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Written in the form of letters from an experienced analyst to a young colleague, Letters to a Young Psychoanalyst expands the psychoanalytic frame to include South American, French, and British theory, and examine a wide variety of theoretical and clinical topics. Letters to a Young Psychoanalyst is ground-breaking in more than one respect. It re-examines major psychoanalytic theories in the light of rich clinical practice, and in the light of the practice of friendship, whilst portraying the practice of analysis as the choice of a personal code of ethics. Covering such core issues as transference, trauma, hysteria, the influence of the mother, and love and hate, and drawing on the work of n...
Every country unconsciously creates the psychoanalysis it needs, says Edith Kurzweil. Freudians everywhere, even the most orthodox, are influenced by national traditions, interests, beliefs, and institutions. In this original and stimulating book, Kurzweil traces the ways in which psychoanalysis has evolved in Austria, England, France, Germany, and the United States. The author explains how psychoanalysis took root in each country, outlines the history of various psychoanalytic institutes, and describes how Freudian doctrine has been transmuted by aesthetic values, behavioral mores, and political traditions of different cultures. The Germans, for example, took Austrian humanism and made it "...
Most of us are conscious of having a single and stable self, but the self is more fragmented and plastic than we care to think. David Berliner explores the captivating world of identity through an array of astonishing experiences. From Napoleon doppelgangers to Philip Roth's alter-ego Nathan Zukerman and Wonder Woman cosplayers to anthropologists going native, he delves into the kaleidoscopic nature of the self and attempts to understand the heterogenous nature of identity. But Becoming Other also discusses a great cultural controversy of our time: who has the right to play at being whom?
The author of Clinical Lessons on Life and Madness: Dostoevsky’s Characters draws on Dostoevsky's universe to illuminate psychoanalytic theory and practice. Using Dostoevsky’s characters as case studies, the author discusses the various psychoanalytic concepts they embody, and shows how these insights can be applied to therapeutic understanding. By considering the people who populate Dostoevsky’s world as personifying a whole spectrum of human possibilities and modes of relation, Heitor O'Dwyer de Macedo’s discussion of the characters – including those from Notes from Underground, Crime and Punishment and The Brothers Karamazov – allows him to explore fundamental issues constitutive of clinical practice, such as trauma, fantasy, perversion and madness. Clinical Lessons on Life and Madness will provide an important resource for psychoanalysts with an interest in literature, as well as students of literature seeking a psychoanalytic interpretation.
Conversations with Dostoevsky presents a series of fictional conversations taking place between November 2018 and Spring 2019 in the narrator's Glasgow apartment and elsewhere in the city. At the beginning of the conversations, the narrator has been reading Dostoevsky's story A Gentle Spirit, which concludes with a dramatic statement of protest atheism. This statement suggests that love is not possible in a purely mechanical universe in which all living beings are condemned to death and ultimate extinction. The conversations spell out Dostoevsky's response to this view and his advocacy of faith in God, Christ, and immortality. The themes discussed include suicide, truth and lies, guilt, dete...
First multi-year cumulation covers six years: 1965-70.
Alors qu’elle rentre de voyage, Isabelle trouve dans son courrier un faire-part de décès. Sa psychanalyste, B. F., est morte brutalement. Isabelle, qui ne l’a pourtant plus consultée depuis dix ans, est dévastée par la nouvelle. C’est à B. F. qu’elle doit d’avoir retrouvé son équilibre et sa confiance, d’avoir enfin contemplé l’image idéale de la mère qu’elle n’a pas eue. Comment admettre que cette femme merveilleuse ait disparu ? A l’enterrement, une amie de la défunte évoque une bouture de citronnier dont B. F. lui avait fait présent : malgré le froid, le citronnier avait pris. La métaphore touche Isabelle de plein fouet. Après les larmes et le deuil vi...
Depuis plus de vingt ans — c'est-à-dire dès avant « la crise » — s'élabore, en France, une vision volontariste des problèmes de l'emploi. Elle s'articule en politiques publiques, dont les points d'application changent à mesure qu'évoluent la structure et la conjoncture du marché du travail. Au-delà de leurs objectifs, des acteurs qui les ont animées depuis quarante ans, et de leurs champs d'intervention, André-Clément Decouflé analyse ces politiques à travers leurs formations historiques ; c'est à la lecture d'un bilan critique, que nous sommes conviés. Ce bilan de quarante ans de politiques publiques, est construit comme un itinéraire de réflexion qui, d'étape en étape, conduit de la disparition de l'illusion du plein-emploi, à l'émergence d'une crise — celle de l'emploi — qui en en révèle d'autres et, notamment, celle du travail, en tant que valeur fondatrice de l'ordre économique et social.
Com a infiltração do conceito de "guerra psicológica", usual entre militares, no campo psicanalítico e a cooptação de profissionais e associações psicanalistas pela ditadura militar brasileira, a psicanálise brasileira se descaracteriza, paradoxalmente durante sua fase de disseminação, quando se consolidam tanto as múltiplas correntes dos movimentos psicanalíticos como uma literatura crítica, e o IPA (Associação Internacional de Psicanálise, na sigla em inglês) alcança sua hegemonia no Brasil. Rafael Alves Lima, em pesquisa minuciosa de fontes primárias e testemunhais, mostra que a ditadura brasileira impôs aos movimentos psicanalíticos um processo contraditório de con...