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Debt as a social relation at the intersection of history and anthropology in the precarious economies of nineteenth-century liberalism
Since the publication of Philippe Ariès’s book, Centuries of Childhood, in the early 1960s, there has been great interest among historians in the history of the family and the household. A central aspect of the debate relates the story of the family to implicit notions of modernization, with the rise of the nuclear family in the West as part of its economic and political success. During the past decade, however, that synthesis has begun to break down. Historians have begun to examine kinship - the way individual families are connected to each other through marriage and descent - finding that during the most dynamic period in European industrial development, class formation, and state reorganization, Europe became a “kinship hot” society. The essays in this volume explore two major transitions in kinship patterns - at the end of the Middle Ages and at the end of the eighteenth century - in an effort to reset the agenda in family history.
The management of industrial heritage sites requires rethinking in the context of urban change, and the issue of how to balance protection, preservation/conservation, and development becomes all the more crucial as industrial heritage sites grow in number. This brings into play new challenges—not only through the known conflicts between monument preservation and contemporary architecture, but also with the increasing demand for economic urban development by reusing the built heritage of former industrial sites. This book explores the conservation and change of industrial heritage sites in transformation, presenting and examining ten European and Asian case studies. The interdisciplinary approach of the book connects a diversity of rationales and discourses, including monument protection, World Heritage conventions, urban regeneration, urban planning and design, architecture, and politics. This is the first book to deepen the understanding of industrial heritage site management as a networked, multi-dimensional task involving diverse social agents and societal discourses.
Since 1882, the Gotthard Railway, with its fifteen-kilometerlong tunnel under the Gotthard Mountains, has provided a crucialinternational link through the Swiss Alps, between North-WesternEurope and Italy. Its symbolic meaning has never sunk into oblivion.In Swiss society today, references to the railway evoke images of atechnological railway project, with allusions to Swiss history, alpinenature, and national identity. Reading this book helps us understandcontemporary discussions about the future of the Gotthard Railway,the region in which it lies, and the Swiss national identity.To illustrate to what extent historical actors co-constructedthe railway and Swiss identity, the book starts wit...
This book comprises the authoritative work from the International Committee for the Conservation of the Industrial Heritage, detailing the latest approaches to and the best practices for the conservation of the global industrial heritage.
In this reference for geologists, 20 contributions from international scientists discuss the analytical, physical, and numerical modeling of tectonic processes. A sampling of topics includes types of transpressional and transtensional deformation, modeling of anisotropic grain growth in minerals, salt tectonics and sedimentation along Atlantic margins, and new apparatus for thermomechanical analogue modeling. The text is accompanied throughout by b&w illustrations. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (
The Waiting Water addresses one of the most recurrent and troubling motifs in German Realist literature—death by drowning. Characters find themselves before bodies of water, presented with the familiar realm above the surface and the unobservable, uncanny domain beneath it. With somber regularity, they then disappear into the depths. Alexander Sorenson explores the role that these hidden deaths in water play within a literary movement that set out precisely to reveal universal truths about human life. The poetics of submergence, he argues, revolve around two concepts fundamental to Poetic Realism—order and sacrifice. Focusing on texts by Adalbert Stifter, Gottfried Keller, Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach, and Theodor Storm, along with material from earlier and later epochs, The Waiting Water shows that the pervasive symbolism of drowning scenes in German Realism, which typically occur in zones of narrative invisibility on the social periphery, reveals the extent to which realist narrative uses the natural environment to work through deeply embedded and hidden tensions that troubled the social and moral life of the age.
Die Industrie als Helvetiens ungeliebte Tochter ist Thema einer Wanderausstellung, die 1998, anlAsslich des 150jAhrigen Bestehens des schweizerischen BundesA-staates, an 16 industriekulturell bedeutsamen Orten der Schweiz gezeigt wird. Die von dem bekannten IndustriearchAologen Dr. Hans-Peter BArtschi realisierte und von der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft fA1/4r Technikgeschichte und Industriekultur (SGTI) unterstA1/4tzte Ausstellung zeichnet in sieben ZeitA-abschnitten sieben industrielle Entwicklungen in der Schweiz nach: 1798 - 1848 Die industrielle Revolution - Textilindustrie und Wasserkraft, 1849 - 1873 Alpentransversalen und Eisenbahnschlachten, 1874 - 1898 VerstAdterung und Tourismusin...