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Statues, paintings, and masks—like the bodies of shamans and spirit mediums—give material form and presence to otherwise invisible entities, and sometimes these objects are understood to be enlivened, agentive on their own terms. This book explores how magical images are expected to work with the shamans and spirit mediums who tend and use them in contemporary South Korea, Vietnam, Myanmar, Bali, and elsewhere in Asia. It considers how such things are fabricated, marketed, cared for, disposed of, and sometimes transformed into art-market commodities and museum artifacts.
The book analyzes recent changes in Bali in the field of politics, religion, and identity politics and concentrates on the impact of regional autonomy and democracy. The Indonesian island of Bali depends on the outside world for tourists, capital, and cheap labor, but the island's people feel threatened by external forces (powerful investors, Western decadence, Islam). Schulte Nordholt describes the effects of decentralization and democratization on life and politics on the island, and the efforts of urban intellectuals to maintain and reinforce a Balinese identity. In discussing events over the past decade, the author considers caste and power relations at provincial, district, and village levels, the role of criminal gangs and violent conflict, and the workings of local democracy.
The Routledge Handbook of Material Religion places objects and bodies at the center of scholarly studies of religious life and practice. Propelling forward the study of material religion, the Handbook first reveals the deep philosophical roots of its key categories and then advances new critical analytics, such as queer materialities, inescapable material entanglements, and hyperobjects that explode the small-scale personal view on religions. The Handbook comprises thirty chapters, written by an international team of contributors who offer a global perspective of religious pasts and presents, divided into four thematic parts: Genealogies of Material Religion Materializing the Terms of the St...
Buku ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman yang lebih mendalam tentang diabetes melitus dan sekaligus menggarisbawahi bagaimana kondisi emosional, seperti stres, harga diri rendah, dan depresi, memiliki peran krusial dalam perjalanan pasien menghadapi penyakit ini. Salah satu tujuan utama buku ini adalah memberikan panduan praktis dalam mengelola aspek psikososial pasien diabetes melitus di Provinsi Bali. Selain mengulas bagaimana emosi mempengaruhi kesehatan secara keseluruhan, buku ini juga memberikan langkah-langkah konkret untuk menghadapi stres sehari-hari dan mengelola perasaan harga diri rendah serta depresi yang seringkali menyertai kondisi diabetes melitus. Melalui pemahaman mend...
Buku ini disusun menyesuaikan dengan standar kurikulum yang ada dan diperkaya dengan berbagai pokok bahasan yang terkait dalam praktik keperawatan jiwa. Dalam isi buku ini, terdapat berbagai pokok bahasan yang bersifat umum dan khusus terkait dengan aplikasi psikologi sebagai landasan keilmuan dalam praktik keperawatan jiwa.
For decades almost the only social scientists who visited Indonesia’s provinces were anthropologists. Anybody interested in politics or economics spent most of their time in Jakarta, where the action was. Our view of the world’s fourth largest country threatened to become simplistic, lacking that essential graininess. Then, in 1998, Indonesia was plunged into a crisis that could not be understood with simplistic tools. After 32 years of enforced stability, the New Order was at an end. Things began to happen in the provinces that no one was prepared for. Democratization was one, decentralization another. Ethnic and religious identities emerged that had lain buried under the blanket of the...
Hampir satu dekade setelah peristiwa pada tahun 1998 yang penuh pergolakan itu, beberapa dari perubahan-perubahan yang dengan tergesa-gesa diperkenalkan itu ternyata hanya berumur pendek. Partai politik Orde Baru Golkar kembali berkuasa pada tahun 2004. Begitu pula seorang mantan jenderal di istana kepresidenan. Desentralisasi juga dimundurkan kembali sampai sejauh tertentu. Keamanan telah membaik. Buku ini adalah hasil dari sebuah proyek penelitian dua tahun.yang didasarkan pada Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies (KITLV), dan diberi judul ‘Renegotiating boundaries; Local politics in post-Suharto Indonesia’ Penelitian ini mempersatukan 24 peneliti internasional - terutama dari Indonesia dan Belanda, tetapi juga dari Amerika Serikat, Australia, Jerman, Kanada, dan Portugal.
The Kakawin Ramayana, arguably the oldest Old Javanese epic text in Indic metres (circa 9th century AD), holds a unique position in the literary heritage of Indonesia. The poem has retained a remarkable vitality through the centuries in the Archipelago, inspiring many forms of artistic expression not only in the domain of literature but also in the visual and performing arts, from the reliefs of the majestic Central Javanese temples to modern puppet-show performances. Displaying a virtuoso array of metrical patterns, the Kakawin Ramayana is among the very few Old Javanese texts for which a specific Sanskrit prototype has been identified, namely the difficult poem Bhattikavya (circa 7th centu...
Manusia dikenal sebagai makhluk sosial, yang saling membutuhkan satu sama lain. Perlu ada komunikasi dan saling membantu; baik dalam hal-hal fisik maupun rohani. Minimal bisa membantu diri sendiri dan keluarga. Karena ini, kita perlu mengenal dan mempelajari kepribadian seseorang. Dengan mengenal pribadi seseorang dapat membantu dalam melakukan pendekatan dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan orang lain. Minimal satu salam lain tidak saling bentrok di tengah perbedaan yang ada. Sebab perbedaan itu tidak bisa dipungkiri. Semua manusia memiliki keunikan dan kepribadian yang berbeda.