present needs for the long term without sacrificing the abi...
The Covid-19 pandemic has changed our activities, like teaching, researching, and socializing. We are confused because we haven’t experienced before. However, as Earth's smartest inhabitants, we can adapt new ways to survive the pandemic without losing enthusiasm. Therefore, even in pandemic conditions, we can still have scientific discussions, even virtually. The main theme of this symposium is "Reinforcement of the Sustainable Development Goals Post Pandemic" as a part of the masterplan of United Nations for sustainable development goals in 2030. This symposium is attended by 348 presenters from Indonesia, Malaysia, UK, Scotland, Thailand, Taiwan, Tanzania and Timor Leste which published 202 papers. Furthermore, we are delighted to introduce the proceedings of the 2nd Borobudur Symposium Borobudur on Humanities and Social Sciences 2020 (2nd BIS-HSS 2020). We hope our later discussion may result transfer of experiences and research findings from participants to others and from keynote speakers to participants. Also, we hope this event can create further research network.
內容簡介 紅溪河整治的過程與效應是一個還沒有被完整訴說的故事,本書是關於這個河流整治故事的系統性刻畫與分析。在長遠的歷史軌跡中,由於經濟與宗教因素的影響,印尼歷經多次的族群衝突與社會苦難,但在慈濟人無私大愛的付出後,從政府到民間都已孕育出善解與包容的氛圍。這隻海上神鷹或許因此而能夠展翅高飛,英姿再現!紅溪河的整治,不只是一條嚴重污染河流的清理,而是慈濟人合和互協的結果,更是慈悲喜捨啟發大愛循環的見證。
Salah satu dampak euphoria demokrasi adalah penerapan perda-perda syariat yang oleh sebagian masyarakat dinilai sebagai upaya sistematis Islamisasi Indonesia. Buku ini menjelaskan secara jelas betapa perda-perda syariat Islam lebih didominasi oleh interest politik, sebagiannya politik kekuasaan jangka pendek, dan respon sosial atas melemahnya moralitas masyarakat ketimbang mendirikan negara Islam karena selain problematik, secara konseptual juga tidak kondusif dan feasible untuk konteks Indonesia. Dengan bahasa mudah dan argumen yang jernih, buku ini memberikan perspektif yang luas untuk khalayak dan pemerhati politik hukum dan Islam.