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Buku ini membahas tentang pentingnya pendidikan karakter Islam dan bagaimana mengaplikasikannya dalam dunia pendidikan. Dalam buku ini, pembaca akan diajak untuk memahami pentingnya pendidikan karakter dan bagaimana nilai-nilai Islam dapat menjadi dasar untuk membentuk karakter yang baik dan berkualitas. Selain itu, buku ini juga memberikan contoh-contoh aplikasi pendidikan karakter Islam di dalam dan di luar lingkungan sekolah. Pembaca akan diajak untuk merenung dan mempraktekkan nilai-nilai Islam dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, baik di lingkungan keluarga, sekolah, maupun masyarakat.
buku budaya religius
Buku ini menjelaskan tentang materi Bahasa Arab Nahwu dan Shorof yang dijelaskan dengan rinci dan mudah difahami.
Buku ini merupakan buku pembelajaran mata kuliah PAI untuk fakultas pertanian yang bila digunakan dengan tepat akan mempermudah dalam proses pembelajaran dengan menggunakan media google classroom. Di dalam modul ini terdapat 1 kegiatan pembelajaran dengan tema besar Ukhuwah Islamiyyah.
Buku ini berfokus pada paradoks yang muncul dalam Manajemen Pendidikan Islam, di mana terdapat konflik antara teori dan praktik, serta antara idealisme dan realitas yang dihadapi oleh para pemimpin pendidikan. Dalam eksplorasi ini, penulis membahas berbagai teori manajemen yang berfungsi sebagai landasan untuk praktik Pendidikan Islam. Buku ini juga menunjukkan bagaimana teori-teori tersebut tidak sesuai dengan keadaan dunia nyata yang dihadapi institusi pendidikan. Selain itu, buku ini menunjukkan betapa pentingnya menyesuaikan prinsip filosofis dengan kebutuhan kehidupan nyata dalam Manajemen Pendidikan Islam. Pada buku ini memungkinkan pembaca untuk memahami bagaimana paradoks tersebut da...
Memasuki abad ke-20 kajian ilmu keislaman menjadi era dibukanya pemikiran dari berbagai sudut pandang. Hal ini, didukung dari beberapa temuan-temuan baru sains nyata-nyata menantang doktrin dan gagasan-gagasan keagamaan klasik. Sehingga, responsnya pun beraneka rupa. Misalnya, beberapa kalangan mempertahankan doktrindoktrin tradisional, beberapa yang lain meninggalkan tradisi, dan beberapa lagi yang merumuskan kembali konsep keagamaan secara ilmiah. Seorang Ian G Barbour (2000) melalui empat tipologi dialog sains dan agama. Pertama, tipologi konflik, yakni hubungan antara sains dan agama tidak mungkin dipertemukan, bahkan terdapat permusuhan dan pertempuran hidup-mati. Tipologi kedua, indepe...
This book explores the highly significant and contested area of graduate employability and employment which is paid so much attention by those in the media and policy-makers. This is driven largely by concerns over the wider economic impact and value of graduates as increasing numbers complete their studies in higher education. At a time when graduates are seen as key to economic success, the critical question remains as to how their employability plays out in a changing labour market. This book brings together innovative approaches and research to present an extensive survey of the field. It provides insight on what is a complex and often elusive social and economic problem, ranging from how graduate employability is constructed as an economic and policy agenda to explorations of how graduates manage the transition from higher education to paid employment and finally to suggest future directions for curricula, policy and research.
This is the first comprehensive and systematic theory of textuality that takes into account the relevant views of both analytic and Continental thinkers and also of major historical figures. The author shows that most of the confusion surrounding textuality is the result of three factors: a too-narrow understanding of the category; a lack of a proper distinction among logical, epistemological, and metaphysical issues; and a lack of proper grounding of epistemological and metaphysical questions on logic analyses. The author begins with a logical analysis of the notion of text resulting in a definition that serves as the basis for the distinctions he subsequently draws between texts on the one hand and language, artifacts, and art objects on the other; and for the classification of texts according to their modality and function. The second part of the book uses the conclusions of the first part to solve the various epistemological issues which have been raised about texts by philosophers of language, semioticians, hermeneuticists, literary critics, semanticists, aestheticians, and historiographers.
A Reference Grammar of Modern Standard Arabic is a comprehensive handbook on the structure of Arabic. Keeping technical terminology to a minimum, it provides a detailed yet accessible overview of Modern Standard Arabic in which the essential aspects of its phonology, morphology and syntax can be readily looked up and understood. Accompanied by extensive carefully-chosen examples, it will prove invaluable as a practical guide for supporting students' textbooks, classroom work or self-study, and will also be a useful resource for scholars and professionals wishing to develop an understanding of the key features of the language. Grammar notes are numbered for ease of reference, and a section is included on how to use an Arabic dictionary, as well as helpful glossaries of Arabic and English linguistic terms and a useful bibliography. Clearly structured and systematically organised, this book is set to become the standard guide to the grammar of contemporary Arabic.
The volume ‘Reform of Higher Education in Europe’ is published in celebration of CHEPS’ 25th anniversary. All contributors to this book are working at CHEPS, and bring their extensive knowledge of the deep-seated reforms and changes to the field of higher education and research over the last 25 years. The chapters are each devoted to a detailed policy analysis deeply rooted in CHEPS’ quarter-century programme of theoretical and empirical research. Some contributions cover key themes of concern since CHEPS’ early years, including state-university relationships, quality assurance and funding. Other contributions cover more contemporary higher education policy issues, including Europe...