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"This is the memoir of Kurdish revolutionary Sakine Cansız. Sakine, whose code name was 'Sara', co-founded the PKK in 1978 with Abdulah Öcalan and others, and dedicated her life to the cause of Kurdish freedom. On 9 January 2013 she was assassinated in Paris by a Turkish intelligence agent."--Page [4] of cover.
Kıymetli dostlar, Fıtri olan, kulluğu içinde taşıyan bir özellik taşır. Fıtrat, insanın kulluğunu dayandıracağı temeli işaret ederken inşa edici bir imkânı da sunar. Şuur, fıtratı kulluğa taşırken, kulluğun oluşturduğu şuur üzerinden yaşamın bir ubudiyet vasfı taşımasını sağlar. Kulluk, kişiyi özgürleştiren bir olgudur. Allah’a kulluk eden biri yaratılmış herhangi bir varlığa kulluktun içtinap ederek özgürleşir. Fıtrat ve kulluğun sağlam bir zeminde açığa çıkması, özgürlüğün nerede olması gerektiğini de izhar eder. Özgürlük, yaratıcı kudrete karşı veya kendini yaratıcı kudretin yerine ikame etme aymazlığ...
This book is a collection of chapters penned by practitioners from around the world on the impact that disinformation and fake news has had in both the online and social sphere. While much has been said about individual disinformation campaigns in specific countries, this book offers a panoramic view of how these campaigns are conducted, who they target, and how they are spread. By bringing together research on specific countries and international data mined from questionnaires and online studies, the understanding of the term 'fake news' is greatly expanded and the issues we face are brought to light. The book includes contributions by experts such as Jean-Baptiste Vilmer (Macron Leaks), and includes case studies from Asia, such as Singapore and Myanmar, written in an accessible manner for the general interested reader, practitioners and policymakers in the field.
This book serves as a convenient entry point for researchers, practitioners, and students to understand the problems and challenges, learn state-of-the-art solutions for their specific needs, and quickly identify new research problems in their domains. The contributors to this volume describe the recent advancements in three related parts: (1) user engagements in the dissemination of information disorder; (2) techniques on detecting and mitigating disinformation; and (3) trending issues such as ethics, blockchain, clickbaits, etc. This edited volume will appeal to students, researchers, and professionals working on disinformation, misinformation and fake news in social media from a unique lens.
Değerli Dostlar; Hamdolsun, zorlu ve sıkıntılı pandemi günlerinin ardından yeniden siz değerli okuyucularımızla yeniden birlikte olmanın bahtiyarlığını yaşıyoruz. Bahtiyarız, çünkü 2022 yılı Temmuz sayısıyla, yine zengin bir içerikle karşınızdayız. Sözlerimzin başında mutluluğumuzu sizlerle paylaşarak hepinizi en içten saygılarımızla selamlıyoruz. Bu sayımızda dosya konumuz “Kureyş” olarak belirlenmiştik. Bunlara ilaveten serbest konuda bizlere ulaşan araştırma makaleleri yanında, “Abdullahlar” ile başlattığımız sahâbî biyografilerini “Abdurrahmanlar” ile devam ettirdik. İnşallah gelecek sayılarda sahâbî biyografileri...
This title provides classroom materials and guidance for teachers of science in primary and secondary schools.
Social sciences are not a field of science that can be defined or restricted to one or two disciplines. They have subbranches such as anthropology, psychology, sociology, literature, education and philosophy, each of which has different purposes, functions and objectives. Definitions, boundaries, and assumptions about social sciences disciplines stand on scientific approaches. No criterion makes one field of social science superior to another. This book, titled Current Debates in Social Studies, has been prepared with an understanding that regards every social science as essential and valuable. The book contains seventeen studies, each of which is prepared by expert researchers, each belonging to different fields of social sciences. These studies on current issues and problems will also be the source of future studies in related fields.
Up-to-date and written by leading experts, this book is unique in a rapidly expanding field. It provides in-depth discussions and descriptions of the materials, electronic properties and applications of phthalocyanines. Aspects of phthalocyanines covered include * synthesis * polymer aspects * electronic spectroscopy * excited state chemistry and physics * chemical sensors * biological aspects (e.g. photodynamic therapy of cancer) The numerous tables, chemical structures, and references are particularly handy source materials for both the novice and experienced researcher and industrial practitioner interested in phthalocyanines.