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Labor Movement
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 282

Labor Movement

Throughout the industrialized world, international migrants serve as nannies, construction workers, gardeners and small-business entrepreneurs. Labor Movement suggests that the international migration of workers is necessary for the survival of industrialized economies. The book thus turns the conventional view of international migration on its head: it investigates how migration regulates labor markets, rather than labor markets shaping migration flows. Assuming a critical view of orthodox economic theory, the book illustrates how different legal, social and cultural strategies towards international migrants are deployed and coordinated within the wider neo-liberal project to render migrant...

Christian Democracy in Western Germany (RLE: German Politics)
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 372

Christian Democracy in Western Germany (RLE: German Politics)

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2014-12-17
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  • Publisher: Routledge

This important study analyses the developoment of the CDU/CSU as a political force in West Germany from the Second World War to the late 1970s, with special reference to its role both in Government (1949-69) and Opposition (1969-76) and considers how it was instrumental in the formulation of governmental policies. The first part of the book looks at the development of the CDU/CSU. The second part focuses on its composition and structure and considers such aspects as its organisation, membership, auxiliary organisations and electoral appeal and campaigns. A separate chapter deals with the CSU’s relationship with the CDU, its leadership and its organisation.

The Unnoticed Effects of EU Accession
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 251

The Unnoticed Effects of EU Accession

This study provides empirical evidence on the considerable but often unnoticed impact of EU accession on the mobility and integration of migrants from Bulgaria in Germany. Original data from a time-location sampling survey in Hamburg reveal that free movement not only induced a high level of mobility among EU citizens from Bulgaria after 2007 but also enabled their more permanent settlement in Germany. The study also provides statistical evidence that EU citizenship contributed to better legal integration of Bulgarian migrants in Germany, but national policies shaped to a greater extent their integration in terms of participation in the core areas of life. Restrictive policies such as transitional periods in the freedom of work hampered labour market integration and created more disadvantaged positions for workers. Inclusive policies such as the dual citizenship policy facilitated the naturalisation of settled migrants and led to exceptionally high naturalisation rates for Bulgarians that point to their successful integration in society. However, integration successes remain almost unnoticed in public discourse, which is dominated by the image of Bulgarian migration as a challenge.

  • Language: en
  • Pages: 232

"The Germans Hold the Key"

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2007
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  • Publisher: Unknown


The Foreign Policy of West Germany
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 390
Football, Power, and Politics in Europe
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 174

Football, Power, and Politics in Europe


Zuwanderung im Zeichen der Globalisierung
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 308

Zuwanderung im Zeichen der Globalisierung

Durch den Globalisierungsprozess gewinnt das Phänomen der Migration seit einiger Zeit an Brisanz. In fast allen Teilen der Welt nehmen die Wanderungsbewegungen zu, sei es, weil Menschen jenseits der Grenzen ihres Herkunftslandes einen Arbeitsplatz und eine Existenzgrundlage für sich und ihre Familie zu finden hoffen, sei es, weil sie aufgrund politischer Verfolgung, religiöser, rassistischer bzw. geschlechtsspezifischer Diskriminierung, ökologischer Katastrophen oder vor (Bürger-)Kriegen fliehen müssen. Gleichwohl fand die Zuwanderung in der Diskussion über das Thema "Globalisierung" bisher wenig Berücksichtigung. Der Sammelband will in mehrfacher Hinsicht einen Beitrag zu dieser Debatte leisten: Die Aufsätze im ersten Teil des Buches beleuchten den Zusammenhang zwischen Globalisierung und Wanderungsbewegungen; die folgenden behandeln den politischen Umgang mit Flucht, Migration und Minderheiten; der abschließende dritte Teil konzentriert sich auf Fragen der Integration und die Perspektiven einer multikulturellen Demokratie.

Blood and Culture
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 255

Blood and Culture

Over the past decade, immigration and globalization have significantly altered Europe’s cultural and ethnic landscape, foregrounding questions of national belonging. In Blood and Culture, Cynthia Miller-Idriss provides a rich ethnographic analysis of how patterns of national identity are constructed and transformed across generations. Drawing on research she conducted at German vocational schools between 1999 and 2004, Miller-Idriss examines how the working-class students and their middle-class, college-educated teachers wrestle with their different views about citizenship and national pride. The cultural and demographic trends in Germany are broadly indicative of those underway throughout...

Sources of Change in West German Ostpolitik
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 502

Sources of Change in West German Ostpolitik

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1972
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Curriculum Sozialarbeit/Sozialpädagogik in Nordrhein-Westfalen
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 381

Curriculum Sozialarbeit/Sozialpädagogik in Nordrhein-Westfalen

Uber keine Ausbildung an Hochschulen ist in den letzten fUnfzehn Jahren mehr diskutiert worden und Uber keine wird wahrscheinlich auch noch in den nachsten Jahren mehr diskutiert werden, als Uber die Hochschulaus bildung im Sozialwesen. Zwar wurden in Nordrhein-West falen, wie in den Ubrigen Bundeslandern, zu Beginn der 70er Jahre auch hohere technische Lehranstalten in Fach hochschulen UberfUhrt bzw. eingegliedert, und in einigen Fallen wurden in NRW auch technische Fachbereiche der neu geschaffenen Fachhochschulen nach kaum zweijahrigem Bestehen in Gesamthochschulen UberfUhrt, aber keine dieser Veranderungen war von einer solch kontroversen und heftigen Studienreformdiskussion begleitet, w...