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The history of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Europe has always been one of persecution. This third volume documents this history, turning eastward. For the first time, the circumstances of a religious minority under different political systems can be compared across the continent. The studies gathered here provide insight into the methods of repression used by governments and mainstream churches, the survival strategies of Jehovah’s Witnesses, and their various experiences under Eastern European dictatorships. The initially cordial relationship with Jehovah’s Witnesses that developed after 1990 has steadily reverted to religious discrimination, culminating in Russia’s renewed ban of Jehovah...
Meeting the needs of patients while minimizing blood transfusions requires special expertise, precise monitoring and innovative techniques. This cutting-edge resource covers all the important clinical aspects of transfusion medicine in diverse clinical settings, with a special emphasis on alternatives to transfusion. Edited by a multidisciplinary team consisting of a transfusion specialist, an anesthesiologist and an intensive care specialist this book is endorsed by the Network for Advancement of Transfusion Alternatives. The contributors review the appropriate use of fluids and of blood products, and describe the latest treatment options available to decrease the need for allogeneic blood products including: Argon beam Cell saver Harmonic scalpel Normovolemic haemodilution Synthetic erythropoietin Antifibrinolytics Recombinant factor VIIa Advanced monitoring of hemostasis Intravenous iron The new edition is a key reference source for all those involved in the practice of blood management and conservation.
Progress in medicine has traditionally relied heavily on classical research pathways involving randomized clinical trials (RCTs) to establish reliable evidence for any given therapeutic intervention. However, not only are RCTs lengthy and expensive, they have a number of other disadvantages, including the fact that they are currently failing to keep pace with the number of potential innovative treatment options being developed, particularly in areas such as rare diseases. With the vast amount of data increasingly available for use in profiling patient characteristics and establishing correlations between outcomes and potential predictors, predictive modeling may offer a potential solution to...
Restrictions with respect to religious freedom have been in place in authoritarian states for a number of years. We can observe a new period of co-operation between authoritarian states and "state" churches. Some churches have assumed a clearly political position, even in belligerent conflicts, by justifying wars, criminalizing their religious competitors and, thereby, exploiting the Christian Gospel for non-Christian purposes. In this volume, scholars from Europe and North America discuss the core objective of religious freedom in the West and East seeking measures to encourage religions to act and interact, independent of deliberate political stances - to maintain their distance from territorial governments and to strengthen the principle of religious freedom and, thereby, their own denomination as well.
Traditionally, medicine has involved therapies chosen according to clinical guidelines, often arrived at through clinical trials which categorized patients into patient groups. Such clinical guidelines would dictate that all patients within a specific group should be treated in exactly the same way. More recently, the paradigm has shifted towards personalized medicine, and in future, individual treatment plans will depend more on the specific characteristics of individual patients, including genomic data. This book presents the proceedings of the 9th scientific eHealth conference, the eHealth Summit Austria, held in Vienna, Austria, in June 2015. Among the main topics addressed at the confer...
Make informed clinical decisions with reliable, up-to-date guidance from Evidence-Based Practice of Anesthesia, 3rd Edition! Leading authority Lee A. Fleisher, MD expertly explores the full range of important issues in perioperative management, discussing the available options, examining the relevant research, and presenting practical recommendations. Consult this title on your favorite e-reader with intuitive search tools and adjustable font sizes. Elsevier eBooks provide instant portable access to your entire library, no matter what device you're using or where you're located. Make sound, evidence-based decisions on every aspect of patient care: preoperative assessment, monitoring and admi...
Much has been published on heart health, kidney health, and gut health. But how many of us are aware of our blood health? Is your blood as healthy as it should be? How would you even know? Blood Works is a fascinating new blood owners’ guide to help you care for the health of your most precious fluid—your blood. About 2 billion people globally are anemic, and almost as many suffer from iron deficiency without anemia. Many don’t even know they have it, just feeling tired, lethargic, and “foggy-headed.” Sound familiar? Over 600 million more suffer from acute or sometimes unrecognized chronic blood loss from causes such as heavy menstrual bleeding, obstetric hemorrhage, gastrointestin...
Vor dem Hintergrund der Tatsache, dass schwere Krisen in vielen Teilen der Welt die Menschen beschäftigen, drohen Probleme religiöser Minderheiten im Westen zunehmend in den Hintergrund zu treten. Dies ist umso mehr dort der Fall, wo in demokratischen Rechtsstaaten die Religionsfreiheit in den Verfassungen garantiert ist. In diesem Heft möchten wir spezifische Probleme kleiner Religionsgemeinschaften in Belgien und Deutschland erörtern. In view of the fact that people are preoccupied with serious crises across many parts of the world, the problems facing religious minorities in the West are increasingly in danger of being pushed into the background. This is all the more true in places such as democratic constitutional states where religious freedom is guaranteed in the constitution. This issue would like to contribute to the discussion of specific problems for small religious communities in Belgium and Germany.
Transfusionsmedizin - Sicherheit gewinnen, Risiken minimieren, richtig reagieren Nahezu in jedem klinischen Fachgebiet werden Blutprodukte angewendet. Herstellung und Anwendung von Blutprodukten (Hämotherapie) erfordern spezielle Fachkenntnisse und unterliegen komplexen rechtlichen Vorgaben. Dennoch kommt das interdisziplinäre Fach Transfusionmedizin in der ärztlichen Ausbildung bisher deutlich zu kurz. Umso wichtiger ist es für alle Ärzte, insbesondere für die nach dem Transfusionsgesetz geforderten Transfusionsbeauftragten, Transfusionsverantwortlichen und Qualitätsbeauftragten, sich das nötige Wissen anzueignen. Mit diesem Kurzlehrbuch möchten die Autoren - alle ausgewiesene Expe...