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Turkey's growing international profile, candidacy for the EU, and persistent democracy has led to a growing interest in how that country is governed. This book provides portraits of the seven main political parties by Turkish experts who are close observers of these institutions. In addition to providing an analytical survey of Turkish politics today, this volume also provides a fascinating case study on the problems of developing deep-rooted democracy, conflicts between state interests amd interest groups, and the evolution of party systems.
“Reis Beyefendi, Rejim hâlâ teminatsızdır; teminatsız olduğu için de diktatörlüğe meyyaldir. Murakabe yoktur, meşveret yoktur. Partimizin programı bir yanda, tatbikat başka yandadır. Milli davalara prensipler değil, bir tek adam ve onun meydana getirdiği zümre hâkimdir. Böyle olduğu için de iktidarı tutmak gaye olmuş ve her türlü fesadı, entrikayı gayenin hizmetinde kullanmak siyasi ve milli hayatımızın yek vasıtası haline gelmiştir. Hürriyet bayrağı ile iktidara gelen parti içinde hürriyet yoktur. Bu hal karşısında idealist partililer şaşkın, millet hayal kırıklığı içinde, üniversiteler hareket yeteneğini yitirmiş, matbuat zayıftır. H...
This book explores how the museum concept has expanded beyond the boundaries of a single building into the historic city itself through musealization. Articulating the musealization of historic cities as a specific urban process, the book here presents a study of the transformation of the Sultanahmet district on Istanbul’s historic peninsula, which has been the major focus of planning, conservation and museological studies in Turkey since the 19th century as the public face of the city. The author aims to offer empirically grounded and context-specific insight into the role of museums in the regeneration of historic cities. Musealization as an urban process varies in different geographical, cultural and ideological contexts, and across different time periods. By discussing the Sultanahmet district as a specific context of yet another city subjected to the musealization process, this book provides further insights into this important global phenomenon.
The modern nation-state of Turkey was established in 1923, but when and how did its citizens begin to identify themselves as Turks? Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, Turkey's founding president, is almost universally credited with creating a Turkish national identity through his revolutionary program to "secularize" the former heartland of the Ottoman Empire. Yet, despite Turkey's status as the lone secular state in the Muslim Middle East, religion remains a powerful force in Turkish society, and the country today is governed by a democratically elected political party with a distinctly religious (Islamist) orientation. In this history, Gavin D. Brockett takes a fresh look at the formation of Turkish ...
An unprecedented look at secret documents showing the deliberate nature of the Armenian genocide Introducing new evidence from more than 600 secret Ottoman documents, this book demonstrates in unprecedented detail that the Armenian Genocide and the expulsion of Greeks from the late Ottoman Empire resulted from an official effort to rid the empire of its Christian subjects. Presenting these previously inaccessible documents along with expert context and analysis, Taner Akçam's most authoritative work to date goes deep inside the bureaucratic machinery of Ottoman Turkey to show how a dying empire embraced genocide and ethnic cleansing. Although the deportation and killing of Armenians was int...
This edited volume fills a gap in the research on place, product and personal branding in the Middle East and North Africa. It critically analyses processes of strategic communication and image building under conditions of globalisation, neoliberalisation and authoritarian rule. It looks at historical and contemporary branding efforts of different actors involved, their interests and motives and at the positioning of brands in time and space.
Çok uluslu Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nun dağılmasının ardından kurulan Türkiye Cumhuriyeti'nin, homojen bir ulus-devlet olma politikası çerçevesinde "vatan topraklarını Türkleştirmek" adına yürüttüğü faaliyetler, gayrimüslim azınlıkların aleyhine işleyen bir süreci de beraberinde getirmiştir. Kendisinden sürekli kötülük beklenen "gâvur"a karşı daima teyakkuz halindeki Cumhuriyet, ne yazık ki zaman zaman hukukdışı yollara sapmaktan da geri durmamıştır. Türkiye tarihinin en karanlık ve utanç verici olaylarından birisi olan 6-7 Eylül 1955'te yaşananlar da, basit bir tahrikle açıklanamayacak kadar planlı, sistemli ve düzenli gerçekleşmişti. Ya...
This is the first account of the health panic surrounding cellular phones that developed in the mid-1990s. Treating the issue as more 'social construction' than evident scientific problem, it tells the story of how this originally American anxiety diffused internationally, having an even bigger impact in countries such as Italy. Burgess highlights the contrasting reactions to the issue ranging from positive indifference in Finland to those such as the UK where precautionary measures were taken. These differences are located within the emergence of a precautionary culture driven by institutional insecurity that first appeared in the US and is now most evident in Europe. Anxieties about cell phone radiowaves are also situated historically in the very different reactions to technologies such as x-rays and in the more similar 'microwave suspicions' about television. In addition, Burgess outlines a history and sociology of what is, despite media-driven anxieties, a spectacularly successful device.