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Issues in Biological, Biochemical, and Evolutionary Sciences Research: 2011 Edition is a ScholarlyEditions™ eBook that delivers timely, authoritative, and comprehensive information about Biological, Biochemical, and Evolutionary Sciences Research. The editors have built Issues in Biological, Biochemical, and Evolutionary Sciences Research: 2011 Edition on the vast information databases of ScholarlyNews.™ You can expect the information about Biological, Biochemical, and Evolutionary Sciences Research in this eBook to be deeper than what you can access anywhere else, as well as consistently reliable, authoritative, informed, and relevant. The content of Issues in Biological, Biochemical, and Evolutionary Sciences Research: 2011 Edition has been produced by the world’s leading scientists, engineers, analysts, research institutions, and companies. All of the content is from peer-reviewed sources, and all of it is written, assembled, and edited by the editors at ScholarlyEditions™ and available exclusively from us. You now have a source you can cite with authority, confidence, and credibility. More information is available at
This state-of-the-science reference and text has given thousands of practitioners and students a strong foundation in understanding and treating addictive disorders. Leading experts address the neurobiology of addictions and review best practices in assessment and diagnosis. Specific substances of abuse are examined in detail, with attention to real-world clinical considerations. Issues in working with particular populations--including polysubstance abusers, culturally diverse patients, older adults, chronic pain sufferers, and others--are explored. Chapters summarize the theoretical and empirical underpinnings of widely used psychosocial and pharmacological treatments and clearly describe clinical techniques. New to This Edition *Incorporates a decade's worth of major advances in research and clinical practice. *Updated for DSM-5. *Many new authors; extensively revised with the latest information on specific biological mechanisms, substances, populations, and treatments. *Chapter on motivational interviewing.
Energy Storage not only plays an important role in conservinq the energy but also improves the performance and reliability of a wide range of energy systems. Energy storagp. leads to saving of premium fuels and makes the system morA cost effective by reducing the wastage of energy. In most systems there is a mismatch between the energy supply and energy demand. The energy storage can even out this imbalance and thereby help in savings of capital costs. Enerqy storage is all the more important where the enerqy source is intermittent such as Solar Energy. The use of jntermittent energy sources is likely to grow. If more and more solar energy is to be used for domestic and industrial applicatio...
Effectively manage the chronic problems of your hypertensive patients with the practical clinical tools inside Hypertension, 2nd Edition: A Companion to Braunwald's Heart Disease. This respected cardiology reference covers everything you need to know - from epidemiology and pathophysiology through diagnosis, risk stratification, treatment, outcome studies, concomitant diseases, special populations and special situations, and future treatments. Confidently meet the needs of special populations with chronic hypertensive disease, as well as hypertension and concomitant disease. Learn new methods of aggressive patient management and disease prevention to help ensure minimal risk of further cardi...
Healthcare, a vital industry that touches most of us in our lives, faces major challenges in demographics, technology, and finance. Longer life expectancy and an aging population, technological advancements that keep people younger and healthier, and financial issues area constant strain on healthcare organizations' resources and management. Focusing on the organization's ability to improve access, quality, and value of care to the patient may present possible solutions to these challenges. The Encyclopedia of Healthcare Information Systems provides an extensive and rich compilation of international research, discussing the use, adoption, design, and diffusion of information communication technologies (ICTs) in healthcare, including the role of ICTs in the future of healthcare delivery; access, quality, and value of healthcare; nature and evaluation of medical technologies; ethics and social implications; and medical information management.
From an internationally respected team of clinical and research experts comes this groundbreaking book that synthesizes the body of nursing research for 192 common medical-surgical interventions. Ideal for both nursing students and practicing nurses, this collection of research-based guidelines helps you evaluate and apply the latest evidence to clinical practice.