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The Political Economy of Independence in Europe
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 227

The Political Economy of Independence in Europe

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2020-04-15
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  • Publisher: Routledge

This book examines secessionism, separatism, and calls for independence in the European Union in recent history and within an economic context. It contributes to the deeper understanding of factors influencing the individual decision-making processes around secession, using economic analysis to answer a set of simple questions about who the secessionists are, what they really want, what their incentives are, and why it is easier to declare their secessionist tendencies than to vote for secession. This a highly topical theme, given the secessionist referenda in Catalonia, Scotland, Ukraine, Kosovo, and the United Kingdom, and this book offers a unique contribution to the debate. It is based o...

Czech Democracy in Crisis
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 287

Czech Democracy in Crisis

"Democracy theories and comparative political science have been challenged within the last decade by an unexpected democratic deficit and the rise of populism in the new EU-member states. This volume written by German and Czech scholars gives some food for thought for solving these research problems by means of thorough analyses of the polity, the politics and selected policies of the Czech Republic since 1990."Dieter Segert, retired Professor of Political Science (Area Studies on Eastern Europe), University of Vienna, Austria "Czech Democracy in Crisis is a long-overdue comprehensive study of the Czech political system. Using institutional approaches to change, it explores crucial policy ou...

Centrally Planned Economies
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 264

Centrally Planned Economies

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2019-05-14
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  • Publisher: Routledge

Offering a retrospective view of how the system operated in Communist Czechoslovakia, this book is an important voice in the discussion about the systems of central planning. The unique features of the book include in-depth research comprising both archival records and analyses of around 75 interviews conducted with period managers across a wide range of management levels. They provided evidence of pervasive inefficiency resulting in appalling economic outcomes. The book begins with a background to the politico-sociological system in Czechoslovakia and proceeds to describe the Marxist-Leninist ideological foundation of the regime, which underpinned the formal setting of the Czechoslovak mode...

Competitiveness and Economic Development in Europe
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 385

Competitiveness and Economic Development in Europe

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2021-04-11
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  • Publisher: Routledge

The success of an economy to adapt quickly, flexibly, and effectively to the demands of the changing international economic environment can only be investigated using the achievements of other national economies or regions as a benchmark. This book analyzes the fundamental factors of competitiveness, which will, in turn, facilitate economic development and growth, in the new post-crisis environment. In the economic, social, legal, and technological environment that has emerged in recent years, as well as in the period after the recent financial crisis, it is critical to define, assess, and implement new pathways to competitiveness and economic development. The book covers all aspects of comp...

The European Monetary Union After the Crisis
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 317

The European Monetary Union After the Crisis

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2020-06-09
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  • Publisher: Routledge

This book provides a much-needed detailed analysis of the evolution of Europe over the last decade, as well as a discussion about the path of reform that has been trodden in the aftermath of the financial crisis. It offers a multidisciplinary view of the E(M)U and captures the main factors that induced the reform of the monetary union – a process that has not been linear and is far from being concluded. The author examines the policy responses designed throughout the development of the crisis and assesses the scale of the crisis in Europe, in comparison to other parts of the world, as well as its prolonged effects both in economic and financial terms. An update on the current ‘state of t...

Empirical Macroeconomics and Statistical Uncertainty
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 121

Empirical Macroeconomics and Statistical Uncertainty

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2020-08-06
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  • Publisher: Routledge

This book addresses one of the most important research activities in empirical macroeconomics. It provides a course of advanced but intuitive methods and tools enabling the spatial and temporal disaggregation of basic macroeconomic variables and the assessment of the statistical uncertainty of the outcomes of disaggregation. The empirical analysis focuses mainly on GDP and its growth in the context of Poland. However, all of the methods discussed can be easily applied to other countries. The approach used in the book views spatial and temporal disaggregation as a special case of the estimation of missing observations (a topic on missing data analysis). The book presents an econometric course...

Economic Transformation in Poland and Ukraine
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 314

Economic Transformation in Poland and Ukraine

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2020-10-07
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  • Publisher: Routledge

When Poland and Ukraine introduced their political, social and economic system reforms at the beginning of the 1990s, both economies were at a similar level of economic development (GDP $9,500 per capita). However, in 2018, Ukrainian GDP per capita had remained at the same levels since 1991, while in Poland, it had increased significantly, to more than $27,000 per capita. This book assesses the reasons for the growing gap between the level of economic development in Ukraine and Poland. It examines the course of events and evaluates the effectiveness of the system transformations, both in the context of the economy, as a whole, and in individual regions (Polish ‘voivodeships’ (provinces) ...

Brexit and the Political Economy of Ireland
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 162

Brexit and the Political Economy of Ireland

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2021-05-03
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  • Publisher: Routledge

The UK’s departure from the EU has profoundly affected the politics and economics of Northern Ireland. Brexit has shattered a political accommodation that was taking shape in the region that involved nationalism and unionism refraining from aggressively pursuing their own objectives or making excessive demands on each other. Economically, it has made the task of building an innovative economy in the region immeasurably more difficult. Without radical change, Northern Ireland is destined to be an economic outhouse of an under-performing UK economy. This book represents the first systematic study of the impact of Brexit on the political and economic future of Northern Ireland and Ireland. It...

Finanční matematika v praxi
  • Language: cs
  • Pages: 168

Finanční matematika v praxi

Kniha se komplexně a prakticky věnuje všem klíčovým oblastem finanční matematiky, používaným při řízení osobních financí a v podnikové sféře. Nejvýraznější změny nového vydání se týkají investic na dluhopisovém trhu, akciovém trhu a operací na měnovém trhu. Autoři reflektují aktuální dění na trzích a vysvětlují jeho důsledky pro investory. Všechna témata finanční matematiky jsou v knize vysvětlena na praktických příkladech a ukázkách. Každá kapitola je navíc doplněna o výukové video, které je volně ke shlédnutí na internetu. Základní výhodou knihy je velká srozumitelnost a praktičnost. Ocení ji každý, kdo chce finanční matematiku používat ve svůj prospěch, ať už v podnikové praxi nebo v osobním životě, například studenti vysokých škol ekonomického zaměření, investoři a pracovníci finančních institucí a podnikové sféry.

Všichni jsme lobbisté
  • Language: cs
  • Pages: 80

Všichni jsme lobbisté

„Cože, lobbista? Čím se tedy skutečně živíte?“ „Lze to vůbec dělat poctivě?“ „A je to legální?” „Poprvé v životě potkávám lobbistu“. Podobně začínala řada autorových rozhovorů s novináři, podnikateli, manažery, studenty, akademiky i dalšími lidmi s jinak širokým rozhledem. Po kratší konverzaci přišel tazatel obvykle na to, že lobbistů vlastně zná mnohem více, a často zjistí, že je jím dokonce i on sám, jen se tak neoznačuje. Někdo lobbuje na své radnici, aby častěji vyvážela popelnice, jiný se angažuje v nějakém spolku, vede stavební firmu, další se zasazuje za obnovu památek ve svém okolí. Všichni jsme nebo můžeme být lobbisty.