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Tuberculosis is a disease caused by Mycobacterium Tuberculosis and is commonly found in the lungs. Those with weakened immune systems are at a higher risk of contracting TB. TB can also be found in the oral cavity, presenting as ulcers, gingivitis, periapical granulomas, granulation tissue, or osteomyelitis in the jaws. This case report discusses a 42-year-old woman who was confirmed to have Pulmonary Tuberculosis, with a bone defect found in the hard palate during a dental examination. TB of the palate is uncommon, but it should be considered as a possible cause of palatal perforation in the differential diagnosis, and a thorough search for the primary site of TB should be conducted in all cases of palatal TB.
e would like to welcome you to the ASIAN CONFERENCE ON HUMANITIES, INDUSTRY, AND TECHNOLOGY FOR SOCIETY hosted by, Dr Soetomo University on 30 - 31 July 2019 at Dr Soetomo University, Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia. The conference aims to provide all researchers with the opportunity to share their research in the areas of Social Science, Industry, & Technology to the International community. This Conference accepts all paper related to Humanities, Industrial Revolution, Applied Technology and Engineering for Sustainable Society and our Objectives is to promote an exchange of research ideas and knowledge among local and international researchers and alsi to provide a platform for research collaborations among local and international researchers and institutions of higher learning.
Buku ajar Mikrobiologi Kedokteran review, dapat digunakan mahasiswa Kedokteran dalam mempelajari dan memahami dasar-dasar mikrobiologi. Bakteri, sistem imun dan Jamur yang berhubungan dengan penyakit infeksi mikroorganisme dibidang kedokteran dan keperawatan. Buku ajar ini berisi uraian tentang sejarah mikrobiologi, morfologi, klasifikasi, toksonomi dan serta struktur sel bakteri dan jamur. Menguraikan asal mula kehidupan pembusukan material organic serta perubahan-perubahan yang dapat menular pada tubuh manusia dan hewan yang hidup. Patogenesis penyakit infeksi bakterial, membahas tentang pengertian yang berhubungan dengan patogenesis penyakit infeksi, fortal of entry, transmisi infeksi, pe...
Many teachers have made efforts to make their class interesting by using various methods, techniques, instruments and materials in order to stimulate the students to learn English. In oral English class for example, the students are served with conductive learning activity so they can speak English as well as possible. The first thing a teacher should do is to create the best condition for learning as an instrument to see the learning take place. The teacher is responsible to create a situation that provides opportunities and stimulate the students to communicate English orally. So that, it can develop the students’ self-confidence to be brave in speaking that can improve their speaking skill. This book elaborate how YM can be used as a tool ar medium to improve students’ speaking skill are the program is easy to use and familiar for the students, they already registered at Yahoo email, and they can practice their language skill to chat orally with native or non native speakers of English over the world through all YM facilities.
Seri Puisi Esai Indonesia Ambon Manise Kisah Sang Penantang Baduy Dan Tanah Luruh Benteng Lentera Pasundan Bahana Bumi Antasari Luka Zamrud Khatulistiwa Balada Ibu Kota Mantra Laut Mandar Di Balik Lipatan Waktu Menggugat Alam, Mengejar Sunyi Di Gerbang Stasiun Penghabisan Merisik Jalan Ke Percut Gaung Moluku Kie Raha Nyayian Perimping Gema Hati Mongondow Palu Gemuruh Laut Timur Penyelam Dari Padang Hitam Genderang Bumi Rafflesia Raja Alam Barajo Ironi Tanah Pungkat Di Lambung Langit Renjana Khatulistiwa Jejak Jerit Di Tambun Bungai Serambi Madinah Jiwa-Jiwa Yang Resah Serat Sekar Tanjung Kepak Cendrawasih Sergam Kesaksian Bumi Anoa Sisa Amuk Kidung Kelam Suara-Suara Yang Terbungkam Kidung Ta...
Towards Malaria Elimination - A Leap Forward was started to mark the occasion for renewed commitment to end malaria transmission for good (the WHO's call for "Malaria Free World" by 2030). This book is dedicated for the benefit of researchers, scientists, program and policy managers, students and anyone interested in malaria and other mosquito-borne diseases with the goal of sharing recent information on success stories, innovative control approaches and challenges in different regions of the world. Some main issues that emerged included multidrug-resistant malaria and pandemic risk, vaccines, cross-border malaria, asymptomatic parasite reservoir, the threat of Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium knowlesi, insecticide resistance in Anopheles vectors and outdoor malaria transmission. This book is one little step forward to bring together in 17 chapters the experiences of malaria-expert researchers from five continents to present updated information on disease epidemiology and control at the national/regional level, highlighting the constraints, challenges, accomplishments and prospects of malaria elimination.
Pemenuhan ruang terbuka hijau merupakan hal penting untuk menunjang kehidupan kota yang aman, nyaman, segar, indah dan bersih. Pengabaian terhadap hal ini akan berimplikasi pada menurunnya kualitas kehidupan masyarakat perkotaan hingga berdampak pada berbagai intaian bencana ekologis. Ketentuan terkait dengan pemenuhan ruang terbuka hijau diatur dalam Undang-Undang (UU) No 26 tahun 2007 tentang Penataan Ruang. Dalam pasal 29 ayat 2 dijelaskan bahwa proporsi ruang terbuka hijau pada wilayah kota paling sedikit 30 % dari luas wilayah kota. Untuk lebih menguatkan ketentuan ini, tiap-tiap pemerintah daerah diwajibkan membuat rencana tata ruang wilayah kabupaten/kota yang di dalamnya mengakomodir penyediaan kawasan dengan peruntukan sebagai ruang terbuka hijau. Secara umum buku ini terbagi kedalam tiga bagian utama. Pada bagian pertama akan diuraikan terkait dengan analisa regulasi dalam pemenuhan ruang terbuka hijau secara umum. Pada bagian kedua akan diuraikan analisa kebijakan pemenuhan ruang terbuka hijau di Kota Makassar. Pada bagian ketiga akan diuraikan dampak ekologis dari pengabaian pemenuhan ruang terbuka hijau di Kota Makassar.