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This is an open access title available under the terms of a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licence. It is free to read at Oxford Academic and offered as a free PDF download from OUP and selected open access locations. How does governing work today? How does society (mis)handle pressing challenges such as armed violence, cultural difference, ecological degradation, economic restructuring, geopolitical shifts, global pandemics, migration flows, and technological change in ways that are (not) democratic, effective, fair, peaceful, and sustainable? This volume addresses these key questions with reference to the theme of 'polycentrism', i.e. the idea that contemporary governing is dispersed, fluct...
Der Finanzmarkt zieht uns das Geld aus der Tasche. Unfairer Umgang mit Sparvermögen und unserer Altersvorsorge, gigantischer Steuerbetrug und dreiste Immobilienspekulation machen uns das Leben schwer. Eine fehlgesteuerte Finanzindustrie birgt Crashgefahr und schafft immer neue Probleme - bei den globalen Herausforderungen, aber auch im Alltag der Bürger und Verbraucher. Sie ist zu groß, zu mächtig und zu intransparent. Und sie vergiftet das gesellschaftliche Klima. Es ist höchste Zeit für eine Finanzwende, sagt der quer durch alle politischen Lager hoch geschätzte Finanzexperte Gerhard Schick. Neue Regeln und Maßnahmen müssen her und kriminelle Akteure gestoppt werden. Schick zeigt: Eine bürgerfreundliche Finanzwelt ist möglich. »Wer mit Schick redet, trifft auf einen eloquenten und energiegeladenen Aktivisten.« Süddeutsche Zeitung »Niemandem fällt jemand ein, der ähnlich hartnäckig ist wie Schick, bei Freunden und Gegnern gleichermaßen geachtet.« Die Welt »Immer auf Augenhöhe mit dem Ministerium und oft auch darüber.« Ralph Brinkhaus, CDU-Fraktionsvorsitzender
Drivers of Authoritarianism provides a prescient deep-dive into modern threats to pluralism and democracy in times of crisis. Adopting an interdisciplinary approach, this incisive book analyses the social, political, economic and psychological consequences of crises during the first decades of the 21st century, powered by the proliferation of authoritarian regimes and their ideologies as well as authoritarian attitudes.
Treating the everyday as central to the study of regional and international politics, this book reconstructs the last two decades of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, leading up to the 2011 events that sanctioned its fall. It provides a unique and vivid look into the political dynamics that characterized the everyday lives of Libyans, offering a compelling counterargument to those who insist on framing the history of the country as a stateless, authoritarian, and rogue state. Based on the collection of oral histories, what sets the tempo of this journey is an extensive collection of personal anecdotes, moods and emotions, popular jokes and rumors. In weaving the threads that link these quotidian lives to Libya’s interaction with wider international and geopolitical dynamics, the book offers a unique and timely analysis of the 2011 events that witnessed the fall of the regime reaching the current state of violence, war, and hope.
Corruption has long been identified as a governance challenge, yet it took states until the 1990s to adopt binding agreements combating it. While the rapid spread of anti-corruption treaties appears to mark a global consensus, a closer look reveals that not all regional and international organizations move on similar trajectories. This book seeks to explain similarities and differences between international anti-corruption agreements. In this volume Lohaus develops a comprehensive analytical framework to compare international agreements in the areas of prevention, criminalization, jurisdiction, domestic enforcement and international cooperation. Outcomes range from narrow enforcement coopera...
Billions of dollars stolen from citizens are circling the globe, enriching powerful individuals, altering political outcomes, and disadvantaging everyday people. News headlines provide glimpses of how this corruption works and why it matters: President Trump's businesses struck deals with oligarchs and sold property to secretive shell companies; the Panama Papers leak triggered investigations in 79 countries; and, corruption scandals toppled heads of state in Brazil, South Africa, and South Korea. But how do these pieces fit together? And if the corruption is so vast and so tied up with powerful interests, how do we begin to fight back? To find answers, Crude Intentions examines the corrupti...
Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) revolutioniert die Geschäftswelt und bietet Unternehmen vielfältige Vorteile. Unternehmen setzen KI in verschiedensten Bereichen ein, um ihre Effizienz zu steigern und neue Möglichkeiten zu erschließen. In der Produktion ermöglicht KI durch präzise Vorhersagen und Automatisierung die Optimierung von Prozessen. Im Kundenservice revolutionieren Chatbots und Sprachassistenten die Interaktion mit Kunden, auch in der Wirtschaftsprüfung kann KI zum Einsatz kommen. Ein aktuell großes Anwendungsfeld ist die Entscheidungsunterstützung und -findung. KI-Systeme sind in der Lage in Sekundenschnelle große Datenmengen zu analysieren und daraus wertvolle Erkenntnisse ...
'A must-read' – New Scientist The gripping, behind-the scenes story of one of the most sophisticated surveillance weapons ever created – and an existential threat to democracy and human rights. 'Absorbing . . . a celebration of journalism' – The Guardian Pegasus is widely regarded as the most powerful cyber-surveillance system on the market – available to any government that can afford its multimillion-dollar price tag. The system’s creator, the NSO group, a private corporation headquartered in Israel, boasts about its ability to thwart terrorists and criminals. But the Pegasus system doesn’t only catch terrorists and criminals. Pegasus has been used by repressive regimes to spy ...
Cum am găsit miliardele ascunse ale unor premieri, dictatori, funcționari FIFA, șefi de concerne și magnați – și banii secreți din cercul intimilor lui Putin „Inegalitatea de venituri este una dintre problemele definitorii ale vremurilor noastre. Ne afectează pe toți, din lumea întreagă. Dezbaterea despre accelerarea sa bruscă s-a dezlănțuit de mulți ani, iar politicienii, oamenii de știință și activiștii sunt neputincioși în a opri acest fenomen, în ciuda numeroaselor discursuri, a analizelor statistice, a câtorva proteste firave și a dezvăluirilor ocazionale. Totuși, o întrebare rămâne: de ce? Și de ce acum? Documentele Panama furnizează un răspuns conv...