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INDONESIA TOURISM : History and Cultur
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 200

INDONESIA TOURISM : History and Cultur

Buku "INDONESIA TOURISM : History and Culture" membahas perkembangan pariwisata Indonesia dari sejarah hingga masa kini. Dimulai dengan penjelasan tentang konsep dasar pariwisata dan sejarah singkat pariwisata Indonesia, buku ini menjelaskan peran penting pariwisata dalam pembangunan ekonomi nasional, menciptakan lapangan kerja, dan mempromosikan budaya lokal. Ekowisata, sebagai fokus utama, dijelaskan melalui potensi besar Indonesia dalam menjaga keanekaragaman hayati serta berbagai destinasi alam seperti taman nasional dan ekosistem laut. Selain itu, buku ini mengupas kuliner Indonesia sebagai daya tarik wisata, serta pengembangan destinasi wisata baru yang terus berkembang. Konsep pariwisata berkelanjutan juga menjadi bagian penting, menyoroti tantangan dan peluang untuk menjaga keseimbangan antara pariwisata dan kelestarian lingkungan. Dengan potensi besar dalam ekowisata dan berbagai destinasi menarik, buku ini memberikan panduan penting tentang bagaimana Indonesia dapat terus mengembangkan pariwisatanya secara berkelanjutan di masa depan.

Bisnis Periwisata di Indonesia : Peluang Bisnis Destinasi Pariwisata di Indonesia
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 229

Bisnis Periwisata di Indonesia : Peluang Bisnis Destinasi Pariwisata di Indonesia

Buku “Bisnis Periwisata di Indonesia : Peluang Bisnis Destinasi Pariwisata di Indonesia" adalah panduan komprehensif bagi para pengusaha dan investor yang tertarik mengeksplorasi potensi industri pariwisata Indonesia. Buku ini membahas berbagai aspek kunci, mulai dari definisi dan ruang lingkup pariwisata hingga peran ekonomi sektor ini dalam perekonomian Indonesia. Dengan fokus pada destinasi pariwisata Indonesia, seperti keindahan alam, warisan budaya, dan kekayaan kuliner, pembaca diajak untuk memahami strategi perencanaan, pengelolaan lingkungan, dan pemasaran yang diperlukan untuk mengembangkan destinasi pariwisata yang berkelanjutan. Melalui penekanan pada branding, promosi kolaboratif, dan pengalaman wisata yang menarik, buku ini memberikan wawasan yang berharga bagi mereka yang ingin memasuki pasar pariwisata yang kompetitif, sambil tetap mempertahankan prinsip etika bisnis untuk menjaga keberlanjutan industri dan memberikan manfaat positif bagi masyarakat lokal. Dengan demikian, buku ini menjadi panduan yang sangat berguna bagi siapa saja yang tertarik menggali peluang bisnis di sektor pariwisata Indonesia.

PARIWISATA INDONESIA : Tata Kelola & Pengembangan Pariwisata di Indonesia
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 173

PARIWISATA INDONESIA : Tata Kelola & Pengembangan Pariwisata di Indonesia

Buku ini merupakan salah satu buku referensi yang menyajikan ulasan lengkap tentang tata kelola serta pengembangan sektor pariwisata di Indonesia. Dimulai dengan pengantar yang menjelaskan definisi dan konsep dasar tata kelola pariwisata, buku ini juga memaparkan sejarah perkembangan pariwisata Indonesia, serta peran penting tata kelola dalam memastikan keberlanjutan dan kesuksesan industri pariwisata. Selain itu, strategi manajemen pariwisata juga dikupas secara mendalam, termasuk perencanaan strategis, pengelolaan sumber daya, dan pengembangan produk serta destinasi wisata yang kompetitif. Buku ini juga menyoroti pentingnya inovasi, seperti pemanfaatan teknologi digital dalam pariwisata, dan pengembangan produk wisata kreatif seperti pariwisata budaya dan ekowisata. Bab tentang tantangan global membahas dampak globalisasi, perlunya adaptasi teknologi, serta manajemen risiko dalam menghadapi krisis yang dapat mempengaruhi sektor pariwisata. Dengan pendekatan praktis dan analisis menyeluruh, buku ini menjadi panduan bagi pemangku

Marketing in Travel and Tourism
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 501

Marketing in Travel and Tourism

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2012-05-23
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  • Publisher: Routledge

