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The construction of early Christian identity was a dynamic process in which social boundaries were drawn but also transcended. The source documents of Christianity bear witness to the process and dynamics involved in the construction of insiders and outsiders - determining who is to be included and who excluded. In the super-diverse and super-mobile time in which we live, identity boundaries are often drawn. This volume explores not only New Testament and Early Christian texts to investigate these dynamics, but also how contemporary ideology can shape the reading of scripture to exclude or include others.
Jan-Olav Henriksen investigates the close relationship between God and human beings via an understanding of religion as clusters of practices that relate humans to ultimacy by different types of representation. Christian religion articulates its belief in God as creator (manifest in the power to be) and redeemer (represented in the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. Christ thus is the primary representation of God as the ultimate reality of love. He is also the true image of God, and the model for how humans are also called to represent God in love. The human features of desire and vulnerability, as these express elements that shape, form, and articulate challenges for human life, present humans with the need for orienting themselves, and for different types of transformation. Christian religion articulates a specific mode of how to cope with these challenges presented by desire and vulnerability: by living in love. Against this backdrop, Henriksen argues that neither how one understands religion, God, nor how to live a life that relates to ultimacy, can be tasks fulfilled as long as history goes on.
This book contains several scientific and professional contributions of the 13th Conference of the European Council on Pastoral Care and Counselling, a network of organizations and individuals in the practice, teaching or supervising of pastoral care and counselling in Europe.
What has been the role and understanding of religion in the last hundred years, and what can be the meaning of religion today? There is a well-known ongoing process of secularization in the Western world. Is there also a return of religion? And what does the fate of religion mean for an understanding of the Christian faith? These are topics of this book. The articles originate from the actual fields of research of an interdisciplinary group of scholars, who took part in a symposium held in Bergen Nov. 2019. The contributions relate to specific contexts in the modern history of religion from the perspective of religious studies, theology, philosophy and sociology. The editors are Hans Bringeland, Assoc. Prof., and Arve Brunvoll, Prof. emer., both teachers of theology and philosophy at NLA University College, Bergen, Norway.
Although there has not been war in Swedish territory for many years, this does not mean that the country has no veterans who have experienced the challenges of war zone deployments or suffer from combat trauma. The Invisible Wounded Warriors in a Nation at Peace gives a rare look at the international operations of the Swedish military, while offering the reader a unique and deeper understanding of life with PTSD. The book uses terms such as moral injury to further describe the complexity. Complex PTSD after deployment in a conflict zone is a uniquely complicated web of problems that can have medical, psychological, moral, existential and spiritual dimensions. The book discusses what this might mean from an identity and pastoral care perspective.
This monograph studies opera as music drama, guided by four ideas: opera as an ambiance (setting an acoustic stage where dramatic action becomes possible), as a Gesamtkunstwerk (incorporating other arts forms into a coherent whole), as archaeology (revivifying lost worlds of experience) and as a dialectical syllogism (resulting in the negation of a paralysing negation via a dramatic act). We focus on Richard Wagner, as composer and author, but also address other music dramas (by Giacomo Puccini and John Adams), adopting a Hegelian dialectical perspective, but involving other dialectical thinkers (e.g., Marx and Engels) as well.
Talk about God is often the source of controversy. Theists and atheists are equally passionate when making their stand for or against belief in God. In this book, a wide range of philosophers of religion have come together to discuss how serious talk about God ought to be conducted for theists and atheists alike in what should be their common pursuit for truth. The essays both address methodological questions and provide a range of concrete samples of serious God-talk, spanning from political, religion, and classical proofs of God's existence to the problem of evil. (Series: Nordic Studies in Theology / Nordische Studien zur Atheism, Vol. 4) [Subject: Religious Studies]Ã?Â?Ã?Â?
This book explores the total resistance to Nazism among the Catholic Christian voters of the Zentrum party in the elections in German states in the Interwar period. Kolden explains the unique Catholic resistance by comparing the diverging evolutions of Catholic and Protestant cultures and mentalities since the awakening of German nationalism in the late eighteenth century. During the Empire (1871–1918) both socialists and Catholics were regarded as pariah groups by the dominant non-socialist Protestant majority, and more so after the WWI defeat, when the pariah-parties, together with Protestant liberals, tried to accommodate the new democratic circumstances with their Weimar Constitution. ...
The modern world is in crisis, a double crisis, as it were: at the factual level, with various challenges that tend to interact and reinforce each other; and at the epistemic level, where no single science or expertise alone can grasp the complexity of what is going on. In this publication, such basic epistemic challenges are addressed, critically and constructively; and in this perspective, four current cases are discussed and assessed, such as the United Nations Agenda 2030 for sustainable development. On this background, some proposals for epistemic and institutional improvements are considered.
This longitudinal study follows nineteen Swedish service members as they transition from military to civilian life, and grapple with their own questions of losing profound military identities, communities, meaning and purpose in life, in addition to exploring alternate cultural identities. The findings present existential, implicit religious and spiritual ways of reconsidering the uniform through new and/or preexisting identities. Dissertation. (Series: Religion and Biography / Religion und Biographie, Vol. 25) [Subject: Religious Studies, Swedish Studies, Military Studies]