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This book continues the discussion in the first two volumes on the challenges that organizations face in order to implement sustainability, ethics, and effective corporate governance, all of which are important elements of “standing out” from other companies. Examining the background of the New European Consensus on development with the new guiding motto ‘Our World, Our Dignity, Our Future,’ the authors explore how this new legislation on sustainability issues around the world is forcing companies to deal directly with sustainability issues. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (2030 Agenda), adopted by the United Nations in September 2015, is the international community’s r...
The Handbook of Business Practices and Growth in Emerging Markets consists of a collection of specially commissioned chapters that describe the current business environment, organizational culture, consumer behavior, financial investment climate, and examples of best prevailing practices in emerging markets. It covers all the major functional areas of business OCo marketing, strategy, operations and finance OCo in all continents. The focus of each chapter is on the identification of different business issues in different emerging markets (including Asia, Africa and South America) and on the implementation of a proposed set of recommendations, using both qualitative and quantitative technique...
This book provides a platform for discussing the challenges that organizations face in order to implement sustainability, ethics, and effective corporate governance, all of which are important elements of “standing out” from other companies. Examining the background of the New European Consensus on development with the new guiding motto ‘Our World, Our Dignity, Our Future’, the authors explore how this new legislation on sustainability issues around the world is forcing companies to deal directly with sustainability issues. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (2030 Agenda), adopted by the United Nations in September 2015, is the international community’s response to global ...
Palm oil biomass is constantly produced in large quantities throughout the world as a waste product of the vast palm oil plantations. Biomass from the palm oil industry has been converted into value-added products to a limited extent via thermochemical, chemical, physical, and biochemical conversion routes. However, a significant amount of biomass, such as OPF and OPT, is still left in plantations. A pragmatic approach to converting them to value-added products will not only result in a cleaner environment but also generate significant revenue for the government. It is also suggested that more attention be paid to bioproducts in order to present them in an appealing form to end-users, thereby encouraging good patronage.
This book explores recent developments in the theory, strategic perspective and international practice of corporate social responsibility. In particular it discusses the consequences of the economic slowdown apparent in many economies and the impact of changes in the regulatory environment. It consists of three parts: Part one addresses a variety of theoretical approaches as well as the dynamics and criticism of corporate social responsibility. It takes into account social and governmental expectations for the new and extended role of companies in the economy and in society, and provides a new context and theoretical assumptions regarding the functions and tasks of corporate social responsib...
The proceedings of the "Economics and Business Competitiveness International Conference" (EBCICON) provides a selection of papers, either research results or literature reviews, on business transformation in the digital era. Nine major subject areas, comprising accounting and governance, customer relations, entrepreneurship, environmental issues, finance and investment, human capital, industrial revolution 4.0, international issues, and operations and supply chain management are presented in the proceedings. These papers will provide new insights into the knowledge and practice of business and economics in the digital era. Therefore, parties involved in business and economics such as academics, practitioners, business leaders, and others will be interested in the contents of the proceedings.
This e-book is a compilation of 170 articles presented at the 7th Mechanical Engineering Research Day (MERD'20) - Kampus Teknologi UTeM (virtual), Melaka, Malaysia on 16 December 2020.
Penilaian kesehatan bank syariah menjadi bagian penting dalam mengawal operasionalisasi sistem perbankan syariah yang sesuai dengan prinsip syariah (syari’ah compliance). Kesesuaian tersebut tidak semata pada aspek fikih, namun juga harus selaras dengan tujuan dasar ekonomi Islam, yaitu mewujudkan falah (kesejahteraan) bagi umat manusia. Hal ini searah dengan tujuan diturunkannya agama Islam, yaitu untuk kemaslahatan umat manusia. Namun, tujuan dasar tersebut tentu tidak terwujud jika bank syariah dalam menjalankan bisnisnya hanya berorientasi pada profit (profit oriented) dan mengesampingkan aspek sosial. Buku ini mengurai tentang penilaian kesehatan bank syariah berbasis maqashid al-syar...
Jurnal Pendidikan "KONVERGENSI" ini merupakan jurnal penelitian yang mewadai hasil penelitian tindakan kelas yang dilakukan oleh guru-guru di seluruh Indonesia. Terbit empat kali setahun pada bulan Juli, Oktober, Januari, dan April. Berisi artikel yang diangkat dari hasil penelitian maupun gagasan pemeikiran dalam rangka pengembangan pendidikan dan pengajaran di pendidikan dasar, pendidikan menengah maupun jenis pendidikan lainnya Pada Edisi 20 Volume kelima ini memuat tujuh belas hasil penelitan dari guruguru dari berbagai daerah dengan latar belakang disiplin ilmu yang berbeda-beda sehingga menghasilkan berbagai macam hasil penelitian yang berbeda-beda pula.
Penulisan buku ini telah dimulai saat proses menyelamatkan Garuda Indonesia berlangsung. Rencana isi buku ini saya rancang pada awal Maret 2022, ketika prospek restrukturisasi Garuda Indonesia melalui mekanisme PKPU masih belum menentu. Sejak awal, buku ini dimaksudkan untuk mendokumentasikan proses yang bersejarah itu, terlepas dari apakah hasilnya akan sesuai harapan atau tidak. Syukur alhamdulillah, PKPU Garuda Indonesia akhirnya mencapai hasil sebagaimana diharapkan. Riset, wawancara, dan penulisan buku ini dikerjakan oleh penulis bersamaan dengan berlangsungnya proses penyelamatan Garuda Indonesia. Dapat dikatakan, buku ini adalah buku yang menceritakan Garuda in motion dalam arti seben...