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Event merupakan bagian dari suatu proyek yang memang diselenggarakan untuk kepentingan pihak tertentu dan dengan tujuan tertentu. Oleh karena itu dalam manajemen event tidak lepas dengan manajemen proyek. Tidak berbeda jauh dalam pelaksanaan suatu proyek pun terkadang membutuhkan pihak yang memanajemen ketika ada suatu acara yang dibuat dalam sebuah proyek, misalnya seperti peresmian gedung, syukuran selesainya sbeuah proyek maupun acara lainnya. Namun terlepas dari adanya suatu acara pada sebeuah proyek, dalam manajemen proyek pun tidak lepas dari keterbutuhannya pada manajemen event, seperti kebutuhan publikasi, dan kebutuhan sponsorship. Dengan demikian, sekalipun ada beberapa hal yang berbeda antara manajemen event dan proyek, tetapi ada beberapa hal yang saling terkait antara manajemen event dan proyek, salah satunya peran penting Event Organizer (EO) atau penyelenggara sebuah acara. Untuk itu buku ini membahas mengenai manajemen event dan manajemen proyek.
Buku “Optimalisasi Minat Mengunjungi Desa Wisata” hadir sebagai panduan komprehensif bagi para pemangku kepentingan di sektor pariwisata, termasuk pemerintah, masyarakat lokal, pelaku bisnis, serta akademisi, dalam mengembangkan dan mempromosikan desa wisata. Buku ini menguraikan langkah-langkah strategis untuk meningkatkan daya tarik desa wisata, mulai dari pemanfaatan kearifan lokal, pengelolaan sumber daya alam secara berkelanjutan, hingga optimalisasi teknologi digital sebagai alat promosi yang efektif. Berdasarkan tren wisata yang semakin mengutamakan pengalaman autentik, buku ini menyoroti pentingnya pelestarian budaya lokal dan keterlibatan aktif masyarakat dalam pengelolaan desa ...
Marine Tourism examines both successful and unsuccessful tourism in coastal and marine environments. The author provides an overview of the history, development and growth of marine tourism and describes the characteristics of 'marine tourists' and the 'vendors' of these tourist activities. The book includes case studies of specific types of tourism including: * the cruise ship industry, * whale and dolphin watching, * yachting - the America's Cup, * personal water crafts and other water sports * and maritime museums and festivals. in locations including Brighton, UK, the Florida Keys and Hawaii, USA Caribbean islands, New Zealand and Australia's Great Barrier Reef. The final section examines tourism impacts on marine ecosystems and coastal communities and explores management techniques aimed at reducing negative impacts and maximizing the benefits of marine tourism.
Directory of the alumni of Bandung Institute of Technology.
This presentation describes various aspects of the regulation of tissue oxygenation, including the roles of the circulatory system, respiratory system, and blood, the carrier of oxygen within these components of the cardiorespiratory system. The respiratory system takes oxygen from the atmosphere and transports it by diffusion from the air in the alveoli to the blood flowing through the pulmonary capillaries. The cardiovascular system then moves the oxygenated blood from the heart to the microcirculation of the various organs by convection, where oxygen is released from hemoglobin in the red blood cells and moves to the parenchymal cells of each tissue by diffusion. Oxygen that has diffused ...
This book constitutes the proceedings of two conferences: The 6th International Conference on ArtsIT, Interactivity and Game Creation (ArtsIT 2017) and the Second International Conference on Design, Learning and Innovation (DLI 2017). The event was hosted in Heraklion, Crete, Greece, in October 2017 and attracted 65 submissions from which 50 full papers were selected for publication in this book. The papers represent a forum for the dissemination of cutting-edge research results in the area of arts, design and technology, including open related topics like interactivity and game creation.
This newly revised and updated edition of the classic resource on museum marketing and strategy provides a proven framework for examining marketing and strategic goals in relation to a museum's mission, resources, opportunities, and challenges. Museum Marketing and Strategy examines the full range of marketing techniques and includes the most current information on positioning, branding, and e-marketing. The book addresses the issues of most importance to the museum community and shows how to Define the exchange process between a museum's offerings and consumer value Differentiate a museum and communicate its unique value in a competitive marketplace Find, create, and retain consumers and convert visitors to members and members to volunteers and donors Plan strategically and maximize marketing's value Achieve financial stability Develop a consumer-centered museum
This K-12 teaching methods text continues to focus on instruction, using a models approach that links prescriptive teaching strategies to specific content and thinking objectives. Well known for it's practical case-study approach, the Sixth Edition of Strategies and Models for Teachers opens each chapter with a case study that illustrates an instructional model in practice and translates cognitive principles of learning into teaching strategies. This edition is composed of two main parts. In Part I the first three chapters describe principles of cognitive learning and motivation theory, teaching strategies that apply to all grade levels, and the teaching of thinking. In Part II, the remaining chapters offer detailed coverage of the individual models, with each model designed to help learners reach specific cognitive, social, and critical thinking goals. With a focus on active learning, utilizing research, cognitive psychology, experience, and emphasizes the teacher's central role in the learning process teachers will find this an invaluable resource throughout their career.