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A inspiring, beautifully-designed guide for parents of toddlers looking to bring the principles of Montessori education—curiosity, independence, respect—into their daily lives.
Sun & Shiro is a book about friendship, and it also nudges its young readers at healthy eating without points a moral finger.
From the bestselling authors of The Montessori Toddler and The Montessori Baby, this book guides parents through the principles of Montessori to enhance their children's development and foster respectful relationships with their families and the world. When children are given independence, the tools to succeed, and the encouragement to build on their abilities, it’s amazing what they can achieve. The newest book in the bestselling Montessori series is an everything-you-need-to-know guide to raising your school-aged child (from 3–12 years old, with a bonus chapter for the teen years) in the Montessori way. Educators Simone Davies and Junnifa Uzodike provide an in-depth, practical guide to...
A guide to raising a baby from birth to age one by applying the wisdom of Montessori, from the bestselling author of The Montessori Toddler and a coauthor with expertise in infant care and education. The Montessori Baby guides new parents in how to interact with babies in ways that assist their development and foster a respectful relationship between parent and child.
“Saya harap pelajaran dari nenek buyut saya akan sampai ke rumah setiap keluarga melalui buku yang indah, praktis, dan inspiratif ini.” —Carolina Montessori Banyak orang tua menganggap balita sulit ditangani. Mereka dijuluki the terrible three 'usia tiga tahun yang parah'. Mereka tidak mau mendengarkan, terus-menerus melempar barang, tidak mau tidur, makan, atau menggunakan toilet. Akan tetapi, siapa sangka, metode Montessori yang selama ini sering dikenal dengan material dan aktivitas-aktivitasnya sesungguhnya akan membuat kita melihat balita dengan sudut pandang yang berbeda. Montessori membuat Anda dapat memahami balita dengan lebih mudah, mengapa mereka selalu ingin berlari, menjelajah, menyentuh apapun, atau menolak melakukan sesuatu. Percayalah, mengamati cara mereka belajar bisa membuat Anda takjub. Montessori akan menunjukkan kepada Anda bahwa ada cara yang lebih damai untuk menghadapi balita. Selain itu, Montessori akan membantu Anda menanam benih agar dapat membesarkan anak yang penuh rasa ingin tahu dan bertanggung jawab, demi masa depannya.
Je čas zmeniť náš pohľad na batoľatá. Pomocou princípov vytvorených doktorkou Mariou Montessori ukazuje autorka, ako je možné zmeniť život s „hrozným“ batoľaťom na pestrý a vzájomne obohacujúci čas plný zvedavosti, učenia sa, rešpektu a objavovania. Spolu so stovkami praktických nápadov týkajúcich sa všetkých stránok života s batoľaťom, ponúka kniha päť princípov na povzbudenie prirodzenej zvedavosti u vášho dieťaťa, od „dôvery dieťaťu“ až po „pestovanie jeho zvedavosti“.
Ένα σημαντικό βιβλίο-οδηγός για γονείς γραμμένο με απλό και πρακτικό τρόπο. Ο τόμος αυτός εστιάζει κυρίως στην ανατροφή των παιδιών 1-3 ετών.
Neste novo livro, Simone Davies e Junnifa Uzodike propõem que olhemos para o primeiro ano da vida de um bebê pelo viés montessoriano, O Bebê Montessori vai ajudar os pais a encontrar o apoio e a paz que desejam, enquanto aprendem a lidar com o bebê com amor e respeito. Em um passo a passo, o livro mostra aos adultos como desacelerar e alcançar um ritmo adequado para ajudar o bebê a construir confiança em si próprios, no seu ambiente, e em nós. O livro também destaca como tornar-se um observador hábil e compreender o que o bebê nos diz; e como incutir neles autoconfiança e sentimentos de alegria que beneficiam toda a família. Assim como o seu predecessor e best-seller - A Criança Montessori –, O Bebê Montessori é um livro precioso sobre parentalidade, que nos dá prazer em ler, pois as suas lindas ilustrações coloridas e o seu design limpo e arejado reforçam o tom não crítico e sem jargões, que auxiliará de forma consciente e serena pais, mães, cuidadores ou educadores no desenvolvimento sensório-motor do bebê – tudo por meio das lentes Montessori.
Announcing that rare parenting book that will not only help you become a more effective parent but actually change how you see your children. Written by Montessori educator Simone Davies, this book shows you how to bring the educational values of a Montessori classroom into your home—while turning the whole idea of the “terrible twos” on its head. Here is how to set up Montessori-friendly spaces in your home. Principles for fostering curiosity in your child—and in yourself. Specific Montessori skills—the winter coat flip; getting your toddler to pour his or her own water and clean up whatever spills might occur. And it goes much deeper, showing how a parent can really be present, be the child’s guide, and handle tantrums and problematic behavior without resorting to bribes, threats, or punishment and truly celebrate every stage. It’s also that rare parenting book that’s beautiful to look at, with a bright, airy design and simple color illustrations and photographs.
Montessori non è solo per i bambini piccoli! Basandosi sui principi educativi della nota pedagogista, le insegnanti Simone Davies e Junnifa Uzodike hanno dato alla luce una guida preziosa, stimolante e completa che permette a genitori ed educatori di applicare l’approccio Montessori con i bambini dai 3 ai 12 anni. Un testo ricco di idee e suggerimenti per incoraggiare la loro curiosità innata e la loro indipendenza attraverso la relazione, la collaborazione e la gioia, e per favorire una vita familiare con meno distrazioni e complicazioni. Con tante attività pratiche volte a stimolare nel bambino un sincero e vivo interesse verso i numeri, l’alfabetizzazione, l’arte e la scienza, ma anche la sua consapevolezza di essere parte integrante di una società e connesso con il mondo naturale che lo circonda.