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This book presents the proceedings of the Ada-Europe International Conference, held in Dublin in 1990. The theme was the impact of technical and management issues in the software engineering economics of Ada, as well as technology transfer and training. Papers also assess the impact of Ada in specific projects.
This book is open access under a CC BY 4.0 license. This book is intended primarily for practitioners who are facing the “softwareisation” of their business. It presents the Scaling Management Framework, a model based on collected experiences from companies that have already made the journey to give software a central role within the organization. The model is unique because it suggests a holistic method to analyze and plan your journey. It simply means that you can’t just focus solely on your products or services. You also have to look closely at your processes and your organization, the way you make decisions and get things done. Inevitably, these will have to change. Software has ch...
A brief but comprehensive introduction to the field and pragmatic guidance on the implementation of a sound quality system in the organization. It provides an enhanced knowledge of software inspections, metrics, process involvement, assessment of organization, problem solving, customer satisfaction surveys, the CMM, SPICE, and formal methods. Sample material on software inspections, metrics, and customer satisfaction can be adapted by readers to their respective organizations. In addition, readers will gain a detailed understanding of the principles of software quality management and software process improvement. Concepts can then be readily applied to assist improvement programs within organizations.
Erste Untersuchungen der Halswirbelsäule werden stets mit Hilfe von Röntgenaufnahmen durchgeführt, und in den meisten Fällen genügen diese als Grundlage für die Diagnose. Mißbildungen, Tumoren, und noch öfter Traumata, Rheuma und sogar ganz gewöhnliche Nackenschmerzen erfordern eine radiologische Untersuchung der Wirbelsäule. Die Auswertung jedoch ist schwierig. Nimmt man einen Halswirbel in die Hand, so stellt man fest, um welch komplexes Gebilde es sich hierbei handelt. Bei radiologischen Aufnahmen wird die Auswertung noch durch die sich überlappenden Knochenteile, Anhäufungen und die verschiedenen Blickwinkel erschwert. Das Buch von J.-F. Bonneville und F. Cattin stellt eine o...
Apply software-inspired management concepts to accelerate modern marketing In many ways, modern marketing has more in common with the software profession than it does with classic marketing management. As surprising as that may sound, it's the natural result of the world going digital. Marketing must move faster, adapt more quickly to market feedback, and manage an increasingly complex set of customer experience touchpoints. All of these challenges are shaped by the dynamics of software—from the growing number of technologies in our own organizations to the global forces of the Internet at large. But you can turn that to your advantage. And you don't need to be technical to do it. Hacking ...
Technical and vocational education and training (TVET) research has become a recognized and well-defined area of interdisciplinary research. This is the first handbook of its kind that specifically concentrates on research and research methods in TVET. The book’s sections focus on particular aspects of the field, starting with a presentation of the genesis of TVET research. They further feature research in relation to policy, planning and practice. Various areas of TVET research are covered, including on the vocational disciplines and on TVET systems. Case studies illustrate different approaches to TVET research, and the final section of the book presents research methods, including interview and observation methods, as well as of experimentation and development. This handbook provides a comprehensive coverage of TVET research in an international context, and, with special focus on research and research methods, it is a cutting-edge resource and reference.
In 1941, the Franco regime established the Spanish Division of Volunteers to take part in the Russian campaign as a unit integrated into the German Wehrmacht. Recruited by both the Fascist Party (Falange) and the Spanish army, around 47,000 Spanish volunteers joined what would become known as the "Blue Division." The Spanish Blue Division on the Eastern Front, 1941–1945 explores an intimate history of the Blue Division "from below," using personal war diaries, letters, and memoirs, as well as official documents from military archives in Spain, Germany, Britain, and Russia. In addition to describing the Spanish experience on the Eastern Front, Xosé M. Núñez Seixas takes on controversial topics including the Blue Division’s proximity to the Holocaust and how members of the Blue Division have been remembered and commemorated. Addressing issues such as the behaviour of the Spaniards as occupiers, their perception by the Russians, their witnessing of the Holocaust, their commitment to the war aims of Nazi Germany, and their narratives on the war after 1945, this book illuminates the experience of Spanish combatants and occupied civilians.
Creation Techniques for Software Development and Deployment, Agent-Based Management, Virtual Home Environment, Integrated and Scalable Solutions for Telecommunications Management. This shows that the issues related to communications management, architectures, and service creation are still of great interest, while the virtual home environment is emerging as a new key topic in IS&N. In summary, this book reflects the state of the art in research on IS&N topics, with the focus mentioned above, not only from European Union co-funded projects (mainly in the ACTS programme), but also from research organisations around the globe. February 2000 Jaime Delgado George D. Stamoulis Alvin Mullery Didoe ...
Das Scharren am Ende der Träume ist ein Warnsignal. Oder doch die Erlösung? Seit das Coronavirus im Jahr 2020 die Welt zum Stillstand gebracht hat, folgt eine Pandemie auf die nächste. Persönliche Kontakte existieren kaum mehr, Einkäufe werden von Lieferrobotern gebracht, Ausgänge sind streng geregelt, die Gesundheitspolizei ist allgegenwärtig und infizierte kommen in Quarantänesanatorien. Die gesamte Menschheit steht im Bann des Krieges gegen die Viren, geführt von einer globalen Koalition der Vernunft. Da taucht ein Erreger auf, der die Vernunft zerstört. Moritz Huang hat dieses Virus vorausgesagt und wird dafür als Held gefeiert. Aber er fürchtet, sich damit infiziert zu haben. Plötzlich beginnen sich Zweifel in sein Weltbild zu schleichen. Von der Ärztin Elke Rodrigues, die er über eine Datingplattform kennenlernt, erhofft er sich Klarheit. Sie kommt ihm auf geheimnisvolle Weise bekannt vor und er verliebt sich in sie. Aber ist unter dem Diktat der Vernunft Liebe überhaupt möglich? Ein Roman über vergessene Träume und gesellschaftliche Zwänge.