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Was hat die "Tropenmedizin" im "Globalen Norden" zu suchen? Was kann eine Universität, ein "Tropeninstitut", im "Globalen Norden" zur Verbesserung der Gesundheitssituation im "Globalen Süden" beitragen? Die Antwort: "Tropenmedizin" muss sich zu "Globaler Medizin" hin entwickeln. Das heutige Heidelberg Institute of Global Health an der Universität Heidelberg ist diesen Weg von seinen Anfängen als Institut für Tropenhygiene 1962 bis heute konsequent gegangen. Hans Jochen Diesfeld hat diesen Weg aktiv gestaltet und begleitet. Er zeichnet ihn in diesem Band nach und zeigt dabei die verschiedenen Einflussfaktoren und Herausforderungen auf. Er erweist damit all denen Referenz, die über vier akademische Generationen hinweg dazu beigetragen haben.
This collection brings together three generations of medical anthropologists working at European universities to reflect on past, current and future directions of the field. Medical anthropology emerged on an international playing ground, and while other recently compiled anthologies emphasize North American developments, this volume highlights substantial ethnographic and theoretical studies undertaken in Europe. The first four chapters trace the beginnings of medical anthropology back into the two formative decades between the 1950s-1970s in Italy, German-speaking Europe, the Netherlands, France and the UK, supported by four brief vignettes on current developments. Three core themes that e...
Researchers studying the health of migrants frequently use standard quantitative instruments to assess psychological constructs. Such instruments are often validated only in the respective source population of migrants. For example, when studying Turkish migrants in Germany, instruments validated in Turkey are applied. However, considerable differences in culture and language may have developed between migrants and their source population. These differences limit the validity and reliability of quantitative instruments, a problem that is often overlooked. Using the example of the Revised Illness Perception Questionnaire (IPQ-R), the authors demonstrate that instruments known to be valid and reliable in source populations may lead to biased results when applied to migrant populations.
For over 30 years I have been engaged as a parasitolo nitz, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, was arranged in the pres gist in research on endemic diseases in our land. However, ence of Professor Jusatz. lt was indeed a great honor for I have been somewhat dissatisfied within my heart of me, but I also felt a very heavy responsibility; how to set hearts from the point of view of a medical person. Most of up the scheme, how to collect the materials, how to di gest, analyze and compile them in accordance with the us, myself included, handle disease sectionally, not com prehensively. Clinicians pay more attention to finding ef original goals. I frankly confess to realizing how limited fective drugs,...
The process of health care reforms must be based on demographic, epidemiological and economic evidence if it is to achieve the fundamental target of affordable, sustainable and efficient health care services for the entire population. Consequently, costing of health care services has become a frequently used element of health care reforms. This book presents the essentials of costing in a health economic framework and gives examples from successful costing studies done by the author in Tanzania, Vietnam and Burkina Faso. Based on these examples it demonstrates the importance of costing information for the planning and decision-making process in the field of budgeting, resource allocation, setting an insurance premium and strategic planning. The main message of this book is that costing of health care services is a valuable instrument in the fight for better 'health for all'.
First multi-year cumulation covers six years: 1965-70.
Der Rückgang der Kindersterblichkeit in Entwicklungsländern blieb in über 40 Jahren der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit hinter den Erwartungen zurück: Immer noch sterben weltweit jedes Jahr zehn Millionen Kinder unter fünf Jahren. Nur mit neuen Interventionskonzepten lässt sich diese Zahl senken. Dazu gehören vor allem Verbesserungen in der Geburtshilfe und der Versorgung von Neugeborenen. Rund die Hälfte der Todesfälle im ersten Lebensjahr konzentriert sich auf die Minuten und Tage nach der Geburt. Die an Mutter und Kind gerichteten Gesundheitsleistungen müssen integriert werden, um von der Schwangerenvorsorge bis ins Wochenbett den Bedürfnissen von Mutter und Kind besser gerecht zu werden. Eine angemessene Organisation und lokale Anpassung von Sozial- und Gesundheitsdiensten ist dafür Voraussetzung.
First multi-year cumulation covers six years: 1965-70.
What is the fascination that decollation holds for us, as individuals and as a culture? Why does the idea make us laugh and the act make us close our eyes? Losing Our Heads explores in both artistic and cultural contexts the role of the chopped-off head. It asks why the practice of decapitation was once so widespread, why it has diminished—but not, as scenes from contemporary Iraq show, completely disappeared—and why we find it so peculiarly repulsive that we use it as a principal marker to separate ourselves from a more “barbaric”or “primitive” past? Although the topic is grim, Regina Janes’s treatment and conclusions are neither grisly nor gruesome, but continuously instructi...