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One of the first to provide a socio-legal comparative history of under-studied or ignored Jewish attempts in the 1930s "Anglosphere" to counter the rise in fascist and Nazi antisemitism, this book examines the ways in which Jewish individuals and organized communal bodies in the mid-to-late 1930s sought to counter this increasing antisemitic violence, physical and verbal, by using the law against their fascist and Nazi attackers. This is the first study to explore how Jews in these countries organized themselves, brought their oppressors to court, while seeking to convince their governments that an attack on Jews was a threat to the social order. The book analyzes the networks of knowledge a...
From Finding to Making offers the first detailed discussion of the relationship between Marxism and pragmatism. These two philosophies of praxis are not incompatible, and an analysis of their relation helps one to better understand both. Establishing a transatlantic theoretical dialogue, this book discusses similarities and differences between these philosophies. It is an interdisciplinary study that brings together philosophy, American and European intellectual history, and literary studies. Schulenberg’s book shows that if we seek to continue the unfinished project of establishing a genuinely postmetaphysical culture, the attempt to elucidate the dialectics of Marxism and pragmatism is a good starting point. The book offers detailed discussions of Sidney Hook, Georg Lukács, Theodor W. Adorno, Fredric Jameson, W.E.B. Du Bois, John Dewey, Richard Rorty, and Jacques Rancière.
Aside from the prominent perpetrators such as Adolf Eichmann, Josef Mengele or Klaus Barbie, there were numerous other cases of Nazis and Nazi sympathizers from Germany and Austria who ended up in Latin America after 1945. Their life trajectories, professional activities, and contacts to local elites in their new homes have hardly been subject to systematic research to date. Their new lives in Latin America, their careers e.g. as diplomats, secret service agents or scientists are therefore a main focus of this volume. The biographies of these people and their networks are woven into the larger political, social, and scientific contexts of postwar Europe and Latin America, especially in the early Cold War period.
Georg Lukács (1885-1971) was one of the most original Marxist philosophers and literary critics of the twentieth century. His work was a major influence on what we now know as critical theory. Almost fifty years after his death, Lukács’s legacy has come under attack by right-wing extremists in his native Hungary. Despite efforts to erase his memory, Lukács remains a philosophical gadfly. In Confronting Reification, an international team of fourteen scholars explicate, reassess, and apply one of Lukács’s most significant philosophical contributions, his theory of reification. Based on papers presented at the 2017 Legacy of Georg Lukács conference held in Budapest, the essays in this volume demonstrate the vitality of Lukács’s thought and its relevance. Contributors include: Rüdiger Dannemann, Frank Engster, Andrew Feenberg, Joseph Grim Feinberg, Andraž Jež, Christian Lotz, Csaba Olay, Tom Rockmore, Gregory R. Smulewicz-Zucker, Mariana Teixeira, Michael J. Thompson, Tivadar Vervoort, Richard Westerman, and Sean Winkler.
Krisen offenbaren die Fragilität der Ordnung und fordern die Macht heraus. Wie gehen autoritäre Regime mit ihnen um? Welche Stärken und Schwächen zeigen sie in der Krisenbewältigung, verglichen mit demokratischen Ordnungen? Wie lässt sich ihre Anpassungsfähigkeit und Persistenz erklären? Die Beiträge dieses Bandes verbinden die Sichtweisen von Politikwissenschaft, Geschichte, Literaturwissenschaft, Soziologie und Regionalwissenschaften auf gegenwärtige und untergegangene Regime in Afrika, Ost- und Zentralasien, Ost- und Westeuropa und Lateinamerika. Die Fallstudien beleuchten die Verdichtung autoritärer Herrschaft in der Krise, die meist zwei konträre Ziele verfolgt: die Stabilität zu erhalten und die eigene Herrschaft zu erneuern.
To this day, there persists a widespread assumption that Adorno’s references to Marx – and especially to Marx’s critique of political economy – represent a relic from an early and short-lived stage of Adorno’s theoretical development. On the basis of relevant and largely unpublished textual sources, this book refutes this thesis while showing that the centre of Adorno’s critical theory of society is occupied by a critique not only of political economy, but of economy in general.
The German lacuna in Edward Said’s 'Orientalism' has produced varied studies of German cultural and academic Orientalisms. So far the domains of German politics and scholarship have not been conflated to probe the central power/knowledge nexus of Said’s argument. Seeking to fill this gap, the diplomatic career and scholarly-literary productions of the centrally placed Friedrich Rosen serve as a focal point to investigate how politics influenced knowledge generated about the “Orient” and charts the roles knowledge played in political decision-making regarding extra-European regions. This is pursued through analyses of Germans in British imperialist contexts, cultures of lowly diplomat...
Subjektverständnisse im linken und alternativen Milieu von den 1960er Jahren bis in die 1990er Jahre. Eine wichtige zeithistorische Frage lautet, welche Entwicklungen seit den 1970er Jahren unsere Gegenwart im Sinne einer "Vorgeschichte"beeinflussen. Häufig wird dabei auf einen sozialgeschichtlichen Prozess der Individualisierung als Herauslösung aus sozialmoralischen Milieus verwiesen, aber auch auf neue Subjektverständnisse. Die Neue Linke und Neue Soziale Bewegungen stehen im letzten Drittel des 20. Jahrhunderts beispielhaft für den Versuch, ein neues "Wir" zu bilden. Sie bildeten aber auch ein Experimentierfeld für neue, subjektiv geprägte Lebensformen. Im Band wird nach Wandlunge...
Mit Beiträgen von Florian Markl, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Miriam Mettler, Markus Bitterolf, Thorsten Fuchshuber, Gerhard Scheit, H. v. Z., Manfred Dahlmann, Gerhard Scheit, Robert Hullot-Kentor, Niklas Lämmel, Christian Thalmaier, Kay Schweigmann-Greve, Christoph Hesse, Renate Göllner, Vladimir Ze’ev Jabotinsky und Moses Hess.