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At the beginning of the eighteenth century Prussia was but one in a mosaic of German states, but it rose to be the unchallenged leader of German-speaking Europe after the fall of Napoleon. The book goes beyond the political, military and diplomatic concerns of the Prussian elite, whose record of events is the one upon which most histories of Prussia are based, and explains its rise in relation to Prussian society as a whole. Political analysis is integrated with material on such areas as agrarian society, urban life and religion, which are not fully examined in existing histories.
The editors present a collection of 23 historical papers exploring relationships between "the Germans" (necessarily adopting different senses of the term for different periods or different topics) and their immediate neighbors to the East. The eras discussed range from the Middle Ages to European integration. Examples of specific topics addressed include the Teutonic order in the development of the political culture of Northeastern Europe during the Middle ages, Teutonic-Balt relations in the chronicles of the Baltic Crusades, the emergence of Polenliteratur in 18th century Germany, German colonization in the Banat and Transylvania in the 18th century, changing meanings of "German" in Habsburg Central Europe, German military occupation and culture on the Eastern Front in Word War I, interwar Poland and the problem of Polish-speaking Germans, the implementation of Nazi racial policy in occupied Poland, Austro-Czechoslovak relations and the post-war expulsion of the Germans, and narratives of the lost German East in Cold War West Germany.
Conceived as another chapter in the European history of religions (Europäische Religionsgeschichte), this book deals with the intense dynamics of the overlapping political, ethnic, and denominational constellations in Reformation and post-Reformation Transylvania. Navigating along multiple narrative tracks, and attempting to treat the religious history of an entire region over a limited time period in a differentiated, polyfocal way, the book represents a departure from the master narratives of any singularly oriented religious history. At the same time, the present work seeks to contribute to laying the groundwork at the micro- and meso-contextual level of East-Central European confessionalization processes, and to developing interpretive models for these processes in the region.
A study of national identity in Royal Prussia - the 'other Prussia', part of the Polish state from 1454 to 1793.
Deutsche und Polen verbindet eine lange wechselhafte Geschichte. Ihre Erinnerungskulturen sind eng miteinander verwoben und durch Erinnerungsorte verbunden. Dieser Band versammelt zentrale Wegmarken dieser gemeinsamen Vergangenheit und bereitet sie für das historische Lernen auf. Der Band richtete sich an Lehrende aller Schulformen. Die Praxisbeiträge enthalten zahlreiche Unterrichtsvorschläge und -materialien, die sich leicht umsetzen lassen und neue Impulse für die Behandlung des Themas geben. Schülerinnen und Schüler haben so die Gelegenheit, sich mit den geteilten Erinnerungen der beiden europäischen Nachbarn auseinanderzusetzen.
Die langen Schatten der Geschichte liegen bis heute über den politischen Beziehungen zwischen Deutschland und Polen. Entsprechend haben sich Generationen von Berufshistorikern beidseits der Grenze politische Anliegen zu eigen gemacht. Ihr bisweilen dezidiertes Engagement reichte vom Kampf um die Versailler Grenze in der Zwischenkriegszeit bis zum Projekt der deutsch-polnischen Aussöhnung in den Siebzigerjahren. Geschichte als Politik verfolgt den Gegenstand über ein halbes Jahrhundert durch unterschiedlichste politische Konstellationen und deckt dabei erstaunliche Kontinuitäten und Brüche auf. Die Studie versteht sich als politische Geschichte der Geschichtsschreibung, die nicht nur vertiefte Einsichten in die deutsch-polnische Beziehungsgeschichte vermitteln möchte, sondern auch der Frage nach der politischen Bedingtheit und Wirksamkeit von Geschichtsschreibung nachgehen will.
From the award-winning historian of the Holocaust, the first book to move beyond Germany’s singular crime to the collaboration of Europe as a whole. The Holocaust was perpetrated by the Germans, but it would not have been possible without the assistance of thousands of helpers in other countries: state officials, police, and civilians who eagerly supported the genocide. If we are to fully understand how and why the Holocaust happened, Götz Aly argues in this groundbreaking study, we must examine its prehistory throughout Europe. We must look at countries as far-flung as Romania and France, Russia and Greece, where, decades before the Nazis came to power, a deadly combination of envy, comp...