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Variously identified as an art, a technology, and a professional prerequisite, forms of shorthand have been in use from Antiquity to the modern day. Far from a niche corner in manuscript studies, shorthand represents an almost global phenomenon that has touched upon many aspects of everyday life and of scholarship. Due to its immediate illegibility, however, and the daunting task of decipherment, shorthand has long been neglected as a research object in its own right. The immense quantity of extant and unread shorthand manuscripts has been downplayed, as has the technology’s place in cultures of learning, religious devotion, court practice, parliamentary procedure, authorial composition, c...
Situating the history of genealogy in the ambit of manuscript studies, this volume explores how handwriting practices influenced the development of genealogies. It shows how lineages used handwritten documents in constructing and presenting their identity both to the outside world and to themselves. Genealogical handwriting is practiced in many manuscript cultures; this volume is the first to juxtapose studies from a wide variety of such cultures, ranging from East Asia, to West and Central Asia, to Europe. As the present contributions discuss in depth, tracing one’s lineage usually required taking note of personal histories, biographies and relationships; the chapters explore the many dif...
Nicht nur in den großen Handelszentren, auch in der Breite des „Hinterlands" konnte man im Zeitalter der Aufklärung dem Fremden und Exotischen begegnen. Die Beiträge des Sammelbandes ergründen systematisch, auf welchen Wegen und in welcher Form Ideen und Wissensbestände aus Übersee in die Dörfer und vermeintlichen Peripherien Europas gelangte und dort weiter zirkulierte. Welche konkreten Medien und Wissensträger waren in der Lage, eine Erfahrung von Globalität im Lokalen zu ermöglichen? Gab es gewisse Erfindungen und Ereignisse, die eine chronologische Entwicklung der Aneignung des Exotischen in der Peripherie erkennbar machen? Erklärtes Ziel des Bandes ist es, die scheinbare Dichotomie von Stadt und Dorf infrage zu stellen und stattdessen die Komplexität der Zirkulation exotischen Wissens aufzufächern. Die Fallbeispiele regen dazu an, sich mit der Geschichte von bislang zu wenig erforschten Orten Europas und ihren globalen Beziehungen zu beschäftigen und über den Ursprung unseres heutigen Verständnisses des Fremden und Exotischen kritisch zu reflektieren.
Die Edition des Selbstzeugnisses Nikolaus Kindlingers (1749-1819) verspricht Historikern der Zeit um 1800 Einblicke, wie sich das "Alte Reich" – eine Welt von Archivaren, Chronisten und Bürokraten – auf institutionelle Veränderungen zuvor ungekannten Ausmaßes einstellte. Einen Großteil seines Lebens versuchte Kindlinger, sich einen bescheidenen Lebensunterhalt zu sichern: Zunächst tat er das als reisender, geschäftstüchtiger Minderbruder, später dann als säkularisierter Rechtsgelehrter, der für den notorisch klagewütigen Reichsadel deren Archivbestände erschloss. Kindlinger war Archivar in einer Region mit sich ändernden Herrschaftsverhältnissen und begeisterter Historiker seines Mönchsordens. Und er wurde ein ebenso begeisterter Sammler und Händler mittelalterlicher Urkunden. Sein autobiographisches Selbstzeugnis, abgefasst gegen Ende seines Lebens, erscheint hier in einer ersten vollständigen Transkription mit einem (historischen) kritischen Apparat sowie einem umfassenden Index.
Head And Horn In Indo-European (Untersuchungen Zur Indogermanischen Sprach Und Kulturwissenschaft/Studies In Indo-European Language & Culture Nf Vol).
Art historians have been facing the challenge - even from before the advent of globalization - of writing for an international audience and translating their own work into a foreign language - whether forced by exile, voluntary migration, or simply in order to reach wider audiences. Migrating Histories of Art aims to study the biographical and academic impact of these self-translations, and how the adoption and processing of foreign-language texts and their corresponding methodologies have been fundamental to the disciplinary discourse of art history. While often creating distinctly "multifaceted" personal biographies and establishing an international disciplinary discourse, self-translation also fosters the creation of instances of linguistic and methodological hegemony.
Social network are nowadays inherent parts of our lives and highly developed communication technique helps us maintain our relationships. But how did it work in the early 19th century, in a time without cell phones and internet? A Chinese Hong Merchant in Canton Trade named Houqua (1769–1843), who lived in isolated Qing China, gives us an outstanding answer. Despite various barriers in cultures, languages, political situations and his identity as a Chinese merchant strictly under control of the Qing government, Houqua established a commercial network across three continents: Asia, North America and Europe. This book will not only uncover his secrets and actions in his Chinese social network especially patronage relationships in traditional Chinese society, but also reconstruct his intercultural network, including his unique and even "modern" friendship with some American traders which lasted almost half a century after Houqua ́s death.
This volume presents a collection of original papers at the intersection of philosophy, the history of science, cultural and theatrical studies. Based on a series of case studies on the 17th century, it contributes to an understanding of the role played by instruments at the interface of science and art. The papers pursue the hypothesis that the development and construction of instruments make a substantive contribution to the opening of new fields of knowledge, the development of new cultural practices, but also to the delineation of particular genres, methods, and disciplines. This perspective leads the authors to reflect anew on what actually defines an instrument and to develop a series ...
The digital revolution fundamentally changed how cultural heritage is created, documented, analyzed, and preserved. The book focuses on this transformation’s impact. How must museums and archives meet the challenges of digitally generated cultures and how does the digital revolution influence traditional object collection, research, and education? How do digital technologies and digital art and culture affect our interaction with images? Leading international experts from various disciplines break new ground. Pioneering interdisciplinary research results collected in this book are relevant to education, curators and archivists in the arts and culture sector and in the digital humanities.
Contrary to modern assumptions, sexual violence and rape were treated as severe crimes in the Middle Ages. This book examines the testimony in medieval and early modern German literature and traces the discourse on both aspects from the twelfth through the sixteenth centuries. Most comments about rape come from male writers, and medieval literature contains numerous examples of rape scenes which are mostly viewed highly critically. Previous studies on this topic have focused on English, French, and Italian literature, whereas here the emphasis rests on German examples.