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Literature is a field of study where millions of answers or interpretations are accepted. There is not any single answer which will be stamped as the most correct one. No wonder that a great literary work will not only achieve a single interpretation. Analyzing literature refers to life which is full of various colors. Reading literary works from different countries enables us to learn about different cultures (Herawati & Mulatsih, 2021). Uniqueness is welcomed, and authenticity is appreciated. Our horizon will be broadened. In addition, by analyzing literature, we are required to practice our skills to find something hidden in words. Thus, our creativity and critical thinking skills are improved Literary criticism is a dynamic discipline which is interesting to learn. It evolves cultural contexts, diverse perspectives, and methodologies. This text book, "Approaches to Literary Criticism," aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the major schools of thought and critical frameworks that have influenced our understanding of literature. Written in simple sentences, this book is suitable for beginners who try to write an essay that includes a literary approach.
We've always lived on a dangerous planet, but its disasters aren't what they used to be. How the World Breaks gives us a breathtaking new view of crisis and recovery on the unstable landscapes of the Earth's hazard zones. Father and son authors Stan and Paul Cox take us to the explosive fire fronts of overheated Australia, the future lost city of Miami, the fights over whether and how to fortify New York City in the wake of Sandy, the Indonesian mud volcano triggered by natural gas drilling, and other communities that are reimagining their lives after quakes, superstorms, tornadoes, and landslides. In the very decade when we should be rushing to heal the atmosphere and address the enormous i...
This volume focuses on computer- and digitally-assisted language learning in all of its forms: technology-enhanced language learning, network-based language learning, mobile-assisted language learning and so on, in close relation to the topic of sustainability. How can these technologies and techniques be implemented in a sustainable and repeatable way? The book covers a wide range of areas in terms of this "sustainability". These include: (1) education (teacher/learner training) (2) normalisation (integration) (3) systems (reliability, support, development) (4) mobility (mobile-assisted language leaning) (5) innovation (trends, research) The volume samples research and practice in CALL from around the world, organised into sections. It has an introduction and a conclusion written by the editors (Ana Gimeno, Mike Levy, Françoise Blin and David Barr) which covers the state of the art at the moment and directions it is likely to take in the future.
Named after Lapindo Brantas, a gas exploration company that was drilling at the eruption site, the Lapindo mudflow initially burst in 2006 and continues to flow today, becoming the most expensive disaster in Indonesia’s history. Using this environmental incident in Indonesia as a case study, this book explores representations of disaster in scientific reports, public discourse, literature, and other cultural forms, observing the impact of these portrayals on the ways people both understand and respond to complicated environmental disasters. The author argues that power is expressed and contested in every representation of a disaster and its stakeholders. This book develops terminologies and perspectives that not only probe the social and ecological conditions that make disaster possible but also foster more effective and equitable strategies for adapting to a world fraught with hazards. Interdisciplinary in nature, this book makes a significant contribution to the fields of green cultural studies, disaster studies, science and technology studies and studies of political ecology in Southeast Asia.
""" Edisi Seri “Kecap Dapur” mengungkap tuntas cerita di balik berita majalah Tempo selama 40 tahun berdiri (1971-2011). Apa itu “Azas Djurnalisme”, dan kriteria berita “layak Tempo”? Bagaimana keduanya dijalankan dan bertahan selama puluhan tahun? Itu semua dikupas dengan lugas, jernih, namun tetap hangat dalam buku ini. Selain bertujuan untuk mendekatkan diri ke pembaca, seri ini juga menunjukkan kepada publik praktik jurnalistik Tempo: berupaya tidak didaulat oleh kekuasaan dan uang, melainkan “niat baik, sikap adil, dan akal sehat”."""
Usaha peternakan itik petelur saat ini banyak dijalankan secara intensif. Dengan tujuan efisiensi usaha, memudahkan pemeliharaan, memudahkan kontrol pemberian pakan, serta menciptakan peternakan itik yang terbebas dari berbagai jenis penyakit melalui manajemen pemeliharaan, vaksinasi, dan biosecurity. . Salah satu faktor penentu keberhasilan usaha itik petelur adalah penggunaan bibit berkualitas genetik unggul dan seragam. Karena itu, Balai Penelitian Ternak (Balitnak) Ciawi, Bogor melakukan penelitian dengan menyilangkan dua itik lokal petelur unggul, yaitu itik mojosari dan itik alabio. Persilangan kedua itik tersebut menghasilkan itik petelur unggulan baru, yang diberi nama Itik Gunsi-888...
Delapan tahun belakangan, tingkat konsumsi daging bebek sebagai salah satu kuliner berbahan dasar daging unggas terus meningkat. Rumah makan olahan bebek mulai warung tenda hingga restoran bermunculan menyajikan aneka menu olahan daging bebek. Tingginya permintaan terhadap daging bebek disebabkan oleh keunggulan daging bebek yang memiliki cita rasa dan tekstur khas yang berbeda dengan daging unggas lain seperti daging ayam sehingga menciptakan pangsa pasar tersendiri. Terlebih, anggapan masyarakat terhadap daging bebek yang alot dan amis sudah semakin hilang. Pasalnya, saat ini sudah banyak digunakan bebek muda sebagai bebek pedaging terutama bebek jantan yang tidak dimanfaatkan sebagai bebe...
Buku berjudul Memadu Fungsi Tol Darat dan Tol Laut yang ditulis oleh Ansel Alaman ini merupakan hasil kajian yang komprehensif. Penulis mampu memberikan pemaparan terkait kedua tol yang masing-masing memiliki entitas karakteristik berbeda, namun dapat dipadukan dalam fungsi yang sama, menggunakan multi moda transportasi untuk menghantar muatan/barang dari produsen ke konsumen, dari sentra industri manufaktur ke pangguna di berbagai daerah di Indonesia. Buku ini didukung dengan penyajian data yang lengkap dari berbagi sumber kredibel dari instansi terkait seperti Kementerian PU-PR dan Kementerian Perhubungan. Meskipun begitu, uraian dalam buku ini dapat dicerna dengan mudah apalagi ditinjau dari gaya penulis yang dialogis, penulis berusaha mengajak berdialog pembca di setiap subpoin pembahasa yang diawali dengan pertanyaan. Selain itu, tulisan ini juga menyajikan "politik kebijakan" pemerintah bidang infrastruktur khusus yang ditangani Kementerian PU-PR dan Kementerian Perhubungan untuk mewujudkan publica goods demi keadilan distributif dan komutatif untuk mewujudkan nilai-nilai pancasila.