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This book shows the importance of the possibility approach for contemporary debates about metaphysics, the idea of God, the problem of evil, the role of reason and the understanding of humanity in the light of contemporary transhumanist challenges. It discusses the turn to possibility not only as a historical phenomenon, but as a systematic starting point for a contemporary philosophical theology that points beyond the barren alternatives between classical or neoclassical metaphysics as well as modern and postmodern antimetaphysics. It thus offers a new starting point for critical engagement with the philosophical and theological challengers and shortcomings of our contemporary culture.
Digitally-mediated liturgical practices raise challenging questions: Are worshippers in an online chapel really a community at prayer? Do avatars that receive digital bread and wine receive communion? @ Worship is the first monograph dedicated to exploring online liturgical practices that have emerged since the introduction of Web 2.0.
This study confronts the current crisis of churches. In critical and creative conversation with the German theologian Ernst Troeltsch (1865-1923), Ulrich Schmiedel argues that churches need to be “elasticized” in order to engage the “other.” Examining contested concepts of religiosity, community, and identity, Schmiedel explores how the closure of church against the sociological “other” corresponds to the closure of church against the theological “other.” Taking trust as a central category, he advocates for a turn in the interpretation of Christianity—from “propositional possession” to “performative project,” so that the identity of Christianity is “done” rather...
In our times hope is called into question. The disintegration of economic systems, of states and societies, families, friendships, distrust in political structures, forces us to ask if hope has disappeared from the experience of today's men and women. In August 2019, up to 240 participants met at the international theological congress in Bratislava, Slovakia. The main lectures, congress sections and workshops aimed to provide a space for thinking about the central theme of hope in relation to philosophy, politics, pedagogy, social work, charity, interreligious dialogue and ecumenism.
No less than two decades were needed for the composition of the ecumenical convergence document The Church: Towards a Common Vision (TCTCV) which was published by the World Council of Churches in 2013. The document was intended to reflect a common vision of churches and ecumenical stakeholders on a myriad of ecclesiological themes. The book investigates whether the convergence document TCTCV delivers on its promises. The book focuses on the formation and the reception of TCTCV along with the two draft versions, The Nature and Purpose of the Church (1998) and The Nature and Mission of the Church (2005) and uncovers whether the responses by the churches to TCTCV hold an affirmation of the convergences registered in the document. Furthermore, it seeks to establish whether the responses point towards a "common vision" concerning various ecclesiological themes that are still contested by the churches today. The book also explores whether the responses to TCTCV reveal an advancement in the conversation surrounding several debated issues, and examines to what extent the churches are willing to creatively engage with the ecclesial other.
Das Verhältnis von Religionsunterricht und Politik zu klären, ist vor allem eine bildungstheoretische Aufgabe: Religionspädagogik muss begründen und nachweisen, dass der Religionsunterricht in seiner politischen Tiefenstruktur elementar zur Bildung gehört und dass er die Kompetenzen der Schülerinnen und Schüler wesentlich mitprägt. Grümme geht diese Aufgaben an. Er fragt, was Religionsunterricht und Politik miteinander zu tun haben und wie sich deren Verhältnis gestaltet: in der Geschichte, in aktuellen bildungspolitischen Dokumenten und in religionspädagogischen Konzepten. Schließlich entwirft er das Konzept eines Religionsunterrichts, der sowohl seinem bildungstheoretischen Anspruch, den Prozessen der Moderne als auch dem politischen Profil des christlichen Glaubens entspricht.
The Manifesto develops further the Critical Theory of Religion intrinsic to the Critical Theory of Society of the Frankfurt School into a new paradigm of the Psychology, Sociology, Philosophy and Theology of Religion. Its central theme is the theodicy problem. The Manifesto approaches this theme in the framework of comparative religion and critical political theology in a narrative and discursive fashion. In search of a solution to the theodicy problem, the Manifesto explores, trends in civil society toward Alternative Future I (the Totally Administered Society), Alternative Future II (the Militarized Society), and Alternative Future III (the Reconciled Society) in the horizon of the longing for the Wholly Other as perfect justice and unconditional love. Toward that goal it relies on both the critical theory of society as developed by Max Horkheimer, Ernst Bloch, Walter Benjamin, Theodor W. Adorno, and others, and on the new political theology of Johannes B. Metz, Helmut Peukert, and Edmund Arens.
This essential introduction to contemporary constructive theology charts the most important disciplinary trends of the moment. It gives a historical overview of the field and discusses key hermeneutical and methodological concerns. The contributors apply a constructive perspective to a wide range of approaches, ranging from biblical hermeneutics and postcolonial studies to comparative, political, and black theology. What is Constructive Theology? shows how diverse and interdisciplinary constructive theology can be by exploring key themes in the field. The contributors explore the porous boundaries between Christianity and other religions, reflect on contextual, liberation and constructive theologies from Africa and from Black British perspectives, explore the connection between embodiment, epistemology and hermeneutics, and take a constructive approach to the dangerous memories and theologies of colonial histories in Belgium and Native Americans in the United States. This sampler of the field will help you rethink theologies and find constructive alternatives.
Der 5. Band "Politische Theologie - gegengelesen" fragt nach der Aktualität der Politischen Theologie. "Gegenlesen" steht für Relecturen, Korrekturen, Kritiken, Erweiterungen. Dieses Jahrbuch arbeitet an Problemverschärfungen, nicht zuletzt im Blick auf die Neue Politische Theologie selbst.