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Ausgangspunkt des Buches ist jene letzte Reise von Kaiser Karl V., die dieser im Jahre 1556 durch halb Spanien unternommen hatte, um schließlich sein Refugium beim Kloster Yuste in der Extremadura zu erreichen. Wir haben diese Route in den Jahren 2012 und 2013 ebenfalls bereist und dabei versucht möglichst alle Orte und interessanten Stationen entlang des Reiseverlaufes zu finden. Das Buch ist daher ein „zweifacher Reisebericht“, der die letzte Reise von Kaiser Karl V. und unsere Reisen auf seinen Spuren verschränkt. Die Route verläuft durch halb Spanien – von der Küstenstadt Laredo als Ausgangspunkt und Anlandungspunkt der kaiserlichen Flotte, durch das historlisch reiche Kastili...
Die Abdankung eines Monarchen stellte in der Frühen Neuzeit eine Besonderheit in einem auf Dauerhaftigkeit angelegten Herrschaftsverständnis dar. Da nur der Tod von der Macht entbinden konnte, nahmen Zeitgenossen einzelne Bestrebungen von Fürsten umso spektakulärer wahr, wenn diese nach Legitimationen suchten, als Monarchen zu Lebzeiten abzudanken. Gleichzeitig galt es, diesen erklärungsbedürftigen Schritt gegenüber den Zeitgenossen und der Nachwelt zu kommunizieren, was in vielgestaltigen mediale Verarbeitungen und Strategien mündete. Der Band nimmt die mediale Rezeption von Abdankungen in den Fokus und legt Argumente und Vermittlungsstrategien einzelner Machtverzichte offen. Es zeigt sich, dass jeder Herrscherrücktritt aufgrund der Einzigartigkeit eigene Formen der Kommunikation entwickelte.
This study deals with time and with music, and the link between the two is the suggestion that music is a modeling of the way we construct time. Time—the now, duration, succession and order of succession; the past, the future—is seen as a resource for managing systemic disequilibrium and as the evolutionary elaboration of the now. As organic dynamical systems humans maintain themselves by means of self-regulatory actions, nows, and these nows are proposed as feeding off a pre-temporal, interindividually accessed energy in nature, an ongoing cosmic proto-present. Speech is a way out of sensory immediacy and a way into a complex shared world where coordination and planning take place away from the distractions of the present as given by the senses. Music is presented as one of a group of behaviors comprising the arts and games that evolved in parallel with language to compensate for its abstractness. Language tends to the complexly abstract and music favors the complex, sensorially concrete: like speech, music operates on a synthetic plane, but provides synthetic occasions for sensory immediacy at a level of complexity to match that of language.
“Computing Action” takes a new approach to the phenomenon of narrated action in literary texts. It begins with a survey of philosophical approaches to the concept of action, ranging from analytical to transcendental and finally constructivist definitions. This leads to the formulation of a new model of action, in which the core definitions developed in traditional structuralist narratology and Greimassian semiotics are reconceptualised in the light of constructivist theories. In the second part of the study, the combinatory model of action proposed is put into practice in the context of a computer-aided investigation of the action constructs logically implied by narrative texts. Two spec...
Hidden in Historicism considers how the nineteenth-century philosophy of historicism depicts three "forgotten time regimes": a time of rise and fall, an ambiguous time of synchronicity of the non-synchronous, and a time in which decisive moments dominate. Before the eighteenth century, time was past-oriented. This inversed in the Enlightenment, when the future became dominating. Today, this time of progress continues to be embraced as a "time of the modern". Yet, inequality, increasing violence and climate change lead to doubts over a bright future. In this book, Harry Jansen moves away from the heritage of Reinhart Koselleck and his single time of the modern towards a historicist, threefold...
Comprehensive volume of international research on the European reception of Oscar Wilde.
Satan is not a theological concept, but a literary character. Systematic and pastoral theology struggles with the existence of Satan and at the same time, the devil inspires authors, poets, artists, and musicians--his true nature in art seems to be creative, even though he is usually associated with destruction. If we want to believe William Blake, the true poet is of the devil's party, without knowing it. The various accounts of the devil in literature and art would certainly promote the theory that Satan himself is working on the side of the artist. While the biblical canon leaves us with many open questions about Satan, the literary canon gives more than enough definitions and interpretations of the devil. Satan is a powerful literary figure, the eternal adversary, object and subject of the story. Without any real substance, he exists in the realm of the narrative, being at the same time destroyer and creator. Satan lends a face to what we experience as evil: the absence of relation, the exile of the soul, the loss of identity, the destruction of the other and the self.