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Made in Prison (English Version)
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 269

Made in Prison (English Version)

Prison or also known as The Correctional Facility is not always about dreary and scary things. Many creative works have been produced from behind the walls; the delicious bakeries, high artsy painting, even garment products with export quality. All of those works are produced by prisoners, or also known as the inmates. The products that are made by the inmates, brings many stories behind it, from bitter till touching story. Through those productive activities, they changed the sorrow into hope to get a second chance to bring their life back into society. Through this book, Evy Amir Syamsudin reflected on her experiences to guide the inmates and her vision to humanize them.

Muslim and Christian Understanding
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 281

Muslim and Christian Understanding

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2010-11-26
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  • Publisher: Springer

This book explores 'A Common Word Between Us and You', a high-level ongoing Christian-Muslim dialogue process. The Common Word process was commenced by leading Islamic scholars and intellectuals as outreach in response to the Pope's much criticized Regensburg address of 2007.

From Monologue to Dialogue
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 196

From Monologue to Dialogue

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2009-01-01
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  • Publisher: BRILL

From Monologue to Dialogue: Radio and Reform in Indonesia analyses how radio journalism since the late 1990s has been shaped by and contributed to Reformasi, or the ambition of democratizing Indonesian politics, economy and society. The book examines ideas and practices such as independent journalism, peace journalism, meta-journalism, virtual interactivity, talk-back radio and community radio, which have all been designed to renew audience interest in media and societal affairs. It pays special attention to radio programmes that enable hosts, experts, listeners and other participants to discuss and negotiate the very rules and boundaries of Indonesia’s newly acquired media freedom. The author argues that these contemporary programmes provide dialogic alternatives to the official New Order discourse dominated by monologism.

  • Language: en
  • Pages: 383


Every week CastleAsia's team of experienced analysts produces timely commentary on important political events in Indonesia. Senior executives from over 125 leading companies in Indonesia subscribe to these authoritative reports which cover changes in Indonesian politics and news highlights. "Indonesia: Political Pulse 2010" offers focused, common-sense analysis of the latest political and policy developments in Indonesia. The alert is written for business executives who need a more comprehensive understanding of Indonesia's political complexities and provides an insider's view of the facts behind the headlines. At the end of each year these concise briefs are compiled into a compact book that provides a detailed summary and trend line of important developments that is essential reading for business executives, scholars and anyone with a professional interest in one of the world's fastest-growing economies. The CastleAsia team is led by James Castle and Andri Manuwoto. Mr. Castle has been producing regular reports on Indonesia since 1980. Mr. Manuwoto has been CastleAsia's senior political and economic analyst since 2002.

Why did Anticorruption Policy Fail?
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 395

Why did Anticorruption Policy Fail?

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2014-09-01
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  • Publisher: IAP

This book examines the cases of implementation failure of the Indonesian Anticorruption Law 1971 of the authoritarian New Order regime, and of the Anticorruption Law 1999 of the democratic Reform Order regime. It investigates to what extent and for what reasons the implementation of these Laws failed to attain the policy objectives of eradicating corruption in the public sector under the two different political systems. The book concludes that combating corruption in a developing country undergoing political transition from an authoritarian to a democratic political system is problematic and difficult. When corruption has systematically infected and distorted the institutional structures and processes of the government, in particular the law enforcement mechanisms, implementing anticorruption laws is expected to be suboptimal and subsequently fail. To overcome this problem, the factors contributing to the policy implementation failure must be eliminated.

Proceedings of the 1st International Seminar on Sharia, Law and Muslim Society (ISSLAMS 2022)
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 339

Proceedings of the 1st International Seminar on Sharia, Law and Muslim Society (ISSLAMS 2022)

This is an open access book. Wael B. Hallaq, a renowned sharia scholar, has called sharia an ‘episteme’ that suffered a ‘structural death’ following the dawn of modernity in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries (Hallaq 2009, 15–16). Yet, its resurgent is remarkable across a number of jurisdictional fault-lines: from Muslim-majority nations in Middle East and Southeast Asia to Muslim-minority societies in Western Europe and North America. Across these jurisdictions, the relationship between sharia and state law is central. It includes sharia-state encounters, notably in the form of (state) Islamic law, in the field of family law, which is often asserted as the ‘core’ or ...

