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This volume proposes a theory of history education in formal classroom settings. Specifically, it aims to outline how the particular setting of the classroom interacts with domain-specific processes of historical thinking. The theory rests on the notion that formal school education is a communicative and social system, while historical thinking occurs in the psychological system of a person's historical consciousness. In the complex interaction of these systems, historical thinking, emotions, communication, media and language are of particular importance. Drawing upon educational theory as well as the theory of history, this theory of the history classroom provides a framework as well as a solid foundation for future empirical research, both for developing research questions as well as for interpreting findings.
This book is open access under a CC BY 4.0 license. This book explores how the socially disputed period of the Cold War is remembered in today’s history classroom. Applying a diverse set of methodological strategies, the authors map the dividing lines in and between memory cultures across the globe, paying special attention to the impact the crisis-driven age of our present has on images of the past. Authors analysing educational media point to ambivalence, vagueness and contradictions in textbook narratives understood to be echoes of societal and academic controversies. Others focus on teachers and the history classroom, showing how unresolved political issues create tensions in history education. They render visible how teachers struggle to handle these challenges by pretending that what they do is ‘just history’. The contributions to this book unveil how teachers, backgrounding the political inherent in all memory practices, often nourish the illusion that the history in which they are engaged is all about addressing the past with a reflexive and disciplined approach.
For all of the recent debates over the methods and theoretical underpinnings of the historical profession, scholars and laypeople alike still frequently think of history in terms of storytelling. Accordingly, historians and theorists have devoted much attention to how historical narratives work, illuminating the ways they can bind together events, shape an argument and lend support to ideology. From ancient Greece to modern-day bestsellers, the studies gathered here offer a wide-ranging analysis of the textual strategies used by historians. They show how in spite of the pursuit of truth and objectivity, the ways in which historians tell their stories are inevitably conditioned by their discursive contexts.
New technologies have radically transformed our relationship to information in general and to little bits of information in particular. The assessment of history learning, which for a century has valued those little bits as the centerpiece of its practice, now faces not only an unprecedented glut but a disconnect with what is valued in history education. More complex processes—historical thinking, historical consciousness or historical sense making—demand more complex assessments. At the same time, advances in scholarship on assessment open up new possibilities. For this volume, Kadriye Ercikan and Peter Seixas have assembled an international array of experts who have, collectively, move...
The 2022 issue of JHEC is focused on the topic "Why History Education" addressing the sense of history education in contemporary world where it has to assert itself in the field of tension of power, economy and society, and to engage in the dialogue with the growing field of public history. Perspectives from Austria, Germany, Israel, Poland, South Africa. Ukraine and Zimbabwe are included. The highlight of the Varia section is the article on "Plannungsmatrix" where Alois Ecker presents his innovative tool for designing teaching modules that skillfully combine first and second order historical concepts in the course of dialogical interaction between educator and students.
Introduction: Thinking about religious space : an introduction to approaches / Jeanne Halgren Kilde -- Conceptualizing space and place : genealogies of change in the study of religion / Juan E. Campo -- Hermeneutics of space : sacred space / Michael J. Crosbie -- Urbanism and religious space / Paul-François Tremlett -- Shared space, or mixed? / Robert M. Hayden -- Decommissioning and reuse of liturgical architectures : historical processes and temporal dimensions / Andrea Longhi -- The impermanence of religious space : three approaches to change in the American religioscape / Jeanne Halgren Kilde -- Planetary identities : globalization, climate change and meaning-making practices / Whitney ...
thersites is an international open access journal for innovative transdisciplinary classical studies edited by Annemarie Ambühl, Filippo Carlà-Uhink, Christian Rollinger and Christine Walde. thersites expands classical reception studies by publishing original scholarship free of charge and by reflecting on Greco-Roman antiquity as present phenomenon and diachronic culture that is part of today’s transcultural and highly diverse world. Antiquity, in our understanding, does not merely belong to the past, but is always experienced and engaged in the present. thersites contributes to the critical review on methods, theories, approaches and subjects in classical scholarship, which currently s...
Im Geschichtsschulbuch wird nicht nur Geschichte erzählt, sondern es wird auch zum historischen Erzählen und zum Umgang mit bestehenden historischen Erzählungen aufgefordert. Das macht das Geschichtsschulbuch zu einem Medium ganz eigener Art. Diese Besonderheit steht trotz einer vielfältigen Schulbuchforschung bislang allerdings nicht im wissenschaftlichen Fokus. Doch nur ein Verständnis von Geschichtsschulbüchern als didaktisch und zugleich geschichtskulturell eingebundenen Erzählmedien wird ihrer formativen Eigenlogik gerecht. Johannes Jansen profiliert in seiner Dissertation einen Forschungszugang, der es ermöglicht, diese Eigenlogik analytisch zu erfassen und die Komplexität der Erzählstrukturen und -bedingungen zu erschließen. Die Forschungsergebnisse sind für die Einordnung und Erklärung empirischer Befunde der Schulbuchrezeptionsforschung ebenso relevant wie für die Revision und Konzeption von Geschichtsschulbüchern. Außerdem erarbeitet die Dissertation Grundlagen für eine Theorie des Geschichtsschulbuches.
Die Studie "Geschichte und Gesellschaftslehre" wendet sich historischen Lehr-Lern-Prozessen in Unterrichtsreihen zu. Wie gestalten sich die Anbahnung und Performanz historischen Lernens in Unterrichtsreihen? Welche Lerneffekte lassen sich beschreiben?Die Studie ist in der Phänomen-, Ergebnis- und Wirkungsforschung angesiedelt und kombiniert Videographien, Lehrer*inneninterviews und Schüler*innenbefragungen. Das Untersuchungsdesign aus Vor- und Nacherhebung, Unterrichtsvideographie und Stabilitätsmessung ermöglicht auch Erkenntnisse zur Stabilität historischer Lernprozesse in den Themenfeldern Reformation, Industrialisierung, Imperialismus und deutsch-deutsche Geschichte nach 1945.