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Reconceptualizing Connections between Language, Literacy and Learning
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 287

Reconceptualizing Connections between Language, Literacy and Learning

This edited volume unpacks the familiar concepts of language, literacy and learning, and promotes dialogue and bridge building within and across these concepts. Its specific interest lies in bridging the gap between Literacy Studies (or New Literacy Studies), on the one hand, and SLA and scholarship in learning in multilingual contexts, on the other. The chapters in the volume center-stage empirical analysis, and each addresses gaps in the scholarship between the two domains. The volume addresses the need to engage with the concepts, categorizations and boundaries that pertain to language, literacy and learning. This need is especially felt in our globalized society, which is characterized by constant, fast and unpredictable mobility of people, goods, ideas and values. The editors of this volume are founding members of the Nordic Network LLL (Language, Literacy and Learning). They have initiated a string of workshops and have discussed this theme at Nordic meetings and at symposia at international conferences.

Muslim Fathers and Mistrusted Masculinity in Danish Schools
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 269

Muslim Fathers and Mistrusted Masculinity in Danish Schools

This book seeks to provide a deeper understanding of Muslim migrant fathers’ experiences of home-school cooperation in Danish schools by identifying and contradicting a phenomenon of “mistrusted masculinity.” This term refers to a negative stereotype of Muslim migrant men that figures in political and media rhetoric where they are portrayed as controlling and patriarchal. Throughout the ethnography, migrant fathers confront this stereotype and express how they must navigate around this negative image in their struggle to be acknowledged as good fathers by their children’s schools. Jørgensen uses Geertzian “thick description” of micro-interaction between fathers and Danish teachers to explore the complex interplay of often-untested assumptions, misunderstandings, and untoward effects.

Literacy Practices in Transition
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 263

Literacy Practices in Transition

In this volume, scholars from the Nordic countries explore transitional processes around literacy in education in our contemporary complex and mobile society. Drawing on sociocultural theory, the chapters provide close, empirical analyses of identity construction, life trajectories, practices, concepts and politics in and around literacy in education.

Research Anthology on Bilingual and Multilingual Education
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 1693

Research Anthology on Bilingual and Multilingual Education

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2021-10-29
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  • Publisher: IGI Global

Given the boost in global immigration and migration, as well as the emphasis on creating inclusive classrooms, research is turning to the challenges that teachers face with the increasing need for bilingual and multilingual education. The benefits of bilingual education are widespread, allowing students to develop important cognitive skills such as critical thinking and problem solving as well as opening further career opportunities later in life. However, very few resources are available for the successful practice and implementation of this education into the curriculum, with an even greater lack of appropriate cultural representation in the classroom. Thus, it is essential for educators t...

Handbook for Language Detectives
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 464

Handbook for Language Detectives


Language Learning and Leisure
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 335

Language Learning and Leisure

The study of informal involvement with additional languages has recently emerged as a dynamic research field in SLA. With the rapid development and spread of internet-based technologies, contact with foreign languages outside the classroom has become commonplace. While this can take multiple forms, online contents are a major driving force because they present learners with unprecedented opportunities for exposure to and use of target languages regardless of their physical location. Research from diverse geographical, educational and socio-economic contexts bring a rich variety of perspectives to this book. It explores these phenomena via a range of theoretical frameworks and methodological approaches, focusing particularly on individual differences and language development. The volume proposes that teachers in formal learning settings should seek to support and facilitate the development of these identities and practices, and it indicates means they can adopt to best do so.

Tegn på sprog
  • Language: da
  • Pages: 337

Tegn på sprog

Gennem ti år fulgte en gruppe forskere fem klasser fem forskellige steder i Danmark for at blive klogere på, hvordan læse- og skriveundervisningen kan tilrettelægges, så den tager højde for den stadigt stigende sproglige diversitet i uddannelsessystemet. Forløbet strakte sig, fra eleverne begyndte i 0. klasse i 2008, til de gik ud af 9. klasse i 2018. I Tegn på sprog. Literacy i sprogligt mangfoldige klasser præsenterer Helle Pia Laursen, der var leder for forskningsprojektet Tegn på sprog, centrale resultater herfra. Bogen indeholder næranalyser af børnenes interaktion med skrift og af klassernes skriftsprogspraksisser og peger herigennem på konkrete pædagogiske udviklingsmuligheder. I forlængelse heraf udfolder forfatteren to vigtige pointer: Vi skal se børn som sociale aktører, der aktivt udforsker skriften og dens muligheder, og vi skal bringe forskning i læsning og skrivning og forskning i andetsprogstilegnelse og flersprogethed i tættere kontakt med hinanden.

Literacy og sproglig diversitet
  • Language: da
  • Pages: 248

Literacy og sproglig diversitet

Sproglig diversitet er et vilkår i en globaliseret verden. Den sproglige mangfoldighed sætter sit præg på alle samfundets institutioner - også skolen. Det skaber nye pædagogiske og didaktiske udfordringer. Blandt andet udfordrer den vores forståelse af, hvad det vil sige at læse og skrive, og hvordan man lærer at læse og skrive. Det er den udfordring, der tages op i denne bog, som er baseret på forskningsprojektet Tegn på sprog. Bogen giver en introduktion til literacy-begrebet og rummer en række empiriske næranalyser af læse- og skrivepraksisser i fem klasserum. Literacy og sproglig diversitet henvender sig til lærere, studerende og forskere med interesse for læsning og skrivning i sprogligt mangfoldige klasserum.

Negotiating Identities in Nordic Migrant Narratives
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 246

Negotiating Identities in Nordic Migrant Narratives

This edited volume takes an interdisciplinary approach to the question of how identities are negotiated and a sense of belonging established in a world of increasing migration and diversity. Transcending field-specific approaches and differences in foci, the authors investigate how identity is constructed and mediated in face-to-face interactions (in real time and fictional writing), how writers use narratives to express their reorientation and their identity negotiation in a new homeland, and how material objects convey layered meaning to identity and belonging. This engagement with spoken, written and material mediation of identity resonates with recent sociolinguistic investigations on how language is connected to and intersects with embodiment, materiality and time. The volume will be of interest to students and scholars of globalisation and migration studies, sociolinguistics and narrative analysis, anthropology and cultural studies.

Indholdsbaseret sprogundervisning
  • Language: da
  • Pages: 102

Indholdsbaseret sprogundervisning

I dette nummer af Sprogforum er der fokus pa den indholdsbaserede fremmed- og andetsprogsundervisning - det vAere som del af den faglige undervisning, som i Europaradsregi gar under navnet CLIL (Content and Language Intergrated Learning); det vAere som sprogundervisning i samspil med arbejde eller uddannelse; eller det vAere som sprogundervisning der som sadan tager sit afsAet i indhold; alle er forskellige typer af arbejdet med sproglAering, hvor de specifikke indhold, temaer, projekter og fagligheder er styrende for hvilke sproglige omrader, der bliver relevante at gore til genstand for sproglAering.Der er mindst to gode grunde til at indholdsbaseret sprogundervisning er et afgorende vigtigt tema at tage op i Sprogforum. For det forste giver det anledning til at fokusere pa, hvordan man griber arbedet med de sproglige dimensioner an ud fra en helhedsorienteret synsvinkel, hvor sproget anskues som et redskab til interaktion, kommunikation og lAering. For det andet implicerer en indholdsbaseret tilgang, at man anlAegger det syn pa sproglAering, at indholdet og dets praksisser anses for sAerligt velegnede til at lofte til sproglig lAering.