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This book is one of the first to focus on Medieval and Early Modern state formation on the north-eastern periphery of Europe. Researchers have traditionally perceived an East-West conflict between Sweden and Novgorod concerning the late medieval colonization of the northern forest areas, but it seems that the East Fennoscandian boreal forest zone was not an unpopulated area at that time, but was a landscape inhabited by heterogeneous hunting and fishing populations and possessing another kind of culture. The ways of life of these populations can be observed by coordinating various bodies of palaeoecological, palaeobotanic, genetic, meteorological, folkloristic, philological and archaeologica...
"'The Challenges of Modernity For Reindeer Management' (RENMAN) was a 36-month research and development project funded under the EU's 5th Framework Programme from February 2001 to January 2004. More than 35 scientists and students in the natural, physical and social sciences participated, coming from nine partner institutes in five countries, in addition to the active participation of many reindeer herders in northern Sweden, Norway, Finland and northwest Russia (Murmansk region). This report summarizes the findings from the 10 workpackages that encompassed the main research tasks. The main goals have been to develop a participatory model of research that involves herders directly in the research process and values their knowledge alongside that of traditional scientists working in the field and in the laboratory. In this way the project has developed scenarios and management proposals concerning the future of reindeer management in northernmost Europe"--Page 4 of cover
This book constitutes the proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security held in Vienna, Austria in September 2010.
This book focuses on novel design and systems engineering approaches, including theories and best practices, for promoting a better integration of people and engineering systems. It covers a range of hot topics related to: development of human-centered systems; interface design and human-computer interaction; usability and user experience; emergent properties of human behavior; innovative materials in manufacturing, biomechanics, and sports medicine, safety engineering and systems complexity business analytics, design and technology and many more. The book, which gathers selected papers presented at the 2nd International Conference on Human Systems Engineering and Design: Future Trends and Applications (IHSED 2019), held on September 16-18, 2019, at Universität der Bundeswehr München, Munich, Germany, provides researchers, practitioners and program managers with a snapshot of the state-of-the-art and current challenges in the field of human systems engineering and design.
Examines social, cognitive, and ecological processes that underlie patterns and strategies of group travel. Chapters discuss how factors such as group size, resource distribution, and costs of travel affect individual and group exploitation of the environment. Most chapters focus on field studies of human and nonhuman primate groups, from squirrel monkeys to Turkana pastoralists. Chapters on other species provide a broad taxonomic perspective. Copyright © Libri GmbH. All rights reserved.
MITEN SAADA TYÖTTÖMYYS TUOTTAMAAN? Työttömyys liittyy globalisaatioon ja vapaaseen hintakilpailuun, mutta arvoja luodaan myös palkatun työn ja yritysten ulkopuolella. Niinpä työttömiä ei pitäisi lannistaa vaan kannustaa omatoimisuuteen, esimerkiksi opiskeluun ja henkisten arvojen tuotantoon. Perustulojärjestelmän lisäksi kirjassa pohditaan, miten pärjätä työn ja opiskelun käänteissä. Kirjoittajan mukaan työnantajien ja -tekijöiden edut voivat toteutua vain kansallisen edun tunnustamisen kautta. ”Työttömän kuolema” on kirja poliitikkojen ja yrityskonsulttien ilosanomaan kyllästyneille. Sen lähtökohtana on työelämän filosofinen arvoanalyysi ja lopputuloksena ihmisten onnellisuuteen tähtäävän järjen etsintäkuulutus. ”Työttömän kuolema on filosofiseksi opukseksi selkeästi, sujuvasti ja provosoivastikin kirjoitettu, ja sitä voi suositella niin työntekijöille kuin työnantajillekin.” Pekka Wahlstedt, Helsingin Sanomat 5.6.2005 Filosofian tohtori Jukka Hankamäen suositusta teoksesta on nyt saatavilla kolmas, ajantasaistettu painos.
Rikoksia ja rakkautta pienellä trooppisella saarella keskellä valtamerta. Keskeisiä henkilöitä ovat taidemaalari Viktor, joka ammutaan, rantatyttö Kristiina, kertojan asuinkumppani, ilotyttö Cecilia, johon kertoja rakastuu, baarimikko Francis, joka oppii kiroilemaan suomeksi ennen kuolemaansa ja kyyninen lehtimies Philip Jordan. Heidän lisäkseen saarelle on eksynyt viisihenkinen suomalaisyhteisö, jota kertoja tarkkailee ja jonka toimiin hän joutuu myös sattumalta osallistumaan. Kertoja muistelee saarella viettämäänsä lumottua kesää, jonka oudot tapahtumat ja omituiset ihmiset hän yrittää muistellessaan panna järjestykseen. Saari meren rannalla on jännittävä rikostarina ja samalla taidokas ihmissuhderomaani, jossa paratiisisaaren riehakas nauru muuttuu itkuksi ja taikavuori tuonelaksi.
Derived from the renowned multi-volume International Encyclopaedia of Laws, this book provides ready access to legislation and practice concerning the environment in Finland. A general introduction covers geographic considerations, political, social and cultural aspects of environmental study, the sources and principles of environmental law, environmental legislation, and the role of public authorities. The main body of the book deals first with laws aimed directly at protecting the environment from pollution in specific areas such as air, water, waste, soil, noise, and radiation. Then, a section on nature and conservation management covers protection of natural and cultural resources such a...