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Although considered a somewhat ‘hazy’ concept (particularly in common law), good faith may nevertheless be defined as a duty incumbent on a person negotiating or performing an agreement. Thus, it may be understood as obligatory on all parties in the conduct of arbitral proceedings. In this collection of expert chapters, notable jurists and legal academics from around the world fully investigate the multifaceted notion of good faith in international arbitration. All the following aspects of the matter are covered: detailed analysis of good faith in both common law and civil law traditions as reflected in doctrine, scholarship, and case law; good faith implications in treaty interpretation...
Although international arbitration is widely hailed as an efficient, confidential and flexible way of settling commercial disputes, it has its limits. The arbitral tribunal’s lack of coercive power is thrown into particularly stark relief when it comes to the taking of evidence from third parties outside the arbitral proceedings. If they do not comply voluntarily with the request of the arbitral tribunal to testify as a witness or disclose documents, assistance must be sought from state courts. As the success of a case hinges on the evidence that a party can obtain, it is crucial to understand how to obtain evidence through state courts. At the heart of this work is the question of the conditions under which state courts may offer assistance in international arbitral proceedings. With a special focus on Switzerland and comparative aspects, this book provides helpful tactical insights for arbitral practitioners around the world.
This anthology illustrates how law and economics is developing in Europe and what opportunities and problems – both in general and specific legal fields – are associated with this approach within the legal traditions of European countries. The first part illuminates the differences in the development and reception of the economic analysis of law in the American Common Law system and in the continental European Civil Law system. The second part focuses on the different ways of thinking of lawyers and economists, which clash in economic analysis of law. The third part is devoted to legal transplants, which often accompany the reception of law and economics from the United States. Finally, the fourth part focuses on the role economic analysis plays in the law of the European Union. This anthology with its 14 essays from young European legal scholars is an important milestone in establishing a European law and economics culture and tradition.
Fifty years after the famous essay “The Problem of Social Cost” (1960) by the Nobel laureate Ronald Coase, Law and Economics seems to have become the lingua franca of American jurisprudence, and although its influence on European jurisprudence is only moderate by comparison, it has also gained popularity in Europe. A highly influential publication of a different nature was the Brundtland Report (1987), which extended the concept of sustainability from forestry to the whole of the economy and society. According to this report, development is sustainable when it “meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”. A key requir...
Lawyers involved in international commercial transactions know well that unforeseen events affecting the performance of a party often arise. Not surprisingly, exemptions for non-performance are dealt with in a significant number of arbitral awards. This very useful book thoroughly analyzes contemporary approaches, particularly as manifested in case law, to the scope and content of the principles of exemption for non-performance which are commonly referred to as 'force majeure' and 'hardship.' The author shows that the 'general principles of law' approach addresses this concern most effectively. Generally accepted and understood by the business world at large, this approach encompasses princi...
A book series dedicated to the harmonisation and unification of family and succession law in Europe. The European Family Law series includes comparative legal studies and materials as well as studies on the effects of international and European Law making within the national legal systems in Europe. The books are published in English, French or German under the auspices of the Organising Committee of the Commission on European Family Law (CEFL). Three years after its establishment the CEFL presents its first Principles of European Family Law in the field of divorce and maintenance between former spouses. The Principles aim to bestow the most suitable means for the harmonisation of family laws in Europe. In this respect they may serve as a frame of reference for national, European and international legislatures alike. The Principles could considerably facilitate their task not only by virtue of the fact that the CEFL's in-depth and comprehensive comparative research is easily accessible but also because most of the rules have been drafted in a way which Legislatures normally consider to be appropriate. Book jacket.
The vast bulk of claims in international commercial arbitration are contractual in nature. Viewed through that lens, what comes to occupy centre stage in the arbitration of disputes is the choice of applicable contract law. This book breaks new ground by for the first time focusing in depth on the contract law chosen by the parties to be applied to disputes. The author uses a comparative-inductive methodology to analyse why – according to statistics of the International Chamber of Commerce – English, New York, and Swiss contract law outperform transnational and other contract law regimes in the choice-of-law provision of business contracts. He finds that these three bodies of law share a...
This volume contains detailed information concerning the law on parental responsibilities in twenty-two European jurisdictions. The expert members of the CEFL have drafted national reports on the basis of a detailed questionnaire. These national reports, together with the relevant legal provisions, are available on CEFL's web site ( This book integrates all the given answers in order to provide an overview and a straightforward simultaneous comparison of the different solutions chosen within the national systems. On the basis of this reliable and comprehensive comparative material the CEFL will be able to draft Principles of European Family Law regarding Parental Responsibilities.
Dem britischen Gesetzgeber eröffnen sich durch den weitgehenden Wegfall von Bindung an EU-Recht im Verbraucherrecht neue regulatorische Möglichkeiten. Dieses Werk widmet sich der Frage, ob Normen des bisher von der EU bestimmten Verbraucherkredit- und AGB-Rechts beibehalten oder geändert werden sollten. Eine historische Analyse beantwortet die Frage, inwieweit EU-Recht in der Vergangenheit durch das Vereinigte Königreich gestaltet und rezipiert wurde. Auf Grundlage einer umfassenden rechtsvergleichenden Betrachtung wird zudem analysiert, ob alternative europäische Kooperationsmodelle mehr regulatorischen Freiraum bieten und die (Nicht-) Umsetzung von Verbraucherrecht als Vorbild für neue Regulierung im Vereinigten Königreich dienen könnte.