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Hamka’s Great Story presents Indonesia through the eyes of an impassioned, popular thinker who believed that Indonesians and Muslims everywhere should embrace the thrilling promises of modern life, and navigate its dangers, with Islam as their compass. Hamka (Haji Abdul Malik Karim Amrullah) was born when Indonesia was still a Dutch colony and came of age as the nation itself was emerging through tumultuous periods of Japanese occupation, revolution, and early independence. He became a prominent author and controversial public figure. In his lifetime of prodigious writing, Hamka advanced Islam as a liberating, enlightened, and hopeful body of beliefs around which the new nation could form ...
The event to provide a scientific forum that will appeal to them -individual scholars, practitioners, policy makers, especially post graduate students to present their experiences, research findings, sharing ideas and experiences. For the nature of the object being discussed is interdisciplinary, the Post-Graduate School (SPS) of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta is called to organize International Colloquium on Interdisciplinary Studies 2019 (ICIIS 2019) with the theme “Moslem Societies and Social Transformation”. In 2019, this event has been held in 7-9 November 2019 in the Post-Graduate School of Syarif Hidayattullah State Islamic University Jakarta. It is the conju...
This book addresses topics relating to religion, education, science, and technology, and explore their role in developing a more inclusive and sustainable future. With discussions viewed through the lenses of religious and Islamic studies, education, psychology, social science, economics, and natural science, the book is interdisciplinary. It also brings together a range of diverse work by academics around the world including Indonesia, Malaysia, the United States, Australia, Kenya, Germany, and the Philippines. The papers are derived from the 5th International Colloquium on Interdisciplinary Islamic Studies (ICIIS 2022), a prestigious event designed to provide a global forum for academician...
We are delighted to introduce the proceedings of the 3rd International Colloquium on Interdisciplinary Islamic Studies. It is annual event hosted and organised by the Graduate School of State Islamic University of Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. It was fully 2 days event 20-21 October 2020 by Virtual (online) mode with 3 keynotes speakers: Prof. Abdel Aziz Moenadil from the University of Ibn Thufail, Maroko, Prof Wael Aly Sayyed from the University of Ain Syams, Cairo, Mesir, and Assoc. Prof. Aria Nakissa, Ph.D. from Harvard University. The proceeding consisted of 41 accepted papers from the total of 81 submission papers. The proceeding consisted of 6 main areas of Interdisciplinary Islamic Stu...
This book is the proceedings of the 4th International Colloquium on Interdisciplinary Islamic Studies (ICIIS), which was held in conjunction with the 1st International Conference on Education, Science, Technology, Indonesian, and Islamic Studies (ICESTIIS) in Jambi, Indonesia, on 20-21 October 2021, using blended platforms, in person and online. The Graduate School of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta and UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin, Jambi jointly organized the conference. This conference brought together academic researchers, business professionals, and graduate students to share their experiences and research findings on a wide variety of topics related to interdisciplinary Islamic studies. The proceedings are comprised of 52 high-quality papers chosen from more than 250 submissions. Islam and medicine, Islamic education, Islamic studies, psychology, the Qur'an and Hadith, and science and technology are the six issues covered in the papers. This publication is made possible by the committed steering and organizing committees who oversaw and organized the conference, as well as the reviewers for their academic contributions and commitment to assessing papers.
KONSEP TANGGUNG JAWAB PENDIDIK DALAM ISLAM PENULIS: Dr. NURHADI, S.Pd.I., S.E.Sy., S.H., M.Sy., MH., M.Pd. dan MUHAMMAD IRHAMUDDIN HARAHAP, M.Pd. Ukuran : 14 x 21 cm ISBN : 978-623-7570-26-4 Terbit : Januari 2020 Sinopsis: Tanggung Jawab Guru dalam Pendidikan Islam menurut Pemikiran Buya HAMKA berdasarkan penjelasan dalam bukunya yakni mendidik: a). Pendidikan keimanan; b). Pendidikan moral (akhlak); c). Pendidikan fisik (jasmani dan rohani); d). Pendidikan sosial kemasyarakatan; e). Pendidikan intelektual. Sedangkan Tanggung jawab Guru dalam Pendidikan Islam menurut Pemikiran Hasan Langgulung setidaknya mencakup 7 hal, yakni: a). Pendidikan keagamaan yang meliputi pendidika...
In northern Sumatra, as in Malaya, colonial rule embraced an extravagant array of sultans, rajas, datuks and uleebalangs. In Malaya the traditional Malay elite served as a barrier to evolutionary change and survived the transition to independence, but in Sumatra a wave of violence and killing wiped out the traditional elite in 1945-46. Anthony Reid's The Blood of the People, now available in a new edition, explores the circumstances of Sumatra's sharp break with the past during what has been labelled its "social revolution." The events in northern Sumatra were among the most dramatic episodes of Indonesia's national revolution, and brought about more profound changes even than in Java, from ...
Bergesernya buadaya masyarakat modern ternyata tidak menyurutkan langkah pendukung poligini untuk mempertahankan ortodoksi produk penafsiran klasik. Sementara sistem masyarakat sudah mengubah wajahnya dari budaya patriafsiran menuju tatanan sosial yang egaliter, corak positivisme fiqih tersebut tetap saja yang mengemuka. Padahal, teks-teks keagamaan klasik seringkali justru dimanfaatkan oleh kelompok oportunis untuk melakukan semacam kejahatan atas nama agama (religion crime). Untuk itu, beberapa cendekiawan muslim kontemporer menawarkan banyak gagasan baru sekitar poligini. Buku ini menyingkap poligini perspektif cendekiawan muslim internasional seperti Muhammad Abduh (Mesir), Muhammad Syah...
Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa terdapat inkonsistensi penyajian wacana dalam buku teks PAI di sekolah dan madrasah, bermuatan toleransi di satu bagian dan bermuatan intoleransi di bagian lain serta terindikasi terinsersi radikalisme. Terdapat bagian dalam buku teks yang hanya menyajikan satu pandangan atas teks keagamaan, eksklusif terhadap perbedaan agama, bias gender dan tidak memperhatikan keragaman etnis dan budaya. Paradigma buku teks pendidikan agama Islam di sekolah dan madrasah dalam konteks lebih pragmatik dengan menyesuaikan perubahan zaman, bukan idealitas. Semakin bertahan dalam idealitas, semakin tidak konsisten. Hasil penelitian ini berupa model penyajian wacana bermuatan in...
Buku ini telah sukses mengungkapkan model pembelajaran bahasa Arab berbasis religiusitas pada orang dewasa sebagai pengembangan dari Bahasa Arab Qurani Yayasan Bina Masyarakat Qurani Jakarta. Selain itu, buku ini juga hadir untuk mereformulasi kurikulum, silabus, dan rencana pembelajaran, mereformulasi buku ajar dan buku pedoman guru Bahasa Arab Qurani (BAQ), dan pendekatan, model, metode, dan teknik/sintaks pembelajaran BAQ. Temuan yang diungkapkan dalam buku ini menunjukkan bahwa model pembelajaran bahasa Arab berbasis religiusitas warga belajar dan prinsip sharaf serap nalar ibadah serta pendekatan komunikatif dan andragogi layak digunakan dan efektif meningkatkan hasil belajar peserta da...