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Kisah Kasih di Masa Pandemi Penulis : Peserta Didik UPT SMA Negeri 4 Wajo Ukuran : 14 x 21 cm ISBN : 978-623-6430-02-6 Terbit : Juli 2021 Sinopsis : Pandemi Covid-19 telah melanda Indonesia lebih dari satu tahun lamanya. Seluruh sektor terkena dampak perubahan termasuk pada sektor pendidikan. Selama pandemi ini, sekolah telah melaksanakan pembelajaran jarak jauh (PJJ) dimana memiliki banyak dampak negatif akibat tidak dilaksanakannya pembelajaran tatap muka. Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan RI, telah mengeluarkan surat edaran nomor 1 tahun 2021 tentang peniadaan Ujian nasional dan Ujian Kesetaraan serta pelaksanaan Ujian Sekolah dalam masa darurat penyebaran Corona Viru...
Jauh sebelum Alquran diturunkan kepada Nabi Muhammad Saw. manusia telah mendengarkan sejumlah sejarah tentang banyaknya peradaban seperti Yunani, Romawi, Cina, dan India. Manusia sudah mengetahui adanya beberapa pemahaman agama-agama seperti Yahudi, Majusi, Nasrani, Budha, Hindu, dan Zoroaster.[1] Walaupun demikian, dari sekian banyak peradaban dan agama-agama yang sudah ada sebelum Islam, belum mampu menjunjung tinggi harkat dan martabat perempuan bahkan status perempuan tidak lebih sebagai objek pemuas nafsu saja yang tidak memiliki hak apa-apa terhadap laki-laki, padahal diketahui bersama bahwa seluruh agama tersebut telah memiliki ajaran tentang penghargaan terhadap perempuan. Puncak per...
The Digital Evidence and Electronic Signature Law Review brings articles, legal developments and case reports to academics, practitioners and the industry in relation to digital evidence and electronic signatures from across the world. The review also seeks to include reports on technical advances and book reviews.
This is an open access book. We proudly present the 2022 Brawijaya International Conference (BIC) as the consecutive series of conferences that is organised and hosted annually by Univeritas Brawijaya, Indonesia. The BIC 2022 will be held in Bali, Indonesia, on October 7 – 9, 2022. The conference committee consists of multi department of Univeritas Brawijaya. The BIC 2022 will present multidisciplinary research, community service essay and research, and industrial findings related to sustainable development. The BIC 2022 will be a great opportunity for exchanging ideas and knowledge in all multidisciplinary areas for academicians, scientists, practitioners, and global executives. The event...
Peregrin awoke in an underground bunker. He did not know where he had come from, where he was, or where he was going. The world he knew was gone, replaced by ashes, ruins, and fear. He did not know what had happened to it, nor could he have known that, after rescuing two children, he was about to enter a world where his past and his future would be revealed. This is Archiva-a hidden, protected town whose people dedicate themselves to making peace a reality in a chaotic world. But is it possible to pursue a peaceful life in the face of violence? This is the challenge Peregrin must face in author David Prenatt's The Archivist. Even as the people of Archiva welcome Peregrin, they face a threat that could mean the end of their civilization. How could any of them, least of all Peregrin, know whether he has come to save or destroy?
Includes annual indexes.
List for March 7, 1844, is the list for September 10, 1842, amended in manuscript.
Contains profiles of hundreds of the best, rapidly-growing mid-size employers of 100 to 2,500 employees. These are highly-successful companies, located nationwide, that are of vital importance to job-seekers of all types.
A complete overview, industry analysis and market research report in one superb, value-priced package, this volume contains thousands of contacts for business and industry leaders, industry associations, Internet sites and other resources. This book also includes statistical tables, an industry glossary and thorough indices.