Support for Victims of Crime in Asia
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 484

Support for Victims of Crime in Asia

  • Categories: Law
  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2007-09-12
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  • Publisher: Routledge

Giving victims of crime a greater role in the criminal justice system is a relatively recent development, a trend likely to continue and increase in the foreseeable future. In many jurisdictions it has led to compensation schemes funded by the state, support for victims of crime to help them recover from their ordeal, and involvement of victims in decisions as to how offenders should be dealt with. This book examines developments in support for victims of crime in Asia. It shows how, contrary to the widely-held belief that Asian jurisdictions shy away from a rights based approach, there has been considerable progress in support for victims of crime in Asia, especially in Thailand and Korea, where rights for victims of crime are entrenched in constitutional provisions, and in Taiwan and Japan. Support for Victims of Crime in Asia discusses international developments, the degree to which support for victims of crime is an import into Asia from the west, and developments in a range of countries, including Thailand, Korea, Taiwan and Japan, India, China, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines.

Indonesia at The Crossroads: Transformation and Challenges
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 419

Indonesia at The Crossroads: Transformation and Challenges

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2023-09-14
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  • Publisher: UGM PRESS

The 1998 Reform has paved ways for the reconfiguration and improvement of Indonesia's institutions to support economic growth. For the last 20 years, however, indonesia is facing the challenges of uncontainable urbanization and rising inequality. During the period 2008-2015, Indonesia's economy grew by more than 4 percent annually, the highest steady rate in Southeast Asia. Indonesia is now transitioning from a lower-middle income country to an upper-middle level one. Meanwhile, Indonesia faces a number of challengesto strengthen its democratic institutions. This book brings together 12 original chapters to discuss the achievements and challenges of Indonesia's transformation after 1998. it exa mines how state institutions and civil society manage the complexities of indonesia's transformations to develop common ground upon which to reach a national consensus.

Penjatuhan Pidana & Dua Prinsip Dasar Hukum Pidana
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 203

Penjatuhan Pidana & Dua Prinsip Dasar Hukum Pidana

  • Categories: Law

Teori pemisahan tindak pidana dan pertanggungjawaban pidana yang sebelumnya sering disebut dengan teori dualistis bukan semata-mata pemisahan aspek objektif yang terkandung dalam perbuatan dan aspek subjektif yang terkandung dalam orang (pelaku tindak pidana) sebagaimana dikenal dalam doktrin actus reus dan mens rea, tetapi merupakanpemisahantindak pidana dan pertanggungjawaban itu sendiri.Tindak pidana menempatkan perbuatan sebagai unsur Pembentuk tindak pidana, sedangkan pertanggungjawaban Penjatuhan Pidana dan Dua Prinsip Dasar Hukum Pidana pidana menjadikan kesalahan sebagai inti sarinya. Kendati tindak pidana merujuk kepada perbuatan dan keadaan-keadaan yang menyertainya, namun kadang kala tindak pidana menggunakan aspek subjektif untuk menjelaskan sifat melawan hukum subjektif, yaitu niat atau maksud yang ditujukan kepada sifat melawan hukumnya perbuatan. Begitu pula dengankesalahan normatif yang menjelaskan ketercelaan pembuattindak pidana tidak selalu menekankan aspek subjektif karena penilaian atas ketercelaan pembuat tindak pidana justru dilakukan secara objektif berdasarkan keadaan-keadaan yang dialami oleh pembuat tindak pidana. Buku Persembahan Penerbit PrenadaMedia

Reformasi Kejaksaan Dalam Sistem Hukum Nasional
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 247

Reformasi Kejaksaan Dalam Sistem Hukum Nasional

  • Categories: Law

Komitmen seluruh bangsa Indonesia dalam upaya mewujudkan penguatan Kejaksaan secara kelembagaan jelas mutlak diperlukan mengingat tidaklah mungkin sebuah negara berjalan tanpa ditopang oleh lembaga penuntutan yang profesional dan independen. Oleh karena itu, sikap apatis serta tidak acuh terhadap lembaga Kejaksaan, justru pada akhirnya akan berdampak pada kemampuan selurunh Bangaa Indonesia sendiri dalam membangun ketahanan nasional guna menghadapi berbagai permasalahan kebangsaan yang ada. Sebaliknya, sebagai salah satu pilar penegakan hukum, bangunan institusi Kejaksaan harus didukung sebuah pondasi kuat yang memungkinkannya untuk dapat melaksanakan tugas dan fungsi secara optimal serta be...