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Sustainable Development - Relationships to Culture, Knowledge and Ethics
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 232

Sustainable Development - Relationships to Culture, Knowledge and Ethics

The emergence of a global and technological world and its accelerating, dissemination before the beginning of the 21st century does not only give rise to technological, economic, social, environmental, political, and educational tasks. Significant philosophical questions, epistemic reflections, and cultural debates result. The aim of this book is to provide information about epistemic, ethical, and cultural implications of sustainable development on an interdisciplinary and international level.

Sustainable Development
  • Language: en

Sustainable Development

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2019
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  • Publisher: Unknown

The emergence of a global and technological world and the accelerating dissemination of technology does not only give rise to technological, economic, social, environmental, political and educational tasks. Significant philosophical questions, epistemic reflections and cultural debates result and have to be pushed forward. To move sustainable development from a political mission statement and scientific challenge into everyday life we have to shift our focus of attention to those who are driving a non-sustainable development: human beings and their societal and cultural conditions and interactions. Ultimately not the ecological footprint is the core challenge, but we and those who are leaving this footprint. The idea of the present volume of Sustainable Development - Relationships to Culture, Knowledge and Ethics was developed in the course of the international conference "Sustainability 2010: The Cultural Dimension", which took place in July 2010 in Berlin. The aim of this book is to provide discussions about cultural, epistemic and ethical implications of contemporary changes and emerging challenges on an interdisciplinary and international level.

Munstro abertzalea
  • Language: eu
  • Pages: 135

Munstro abertzalea

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2003
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Munstro abertzalea
  • Language: eu
  • Pages: 89

Munstro abertzalea

Gogoetaren mundutik dator Ignazio Aiestaran iruñearra; batzuetan, ordea, pentsamendu egituratua ez da tresna egokiena sentimenduen borborra eta ideien anabasa adierazteko. Horregatik aukeratuko zuen, beharbada, poesiaren bidea filosofo gazteak. Aiestaranek ez du poesia lirikoa egiteko asmorik, hala ere: ez duzu aurkituko hemen txorien kantuaren laudoriorik, ezta amodiozko penen deitorerik ere; aitzitik, pentsamenduz eta ideiaz gainezka dagoen poesia egin du: deitu poesia soziala nahi baduzu, edo filosofikoa, edo politikoa, zergatik ez.

Sustainable Development, Ecological Complexity, and Environmental Values
  • Language: en

Sustainable Development, Ecological Complexity, and Environmental Values

Collection of articles on sustainability in the Basque Country.

Sustainable Development
  • Language: en

Sustainable Development

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2011
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Walter Benjaminen aingerua Gernikako bonbardaketatik
  • Language: eu
  • Pages: 216

Walter Benjaminen aingerua Gernikako bonbardaketatik

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2010-07-09
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  • Publisher: Unknown

Totalitarismoaren gerra izan da XX. mendeko ikurretako bat. Liburu honetan irakurleak, lehenengo aldiz, logika belizista bat aurkituko du, XX. mende hasieran indar handia izan zuena. 20ko eta 30ko hamarkadetan Espainiak eta Italiak bonbardaketak erabili zituzten Afrikako kolonietan, bai Rif-en, bai Abisinian. Espainiako Gerra Zibilean areagotu egin zen estrategia hau; Otxandio, Durango eta Gernika proba-lekuak izan ziren, eta geroago penintsulako leku askotan zabaldu zen suntsiketa, Mussolinik eta Hitlerrek lagundurik. Proba horiek ohiko bilakatu ziren Bigarren Mundu Gerran: Dresden, Coventry, Hamburg, Hiroshima eta Nagasaki dira historia beltz honetako markak. Bonbardaketetan garai hartako ...

Kant eta modernitatearen iraultza
  • Language: eu
  • Pages: 150

Kant eta modernitatearen iraultza

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2005
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Harri txintxolak
  • Language: eu
  • Pages: 89

Harri txintxolak

Jean-Louis Davant gaurko idazle klasiko bat dela esan liteke, bai adinez, bai egindako lanen kopuruaz. Baina, horrez gain, klasikotasunaren gustu eta usaina dituen lan bat egin du oraingoan, bai formetan, bai edukietan: Harri txintxolak. Formaren aldetik, izan ere, sonetoa da gehien agertzen dena, bestelako metro eta ahapaldiak ere badiren arren, baita bertso librean idatzitako olerkiak ere. Sonetoak egiteko tankeran, berriz, euskal kutsu nabarmena erantsi die bere poema hauei, gure tradizioan ezagunenak ditugun neurriak erabili baititu: 13 silabako lerroak batik bat (7+6), baita 18koak ere (10+8).

Spam poemak
  • Language: eu
  • Pages: 86

Spam poemak

Inork eskatu gabeko mezuei deitzen diegu spam, Interneteko publizitate zaborrari. Poema hauek ere inork eskatu gabe egin ditu Castillo Suarezek, eta inork eskatu gabe bidaltzen dizkigu; gure disko gogorra aztoratzeko, eguneroko lanen eta harremanen errutinak bere onetik ateratzeko. Sentimenduez ari da Castillo Suarez bere poema gehienetan, baina modu ez sentimental, ia-ia antisentimental batean.