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Buku "Manajemen Ritel" adalah panduan yang komprehensif tentang bagaimana mengelola bisnis ritel dengan efektif dalam lingkungan yang terus berubah. Penulis membahas berbagai aspek manajemen ritel, mulai dari perencanaan strategis hingga operasi harian, dengan fokus pada prinsip-prinsip terbaik dalam industri ritel. Dalam buku ini, pembaca akan belajar tentang konsep-konsep dasar manajemen ritel, seperti pemilihan lokasi toko, merancang tata letak yang efisien, manajemen stok, pelayanan pelanggan, dan pemasaran ritel. Penulis juga mengulas perkembangan terbaru dalam industri ritel, termasuk peran teknologi dalam transformasi pengalaman belanja. Selain itu, buku ini membahas tentang manajemen rantai pasokan, analisis kinerja toko, dan strategi pengembangan merek untuk meningkatkan daya saing dalam pasar yang kompetitif. Dengan penekanan pada aplikasi praktis dan studi kasus yang relevan, buku ini memberikan wawasan berharga bagi pemilik bisnis, manajer ritel, dan profesional yang tertarik dalam industri ritel.
Buku "Digital Marketing" adalah panduan komprehensif yang menguraikan strategi dan teknik terbaik untuk memanfaatkan dunia pemasaran digital dalam era modern. Dalam buku ini, pembaca akan diajak untuk memahami berbagai aspek digital marketing, mulai dari konsep dasar hingga strategiyang lebih canggih. Penulis menyajikan beragam topik yang relevan dalam pemasaran digital, termasuk pembuatan konten yang menarik, optimisasi mesin pencari (SEO), iklan berbayar (SEM), media sosial, email marketing, dan analisis kinerja kampanye. Dengan pendekatan yang praktis dan disertai dengan studi kasus dan contoh nyata, buku ini membantu pembaca memahami bagaimana membangun dan melaksanakan strategi digital marketing yang efektif untuk meningkatkan visibilitas merek, menjangkau audiens yang tepat, dan meningkatkan konversi. Buku "Digital Marketing" sangat cocok bagi para profesional pemasaran, pengusaha, dan siapa pun yang tertarik untuk memperdalam pemahaman mereka tentang pemasaran digital dan menerapkannya dalam praktik bisnis mereka.
This book focuses on the effect of leadership on organizational outcomes and summarizes the current research findings in the field. It addresses the need for inclusive and interpretive studies in the field in order to interpret leadership literature and suggest new pathways for further studies. Appropriately, a meta-analysis approach is used by the contributors to show the big picture to the researchers by analyzing and combining the findings from different independent studies. In particular, the editors compile various studies examining the relationship between the leadership and thirteen organizational outcomes separately. The philosophy behind this book is to direct future research and practices rather than addressing the limits of current studies.
John Naisbitt's book Megatrends (1982) sold more than 8 million copies world wide and remained at the top of the bestseller lists for two years. That book, and Megatrends 2000, established John Naisbitt as one of the world's foremost forecasters of social, economic, political and cultural trends. In those books, he accurately predicted trends ranging from the globalisation of the economy to the surging impact of technological innovations and the renewed power of culture on our lives. Now he provides a vision of the forces that will transform the world following the epochal changes of the early 1990s.InGlobal Paradox, John Naisbitt explores the new global environment of the 1990s and the powe...
Now in its second edition, the successful 'Development and Management of Visitor Attractions' has been fully revised and updated to cover the latest issues in this ever-changing area of tourism. New features/topics include: * The Millennium Dome * National Lottery funded projects * International case studies * Updated statistics and examples The author examines the factors that contribute to the success of visitor attractions. 'The Development and Management of Visitor Attractions' 2nd Edition, covers every aspect of the process of developing and managing different kinds of attractions. Theories explored throughout the text are illustrated through a range of examples and case studies drawn from a number of countries.
Set in 1950s Sumatra, this is a story of lost innocence and complex moral dilemmas. It follows the journey of Yahyu, a young Javanese dancer, who runs away from a forced marriage and becomes unwittingly involved in the violent struggle for Sumatra’s independence from Jakarta. On her long passage from fame to degradation Yahyu experiences love, hate, sexual slavery and the horror of the rebels’ last bloody battle deep in the Barisan Mountains
Humans are unique in that they expend considerable effort and ingenuity in disposing of the dead. Some of the recognisable ways we do this are visible in the Palaeolithic archaeology of the Ice Age. The Palaeolithic Origins of Human Burial takes a novel approach to the long-term development of human mortuary activity – the various ways we deal with the dead and with dead bodies. It is the first comprehensive survey of Palaeolithic mortuary activity in the English language. Observations in the modern world as to how chimpanzees behave towards their dead allow us to identify ‘core’ areas of behaviour towards the dead that probably have very deep evolutionary antiquity. From that point, t...
Contains nine critical essays that analyze various aspects of Erich Maria Remarque's "All Quiet on the Western Front," and includes a chronology of Remarque's life and works.