Now in its third edition, the best-selling text, Marketing in Travel and Tourism, explains the principles and practice of marketing as they are increasingly being applied in the global travel and tourism industry. Building on the success of previous editions, the authors have completely revised the text to reflect the changes in the travel and tourism industry in the 21st century. International examples and case studies drawn from recent practice in several countries are used throughout the text. Case studies emphasising the role of ICT include: Microburners, Travel Inn (budget hotels), RCI Europe, the Balearic Islands, and ICT and the role of the Internet in international NTO strategies. With its comprehensive content and user friendly style, Marketing in Travel and Tourism third edition takes the reader from an initial definition of the subject matter through to the application of marketing in the travel and tourism industry, discussing crucial components such as planning strategy and the marketing mix, making it an indispensable text for both students and practitioners alike.

Beyond Ainu Studies
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 274

Beyond Ainu Studies

In 2008, 140 years after it had annexed Ainu lands, the Japanese government shocked observers by finally recognizing Ainu as an Indigenous people. In this moment of unparalleled political change, it was Uzawa Kanako, a young Ainu activist, who signalled the necessity of moving beyond the historical legacy of “Ainu studies.” Mired in a colonial mindset of abject academic practices, Ainu Studies was an umbrella term for an approach that claimed scientific authority vis-à-vis Ainu, who became its research objects. As a result of this legacy, a latent sense of suspicion still hangs over the purposes and intentions of non-Ainu researchers. This major new volume seeks to re-address the role o...

Tourism, Development and Terrorism in Bali
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 221

Tourism, Development and Terrorism in Bali

This book investigates tourism as a form of globalization within the context of the island of Bali, which has been voted the world's top island destination for the third time running by American travellers. The volume covers the onset of the Asian Crisis, the largest stock-market crash since the Great Depression. The authors chart the turbulence that has afflicted the island at a time of market uncertainty and global political strife and analyze the responses of Bali's business and community leaders to the crises that have buffeted the island since the fall of Suharto. In particular, the book analyzes crisis management with regard to the Bali Bombings, the impact of the bombings on the tourism development cycle and investigates the motives of the bombers. The authors argue that the actions of the bombers can best be understood with regard to the rise of political Islam as a global issue and the book breaks new ground with an analysis of the bombers' global experiences. The book also examines home-grown resistance to certain aspects of globalization, notably the attempt to turn Besakih, the island's mother temple, into a World Heritage Site and top tourist destination.

Building Community Capacity
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 284

Building Community Capacity

This book focuses on a gap in current social work practice theory: community change. Much work in this area of macro practice, particularly around "grassroots" community organizing, has a somewhat dated feel to it, is highly ideological in orientation, or suffers from superficiality, particularly in the area of theory and practical application. Set against the context of an often narrowly constructed "clinical" emphasis on practice education, coupled with social work's own current rendering of "scientific management," community practice often takes second or third billing in many professional curricula despite its deep roots in the overall field of social welfare. Drawing on extensive case s...

Economie de L'incertain Et de L'information
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 312

Economie de L'incertain Et de L'information

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1989
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  • Publisher: MIT Press

The Economics of Uncertainty and Information may be used in conjunction with Loffont's Fundamentals of Economics in an advanced course in microeconomics.

Tourism in Southeast Asia
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 370

Tourism in Southeast Asia

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2009
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  • Publisher: NIAS Press

Tourism in Southeast Asia provides an up-to-date exploration of the state of tourism development and associated issues in one of the world's most dynamic tourism destinations. The volume takes a close look at many of the challenges facing Southeast Asian tourism at a critical stage of transition and transformation and following a recent series of crises and disasters. Building on and advancing the path-breaking Tourism in South-East Asia, produced by the same editors in 1993, it adopts a multidisciplinary approach and includes contributions from some of the leading researchers on tourism in Southeast Asia, presenting a number of fresh perspectives.

Tourism Policy and Planning
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 441

Tourism Policy and Planning

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2008-09-10
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  • Publisher: Routledge

For many communities and countries throughout the world tourism is the most valuable industry. Economic changes taking place in China, India, and the United States (with almost 3 billion people, half the world's population), for example, will have major impacts on the global tourism markets of tomorrow. Social-cultural changes in Europe, with borderless tourism crossings and a common currency, are increasing opportunities for tourism growth. East Asia and the Pacific Rim are experiencing unprecedented growth and change in tourism. From the perspective of economic policy, tourism for local communities is a vital economic development tool producing income, creating jobs, spawning new businesse...