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Die IBOHS verzeichnet jährlich die bedeutendsten Neuerscheinungen geschichtswissenschaftlicher Monographien und Zeitschriftenartikel weltweit, die inhaltlich von der Vor- und Frühgeschichte bis zur jüngsten Vergangenheit reichen. Sie ist damit die derzeit einzige laufende Bibliographie dieser Art, die thematisch, zeitlich und geographisch ein derart breites Spektrum abdeckt. Innerhalb der systematischen Gliederung nach Zeitalter, Region oder historischer Disziplin sind die Werke nach Autorennamen oder charakteristischem Titelhauptwort aufgelistet.
Annually published since 1930, the International bibliography of Historical Sciences (IBOHS) is an international bibliography of the most important historical monographs and periodical articles published throughout the world, which deal with history from the earliest to the most recent times. The works are arranged systematically according to period, region or historical discipline, andwithin this classificationalphabetically. The bibliography contains a geographical index and indexes of persons and authors.
Why is the idea of conflict between science and religion so popular in the public imagination? The “conflict thesis”—the idea that an inevitable and irreconcilable conflict exists between science and religion—has long been part of the popular imagination. In The Warfare between Science and Religion, Jeff Hardin, Ronald L. Numbers, and Ronald A. Binzley have assembled a group of distinguished historians who explore the origin of the thesis, its reception, the responses it drew from various faith traditions, and its continued prominence in public discourse. Several essays in the book examine the personal circumstances and theological idiosyncrasies of important intellectuals, including...
The 25th issue of ICOM Education that I have the pleasure to introduce has two new features: – it is sponsored by the European Union; – all CECA members were invited to present a contribution. The European Union sponsored our journal through EMEE EuroVision - Museums Exhibiting Europe, a project led by the University of Augsburg, whose purpose is to explore an innovative, interdisciplinary approach for museums to re-interpret their objects. Therefore the core of the project is the change of perspective (COP). The project partners all considered CECA as an outstanding platform to disseminate the project, which is a further proof of the reputation of our Committee. […] (Emma Nardi)
Winner of the 2020 “Outstanding Academic Title” Award, created by Choice Magazine. In Negotiating Space in Latin America, edited by Patricia Vilches, contributors approach spatial practices from multidisciplinary angles. Drawing on cultural studies, film studies, gender studies, geography, history, literary studies, sociology, tourism, and current events, the volume advances innovative conceptualizations on spatiality and treats subjects that range from nineteenth century-nation formation to twenty-first century social movements. Latin America has endured multiple spatial transformations, which contributors analyze from the perspective of the urban, the rural, the market, and the politic...
¿Cuáles fueron las verdaderas causas y circunstancias inmediatas de la muerte del Presidente de Chile, Salvador Allende, el 11 de septiembre de 1973? Entre los testimonios reproducidos se cuentan las distintas declaraciones de los pocos testigos leales que se encontraban cerca de Allende en sus momentos finales; los discursos pronunciados en La Habana a pocos días del Golpe por Fidel Castro y Beatriz Allende; el informe del peritaje forense realizado por detectives de la Policía Técnica de Investigaciones, con la colaboración de miembros de la Brigada de Homicidios; el Informe de la Autopsia, y muchos otros. Además contiene la bibliografía más completa de textos sobre la vida, obra y pensamiento de Salvador Allende.
The military coup that toppled Chilean President Salvador Allende in 1973 led to one of the most repressive military dictatorships in Latin American history. Although the coup's full origin remains one of the great mysteries of the Cold War, most assume that powers in Washington were largely to blame, given the long history of U.S. interventionism in Latin America. These assumptions were only strengthened by ongoing suspicions about the Nixon administration's role in a failed campaign to prevent Allende's inauguration in 1970. Providing a comprehensive account of the Nixon administration's efforts to undermine and unseat Allende, the book relies heavily on newly declassified records, addressing several crucial questions regarding U.S. involvement. The author explores several counterfactual scenarios to highlight important turning points and crucial decisions which contributed to the failure of Chilean democracy.
En 2007, el Presidente de Chile muerto trágicamente en el palacio de La Moneda adquirió nueva dimensión: aparecía Salvador Allende. Biografía sentimental, obra apasionante de Eduardo Labarca, que lo conoció de cerca. En esa biografía no autorizada, Salvador Allende, el presidente que dio la vida por transformar pacíficamente la sociedad, adquiría toda su estatura política y su plena magnitud de ser humano visionario, sanguíneo, generoso, pasional, valiente y en ocasiones angustiado y vacilante, fuerte y tierno a la vez, eternamente enamorado... Hoy, la visión sobre Allende experimenta un nuevo vuelco: aparece esta versión ampliada y definitiva de la biografía sentimental. Aquel...