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This Festschrift volume, published in memory of Harald Ganzinger, contains 17 papers from colleagues all over the world and covers all the fields to which Harald Ganzinger dedicated his work during his academic career. The volume begins with a complete account of Harald Ganzinger's work and then turns its focus to the research of his former colleagues, students, and friends who pay tribute to him through their writing. Their individual papers span a broad range of topics, including programming language semantics, analysis and verification, first-order and higher-order theorem proving, unification theory, non-classical logics, reasoning modulo theories, and applications of automated reasoning in biology.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the First International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning, IJCAR 2001, held in Siena, Italy, in June 2001. The 37 research papers and 19 system descriptions presented together with three invited contributions were carefully reviewed and selected from a total of 112 submissions. The book offers topical sections on description, modal, and temporal logics; saturation based theorem proving, applications, and data structures; logic programming and nonmonotonic reasoning; propositional satisfiability and quantified Boolean logic; logical frameworks, higher-order logic, and interactive theorem proving; equational theorem proving and term rewriting; tableau, sequent, and natural deduction calculi and proof theory; automata, specification, verification, and logics of programs; and nonclassical logics.
This volume contains the proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications (RTA2005),whichwasheldonApril19– 21, 2005, at the Nara-Ken New Public Hall in the center of the Nara National Park in Nara, Japan. RTA is the major forum for the presentation of research on all aspects of rewriting.PreviousRTAconferenceswereheldinDijon(1985),Bordeaux(1987), Chapel Hill (1989), Como (1991), Montreal (1993), Kaiserslautern (1995), Rutgers (1996), Sitges (1997), Tsukuba (1998), Trento (1999), Norwich (2000), Utrecht (2001), Copenhagen (2002), Valencia (2003), and Aachen (2004). This year, there were 79 submissions from 20 countries, of which 31 papers were accept...
This volume constitutes the proceedings of the 2nd International Joint C- ference on Automated Reasoning (IJCAR 2004) held July 4–8, 2004 in Cork, Ireland. IJCAR 2004 continued the tradition established at the ?rst IJCAR in Siena,Italyin2001,whichbroughttogetherdi?erentresearchcommunitieswo- ing in automated reasoning. The current IJCAR is the fusion of the following conferences: CADE: The International Conference on Automated Deduction, CALCULEMUS: Symposium on the Integration of Symbolic Computation and Mechanized Reasoning, FroCoS: Workshop on Frontiers of Combining Systems, FTP: The International Workshop on First-Order Theorem Proving, and TABLEAUX: The International Conference on Aut...
This book presents selected tutorial lectures given at the summer school on Multi-Agent Systems and Their Applications held in Prague, Czech Republic, in July 2001 under the sponsorship of ECCAI and Agent Link. The 20 lectures by leading researchers in the field presented in the book give a competent state-of-the-art account of research and development in the field of multi-agent systems and advanced applications. The book offers parts on foundations of MAS; social behaviour, meta-reasoning, and learning; and applications.
The ability to draw inferences is a central operation in any artificial intelligence system. Automated reasoning is therefore among the traditional disciplines in AI. Theory reasoning is about techniques for combining automated reasoning systems with specialized and efficient modules for handling domain knowledge called background reasoners. Connection methods have proved to be a good choice for implementing high-speed automated reasoning systems. They are the starting point in this monograph,in which several theory reasoning versions are defined and related to each other. A major contribution of the book is a new technique of linear completion allowing for the automatic construction of background reasoners from a wide range of axiomatically given theories. The emphasis is on theoretical investigations, but implementation techniques based on Prolog are also covered.
The physics of strongly correlated fermions and bosons in a disordered envi ronment and confined geometries is at the focus of intense experimental and theoretical research efforts. Advances in material technology and in low temper ature techniques during the last few years led to the discoveries of new physical of atomic gases and a possible metal phenomena including Bose condensation insulator transition in two-dimensional high mobility electron structures. Situ ations were the electronic system is so dominated by interactions that the old concepts of a Fermi liquid do not necessarily make a good starting point are now routinely achieved. This is particularly true in the theory of low dime...
This volume contains the papers preesented at the Third International Workshop on Conditional Term Rewriting Systems, held in Pont- -Mousson, France, July 8-10, 1992. Topics covered include conditional rewriting and its applications to programming languages, specification languages, automated deduction, constrained rewriting, typed rewriting, higher-order rewriting, and graph rewriting. The volume contains 40 papers, including four invited talks: Algebraic semantics of rewriting terms and types, by K. Meinke; Generic induction proofs, by P. Padawitz; Conditional term rewriting and first-order theorem proving, by D. Plaisted; and Decidability of finiteness properties (abstract), by L. Pacholski. The first CTRS workshop was held at the University of Paris in 1987 and the second at Concordia University, Montreal, in 1990. Their proceddings are published as Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volumes 308 and 516 respectively.
This is the first book presenting a broad overview of parallelism in constraint-based reasoning formalisms. In recent years, an increasing number of contributions have been made on scaling constraint reasoning thanks to parallel architectures. The goal in this book is to overview these achievements in a concise way, assuming the reader is familiar with the classical, sequential background. It presents work demonstrating the use of multiple resources from single machine multi-core and GPU-based computations to very large scale distributed execution platforms up to 80,000 processing units. The contributions in the book cover the most important and recent contributions in parallel propositional...
For the past 25 years the CADE conference has been the major forum for the presentation of new results in automated deduction. This volume contains the papers and system descriptions selected for the 17th International Conference on Automated Deduction, CADE-17, held June 17-20, 2000,at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (USA). Fifty-three research papers and twenty system descriptions were submitted by researchers from ?fteen countries. Each submission was reviewed by at least three reviewers. Twenty-four research papers and ?fteen system descriptions were accepted. The accepted papers cover a variety of topics related to t- orem proving and its applications such as proof ...