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Get a Jump Start on the popular CSS preprocessor Sass today! Using Sass, you can write your stylesheets in a more concise, dynamic, and readable way, and cut down many of the tedious repetitive tasks that come with writing vanilla CSS. Sass simplifies your stylesheets, adding some useful features missing from CSS. Most importantly, Sass will save you time. This book provides a thorough introduction to Sass for the beginner. In it, you'll learn: What preprocessors are and how they can be useful Installation and getting started Variables, mixins, and functions Loops and conditions Nesting Extend Warnings & errors Project architecture The Sass ecosystem And more!
Design robust, powerful, and above all, modern websites across all manner of devices with ease using HTML5 and CSS3 About This Book Use Responsive Grid System, Bootstrap, and Foundation frameworks for responsive web design Learn how to use the latest features of CSS including custom fonts, nth-child selectors (and some CSS4 selectors), CSS custom properties (variables), and CSS calc Make a mobile website using jQuery mobile and mobile-first design Who This Book Is For This course is for web developers who are familiar with HTML and CSS but want to understand the essentials of responsive web design. It is for those developers who are willing to seek innovative techniques that deliver fast, in...
It is not that hard to explain why I've decided to write this book. The main reason is very simple: I want people to start learning writing clean, clear and smart code. On the other hand (in complement to the main reason), I also wanted to make developers aware of what they can achieve if they will think out of the box and not following rigorously some current working habits which tend to 'standardize' everything around. This book started from a very strong desire of mine after seeing everywhere a lot of 'bad' use of HTML and CSS. I say 'bad' because I do not claim what I will expose in this book is the shiniest and coolest thing around. The approach I take is somehow opinionated, but it ser...
"Based on two popular talks from author Lea Verou including 'CSS3 Secrets: 10 things you may not know about CSS' this practical guide provides more than 50 undocumented techniques and tips for using CSS3 to create better websites. The talks that spawned this book have been top-rated by attendees in every conference they were presented and praised in industry media such as .'net' magazine. Get information you won't find in any other book. Learn through small, easily digestible chapters. Helps you understand CSS more deeply so you can improve your own solutions. Apply Lea's techniques to problems other than those she discusses. Gain tips from a rockstar author who serves as an Invited Expert in W3C's CSS Working Group"--Provided by publisher.
Rails: Novice to Ninja is an easy-to-follow, practical and fun guide to Ruby on Rails for beginners. It covers all you need to get up and running, from installing Ruby, Rails and SQLite to building and deploying a fully-featured web application. The third edition of this book has been fully updated to cover Rails 5, the latest version of the framework. Unlike other Rails books, this book doesn't assume that you are an experienced web developer, or that you've used Ruby before. An entire chapter is devoted to learning Ruby in a fun way, using the interactive Ruby console, so you can follow along at home. You'll be an accomplished Ruby programmer in no time! You'll then start using Rails to build a practical, working project: a Reddit-like social news application. As you'll build the app, you'll gain valuable experience of using Rails features such as user authentication, session cookies, and automated testing. The book finishes with chapters on debugging, benchmarking and deployment to a live web server.
Explore the robust features of Bootstrap 4 to create exciting websites through this collection of excellent hands-on projects About This Book Explore the inner workings of Bootstrap 4 by building different websites Customize your designs by working directly with Bootstrap's SASS files Leverage Bootstrap's excellent JavaScript plugins Who This Book Is For If you are a web developer who wants to build professional websites using Bootstrap 4, then this book is for you. Familiarity with the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is assumed. What You Will Learn Understand how Bootstrap compiles SASS code to static CSS and ES6 code into JavaScript code Integrate Bootstrap into application frameworks ...
This is the ideal reference for both new and existing web developers who want to be able to augment their skills and showcase their content in a truly professional manner.
Over 120 practical and easy-to-understand recipes that explain how to use Sass and Compass to write efficient, maintainable, and reusable CSS code for your web development projects About This Book Leverage Sass to make your CSS code maintainable, reusable and prevent code duplications Shorten debug time with Sass when creating complex CSS code for different browsers and devices Write easy and bullet-proof CSS with Compass using this step-by-step and detailed guide Who This Book Is For This book is mainly intended for web developers and designers who are comfortable with CSS and HTML. If you are someone with some experience with CSS, you will find the learning curve of learning Sass syntax to...
Learn how to create webpages for the modern web; incorporate graphics and text; build rich interactive applications; add links to text and images; add interactive elements to your sites; work with HTML5 and CSS3 code and structures; adapt webpage designs to a wide variety of desktop computers and mobile devices with a minimum of hand coding; and publish a finished site to the web. The fastest, easiest, most comprehensive way to learn Adobe Dreamweaver Classroom in a Book®, the best-selling series of hands-on software training workbooks, offers what no other book or training program does—an official training series from Adobe, developed with the support of Adobe product experts. Adobe Drea...
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Creative professionals seeking the fastest, easiest, most comprehensive way to learn Adobe Dreamweaver CC (2017 release) choose Adobe Dreamweaver CC Classroom in a Book (2017 release) from the best-selling series of hands-on software training workbooks from Adobe Press. The 13 project-based lessons in this book show users step by step the key techniques for working in Dreamweaver. Learn how to create webpages for the modern web; use and customize web frameworks to build responsive designs for a wide variety of desktop computers and mobile...