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Pariwisata merupakan suatu kegiatan yang sifatnya komplek. mencakup hamper seluruhan aspek kehidupan manusia. Oleh karena itu pembangunan pariwisata harus ditinjau dari aspek kehidupan. Pembangunan sector pariwisata diarahkan menjadi sector andalan yang mampu menjadi peluang kerja, pendapatan asli daerah dan penerimaan devisa negara. Indonesia merupakah salah satu negara yang memiliki kenekaragaman hayati begitu besar terutama sumber daya alam. Dari kenekaragaman yang begitu banyak tentunya memiliki peranan yang sangat penting dalam sector kepariwisataan, terutama dalam pengembangan pariwisata yang berkelanjutan Potensi obyek wisata dan daya tarik yang dimiliki olehindonesia antara lain beru...
The 1st International Conference on Tourism, Management and Technology is motivated by improving the quality of research and development relating to tourism, management and technology fields. Thus, this conference has aims: (1) to bring together the scientists, researchers and practitioners, and lecturers. (2) To share and to discuss theoretical and practical knowledge about innovation in tourism, management and technology fields. The conference took place in Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on August, 17th 2019. There are 34 papers that are participated from various topics. The conference involves tourism, management and technology fields, such as; Media and Technology in Tourism, Innovat...
Buku ini membahas tentang perlindungan hukum bagi korban ujaran kebencian (hate speech) di Indonesia. Ujaran kebencian merupakan tindakan komunikasi yang bertujuan untuk mengejek, melecehkan, atau menghina individu atau kelompok berdasarkan suku, agama, ras, dan antargolongan (SARA). Tindakan ini dapat mengakibatkan pelanggaran Hak Asasi Manusia (HAM), mulai dari yang ringan hingga berat. Meskipun terdapat berbagai peraturan yang mengatur tentang ujaran kebencian, pada kenyataannya perlindungan hukum bagi korban, khususnya dari sisi hukum pidana, masih belum memadai. Buku ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji kedudukan korban tindak pidana hate speech dalam sistem hukum Indonesia, mendeskripsikan pengaturan terkait tindak pidana hate speech dalam Undang-Undang ITE, serta menganalisis bentuk-bentuk perlindungan yang tersedia bagi korban. Buku ini penting dibaca bagi siapa saja yang tertarik dengan isu HAM, hukum pidana, dan perlindungan korban kejahatan. Buku ini juga relevan bagi praktisi hukum, akademisi, mahasiswa, serta masyarakat umum yang ingin memahami lebih dalam tentang perlindungan terhadap korban ujaran kebencian di Indonesia.
Now in its fourth edition, this international best-selling textbook is a classic in its field. Written by one of the leading names in social work, it provides a comprehensive and critical overview of the main practice theories that will act as a companion for students throughout their course and their career as a practitioner. In this substantially reworked and updated fourth edition of his best-selling text, Malcolm Payne presents clear and concise evaluations of the pros and cons of major theories that inform social work practice, and comparisons between them. This is the ideal text for theory, methods and practice modules on qualifying social work courses at undergraduate and postgraduate level, as well qualified social work practitioners taking post-qualifying and CPD courses.
1 To see and promulgate recent advancements and innovations that helps in designing, implementation of smart cities with an impression on solutions from a majorly technological perspective 2 To urge discussions, cooperation and coordination from eminent dignitaries with credible positions and knowledge within their fields 3 To attractiveness to the outlook of the society normally, involving their interests and wakeful participation, essential for smart city good town solutions and progress of the Nation
This book introduces new concepts and mechanisms regarding the usage of both social media interactions and artifacts for peer education in digital educational games. Digital games in general, and digital educational games in particular, represent an area with a high potential for interdisciplinary innovation, not only from an information technology standpoint, but also from social science, psychological and didactic perspectives. This book presents an interdisciplinary approach to educational games, which is centered on information technology and aims at: (1) improving digital management by focusing on the exchange of learning outcomes and solution assessment in a peer-to-peer network of lea...
Autobiography of Ida Bagus Gde Dosther, retired public prosecutor from Bali Province.