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Published in association with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Jewish Responses to Persecution: Volume II, 1938–1940 is the second volume of the five-volume set within the series "Documenting Life and Destruction: Holocaust Sources in Context." This volume brings together in an accessible historical narrative a broad range of documents—including diaries, letters, speeches, newspaper articles, reports, Jewish identity cards, and personal photographs—from Jews in Nazi-dominated Europe and beyond Europe's borders. The volume skillfully illuminates the daily lives of a diverse range of Jews who suffered under Nazism, their coping strategies, and their efforts to assess the impli...
This book addresses the personal effects of poverty, social deprivation and inequality using a phenomenological approach.
Since Polish Catholics embraced some anti-Jewish notions and actions prior to WWII, many intertwined the Nazi death camps in Poland with Polish anti-Semitism. As a result, more so than local non-Jewish population in other Nazi-occupied countries, Polish Catholics were considered active collaborators in the destruction of European Jewry. Through the presentation of these negative images in Holocaust literature, documentaries, and teaching, these stereotypes have been sustained and infect attitudes toward contemporary Poland, impacting on Jewish youth trips there from Israel and the United States. This book focuses on the role of Holocaust-related material in perpetuating anti-Polish images an...
'Haunting and powerfully resonant... this is a story not just of remarkable individuals, but also a tribute to the wider indomitability of the human spirit at the darkest moment in European history' - Sinclair McKay, bestselling author of Berlin and Dresden Zippi Spitzer and David Wisnia’s story began when they first locked eyes across the work floor. It was the start of a romance that could have unfolded anywhere if it weren’t for one key difference: Zippi and David were prisoners in history’s most infamous death camp. David and Zippi defied the odds by surviving for years beneath the ash-choked skies of Auschwitz. Shielded by the protection of their fellow inmates, saved on occasion ...
**A Telegraph Best History Book 2023 and Spectator Book of the Year** The inspirational story of the ordinary people who forged the documents that saved thousands of Jewish lives in World War Two. 'Powerful ... gripping ... inspiring' JONATHAN DIMBLEBY Between 1940 and 1943, a small group of Polish diplomats and Jewish activists in Switzerland engaged in a wholly remarkable - and until now, almost completely unknown - humanitarian operation. Under the leadership of the Polish Ambassador, Aleksander Lados, they undertook a systematic programme of forging identity documents for Latin American countries, which were then smuggled into German-occupied Europe to save the lives of thousands of Jews...
First-hand eye witness accounts from the Warsaw Ghetto
Een indrukwekkende combinatie van kampgetuigenis en liefdesverhaal: het waargebeurde verhaal van David Wisnia en Helen Spitzer, die verliefd werden in Auschwitz, zonder het van elkaar te weten de Tweede Wereldoorlog overleefden en elkaar pas zeventig jaar later terugzagen ‘Keren Blankfeld weet de gruwelen van het vernietigingskamp Auschwitz-Birkenau vanuit verschillende perspectieven en met een journalistiek oog voor detail en afstand vast te leggen. Dat is de grote verdienste van haar boek’ Telegraaf Auschwitz-Birkenau, 1943. Toen hij haar voor het eerst zag, wist David Wisnia direct dat Helen ‘Zippi’ Spitzer bijzonder was. Zippi was als een van de eerste Joodse vrouwen naar Auschwi...
From Cop City to the Dakota pipelines and Jane’s Revenge to numerous struggles worldwide, anarchist organizers are relentlessly targeted by the state today as they have been for over a century. Shadows in the Struggle for Equality is the first-hand account of Boris Yelensky, an activist of the Anarchist Red Cross (later the Anarchist Black Cross), during the Russian revolutionary movement from 1905 through 1917, and the subsequent Leninist/Stalinist repression. Written with great humility and compassion, Yelensky recalls his fifty years of tireless organizing to aid victims of state oppression and injustice, beginning with a vivid sketch of the history of the Russian revolutionary movement...
1943. En los momentos más oscuros, un apasionado romance nace entre dos jóvenes. No fue hasta setenta años más tarde cuando sus caminos volvieron a cruzarse. Una impactante historia real sobre el amor, la esperanza y la resiliencia. Todo comenzó cuando las miradas de Zippi Spitzer y David Wisnia se cruzaron. En ese instante, nació una historia de amor que podría haberse dado en cualquier sitio, pero tuvo que enfrentarse al peor: Zippi y David eran prisioneros del campo de exterminio más infame de la historia y si su romance era descubierto, sería el fin para ambos. Contra todo pronóstico, David y Zippi sobrevivieron durante años bajo el cielo cubierto de cenizas de Auschwitz. Con ...
Polnische Bürgermeister waren eine wichtige Beamtengruppe im Verwaltungsapparat des Generalgouvernements. Gemeinsam mit den deutschen Kreis- und Stadthauptmännern gestalteten sie Kommunalpolitik und waren an der Verfolgung und Ermordung polnischer und europäischer Juden sowie an der Ausbeutung des Generalgouvernements maßgeblich beteiligt. Auf der Grundlage umfangreicher Archivrecherchen und neuer Kontextualisierungen stellt dieses Buch ausgewählte polnische Bürgermeister vor und zeigt, wie diese sich während des Zweiten Weltkriegs verhielten. In die Analyse werden kleine Städte wie Otwock, mittelgroße wie Tschenstochau und Metropolen wie Warschau einbezogen. Mit dieser Studie legt Grzegorz Rossoliński-Liebe ein Standardwerk vor, das eine unverzichtbare Grundlage für die Erforschung von Kommunalverwaltungen im Holocaust darstellt.