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Reflecting on the relationship between artists and their audiences, this book examines how artists have presented themselves publicly through interviews and sought to establish a critical voice for themselves. Considering the interview as a form of cultural production, contributors explore the criteria for determining the artist interview as a distinct field of research in relation to other cultural fields. Structured in four parts, ‘History and Historiography’, ‘Subverting the Biographical Model’, ‘Interviews as Practice’ and ‘Materiality and Technology’, the book takes an interdisciplinary approach that encompasses the fields of art history, fine art, oral history, curating, media studies and museum conservation. By theorising the artist interview as a form of cultural production and embracing it as a co-constructed critical practice, this volume aims to show and encourage an approach to art history which dismantles old hierarchies in favour of valuing dialogue and collaboration. The book will be of interest to scholars working in art history, museum studies, oral history and historiography.
The collective volume Ottoman Cyprus - New Perspectives presents new studies on various topics (primarily history, but also history of art, folklore and literature) about Cyprus in the Ottoman period (1571-1878), offering new approaches on the history of institutions and developments in Cyprus during the Ottoman period, in an attempt to propose new interpretative frameworks and a more analytical reading of the historical past. The book is divided into four parts: The first part concerns the history of the island from the eve of the Ottoman conquest until the cession of the island to British administration. The studies of this part follow a chronological order, and analyze developments in Cyprus as an Ottoman province and part of the Empire's periphery. In the second part there are studies that analyze various particular historical topics, without necessarily following a chronological order. In the third part there are studies on literature, folklore and art. The fourth part includes an extensive bibliographical guide, a catalogue of archives and archival material related to Cyprus in the Ottoman period, as well as chronological lists of important officials.
This volume comprises papers delivered at the sixth meeting of the conference series History of the Press in the Middle East which was held in Nicosia/Cyprus from May 19 to May 23, 2004. The meeting was devoted to the theme The Economy as an Issue in the Middle Eastern Press.
Zîver Bey hakkında bilgi edinmemize O’nun Kıbrıs için yazdığı tarih kitabı sebep olmuştur. Lefkoşe’nin Zamân Matba‘ası’nda 1312 de basılan Kıbrıs Târîhi bu konuda ilk kitaptır ve bir tâlih olarak elimize geçmiştir. Kıbrıs’ta ondan sonra basılan târîh kitaplarında böyle bir eserin varlığından hiç söz edilmiyor. Bu durum 1980’lerin başlarına kadar sürüp gider. Ve de Zîver Bey hakkında ilk bilgileri Özcan Mert’in bir makalesinden öğrenecektik1. Sonra da Halil Fikret Alasya’nın tarih kitaplarının kaynakçalarında bu adı görmeğe başlarız2. Zîver Bey’in tarih kitabı, başlangıcından Kıbrıs’ı İngilizler’e bıraktığ...
Using a wealth of contemporary Ottoman sources, this book recreates the social history of Istanbul, a huge, cosmopolitan metropolis and imperial capital of the Ottoman Empire. Seat of the Sultan and an opulent international emporium, Istanbul was also a city of violence shaken regularly by natural disasters and by the turmoil of sultanic politics and violent revolt. Its inhabitants, entertained by imperial festivities and cared for by the great pious foundations which touched every aspect of their lives, also amused themselves in the numerous pleasure gardens and the many public baths of the city. While the book is focused on Istanbul, it presents a broad picture of Ottoman society, how it was structured and how it developed and transformed across four centuries. As such, the book offers an exciting alternative to the more traditional histories of the Ottoman Empire.
The Karamanlides are Greek Orthodox Christians originally located in Central Anatolia with Turkish as their primary language. Cries and Whispers in Karamanlidika Books contains the papers presented at the First International Conference on Karamanlidika Studies (Nicosia, 11th-13th September 2008). Since the main problems of research in "Karamanlidika" are the lack of analytical studies, the absence of scholarly exchange between researchers, as well as the politicization and political manipulation of the subject, the conference was intended to bring together specialists in the field to present papers dealing expressly with the phenomenon without political dilatation and expansion. Being a first approach to the intricate subject, the conference aimed to create a scientific platform for further research and cooperation between scholars. Historians, linguists and researchers in literature were asked to pose questions concerning the production of Karamanlidika printed works and manuscripts, the reasons that determined this production, its quantity and its quality as well as the subjects who produced and assimilated it.
Turks living in the Aegean islands of Rhodes and Kos under Greek sovereignty have a multitude of problems at present. These can be summarized under various headings such as Citizenship, the Right to Education in Turkish, Free Practice of Religion, Environment of Hatred and Oppression, Foundations (Waqfs) and Protection of Cultural Heritage Inherited from the Ottoman Turks. Greece has been implementing various policies for the cultural assimilation of Island Turks. Part of cultural assimilation policies adopted by Greece was its actions towards cutting off all ties between the Turkish foundations and island Turks, and consequently destroying architectural monuments inherited from the Ottomans...
Semih Said Umar, 12 Eylül 1923 tarihinde Lefkoşa’da doğmuştur. Babası Aynikolalı (Esentepeli) Ahmed Said Efendi, Kıbrıs’ın önde gelen din adamlarındandı. Sonraları Türkiye’de Hukuk Fakültesini bitirmiş ve avukatlığı meslek edinmiştir. Kıbrıs Türklerinin sosyal ve siyasî hayatına katkıları unutulacak gibi değildir. Gazetelerde pek çok makaleleri kalmıştır. Kıbrıs’ta bu türde ilk olan “Elif Hanım Operetini” de o yazmış ve eser KKTC Milli Eğitim ve Kültür Bakanlığının 48. Kitabı olarak 2001 yılında yayımlanmıştır. Eserin sonunda Semih Umar’ın kaleme aldığı, babasının uzunca bir yaşamöyküsü ile resmi var. Semih Umar, Kı...