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Far from teleological historiography, the pan-European perspective on Early Modern drama offered in this volume provides answers to why, how, where and when the given phenomena of theatre appear in history. Using theories of circulation and other concepts of exchange, transfer and movement, the authors analyze the development and differentiation of European secular and religious drama, within the disciplinary framework of comparative literature and the history of literature and concepts. Within this frame, aspects of major interest are the relationship between tradition and innovation, the status of genre, the proportion of autonomous and heteronomous creational dispositions within the artef...
"This is a history of a space - a space between the Panonian plain in the East and the most northernmost bay in the Adriatic in the West, from the eastern Alps in the North and the Dinaridic mountain area in the South. It is also a history of all the different people who lived in this area. The authors show that the Slavs did not settle an empty space and simply replace the Celto-Roman inhabitants of earlier times; they are, on the contrary, presented as the result of reciprocal acculturation. The authors show that the Slovenes made more than two important appearances throughout the entire feudal era; the same holds for later periods, especially for the twentieth century. This book offers a concise and complete history of an area that finally became an integral part of Central Europe and the Balkans."--Pub. desc.
This book explores the historial role of the Balkan Wars. In Eastern Europe, the two Balkan Wars of 1912/13 had greater importance than the First World War for the construction of nations and states. This volume shows how these “short” wars profoundly changed the sociopolitical situation in the Balkans, with consequences that are still felt today. More than one hundred years later, the successors of the belligerent states in Southeastern Europe memorialize the wars as heroic highlights of their respective pasts. Furthermore, the metaphor that the Balkans were Europe’s “powder keg”, perpetuated at the beginning of the twentieth century in the face of these wars, was reactivated in both the West and the East up through the Yugoslav wars of the 1990s. The authors entangle the hitherto exclusive national master narratives and analyse them cogently and trenchantly for an international readership. They make an indispensable contribution to the proper integration of the Balkan Wars into the European historical memory of twentieth-century warfare.
This volume presents a series of chapters about the Great War and memory in Central and South-Eastern Europe which will widen the insufficient and spotty representations of the Great War in that region. The contributors deliver an important addition to present-day scholarship on the more or less unknown war in the Balkans and at the Italian fronts. Although it might not completely fill the striking gap in the historical representations of the situation between the Slovene-Italian Soča-Isonzo river in the North-West and the Greek-Macedonian border mountains around Mount Kajmakčalan in the South-East, it will add significantly to the scholarship on the Balkan theatre of war and provide a much-needed account of the suffering of civilians, ideas, loyalties and cultural hegemonies, as well as memories and the post-war memorial landscape. The contributors are Vera Gudac Dodić, Silviu Hariton, Vijoleta Herman Kaurić, Oto Luthar, Olga Manojlović Pintar, Ahmed Pašić, Ignác Romsics, Daniela Schanes, Fabio Todero, Nikolai Vukov and Katharina Wesener.
Knjiga ob prikazu ozadja vzpostavljanja t. i. slovanske pismenosti, s posebno pozornostjo na soodnosu med besedo in podobo (vsebino in obliko) ter upoštevajoč slovensko-ruske razlikovalnosti, obravnava besedilni in jezikovni dosežek pisateljev Primoža Trubarja in Maksima Greka, katerima je zaradi različnih okoliščin prav jezik s slovansko besedno osnovo v XVI. stoletju predstavljal tudi osebni izraz. Ob ponujenih vzporednicah z miselno-duhovnimi in umetniškimi nazori tedanje nastajajoče intelektualne Evrope je njun jezikovni izraz tokrat preučevan z zornega kota mogoče sposobnosti predstavljanja, prikazovanja ter upodabljanja neke idealne podobe, ki znotraj duhovnega krogozora obeh pisateljev ter strogo teocentričnega sveta ne more biti razumljena drugače kot Božja. Zasledovane možnosti besednega učinkovanja, ki niso približki t. i. literarnih postopkov, ponujajo ogrodje opredeljevanja značilnosti neke krščanske ikonografije, tesno zvezane z osebno teologijo obeh obravnavanih pisateljev. Zato je tudi - pogojno rečeno - poetika Maksima Greka in Primoža Trubarja globoko osebna.
Die Studie befaßt sich mit der Geschichte der Übersetzung slowenischer Literatur ins Deutsche. Deren Entwicklungslinien zeichnet sie exemplarisch anhand der Übersetzung von Volksdichtung (als Beginn einer nennenswerten übersetzerischen Tätigkeit in der vorromantischen Epoche) sowie dreier als klassisch geltender slowenischer Autoren (PreSeren, Cankar, Kosovel) nach. Die beobachtbare Tatsache, daß slowenische Literatur im deutschsprachigen Raum bis in die sechziger Jahre des 20. Jahrhunderts vergleichsweise schwach rezipiert wurde, veranlaßt den Autor zu einer Untersuchung der geistesgeschichtlichen Umfelder, in denen es über zweihundert Jahre kaum zu einer auf Nachhaltigkeit abgestellten Vermittlung slowenischer Literatur in den deutschsprachigen Raum kam. Die Analyse der von Herausgebern und Kommentatoren gepflogenen Darstellungsweisen fördert charakteristische Einstellungen zutage, die eine ideologisch unbelastete Auseinandersetzung mit der slowenischen Literatur lange Zeit verhinderten.
Četrti zvezek zbirke Življenja in dela ne pomeni zgolj prenove same zbirke, ampak želi opozoriti tudi na druge vidike novega pristopa h biografskemu raziskovanju na Znanstvenoraziskovalnem centru Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti. Je del širše zasnovanega koncepta vzpostavitve novega Slovenskega biografskega leksikona, ki bo v naslednjih letih po vzoru svojega predhodnika, ki je izhajal v letih 1925–1991, periodično prihajala med bralce. Predvidena je tudi uvedba spletne verzije SBL 2 kot dela Slovenskega biografskega stičišča, ki se bo dopolnjevalo kot »živ dokument« in bo omogočalo tudi izmenjavo mnenj in podatkov z obiskovalci spletnih strani o predstavljenih osebnostih. Kot prva knjižna napoved prenovljenega SBL pa prihaja med bralstvo četrti zvezek zbirke Življenja in dela, ki smo ga poimenovali Nova slovenska biografija.
Continuing the work undertaken in Vol. 1 of the History of the Literary Cultures of East-Central Europe, Vol. 2 considers various topographic sites--multicultural cities, border areas, cross-cultural corridors, multiethnic regions--that cut across national boundaries, rendering them permeable to the flow of hybrid cultural messages. By focusing on the literary cultures of specific geographical locations, this volume intends to put into practice a new type of comparative study. Traditional comparative literary studies establish transnational comparisons and contrasts, but thereby reconfirm, howev.
Multiculturalism has long been linked to calls for tolerance of cultural diversity, but today many observers are subjecting the concept to close scrutiny. After the political upheavals of 1968, the commitment to multiculturalism was perceived as a liberal manifesto, but in the post-9/11 era, it is under attack for its relativizing, particularist, and essentializing implications. The essays in this collection offer a nuanced analysis of the multifaceted cultural experience of Central Europe under the late Habsburg monarchy and beyond. The authors examine how culturally coded social spaces can be described and understood historically without adopting categories formerly employed to justify the definition and separation of groups into nations, ethnicities, or homogeneous cultures. As we consider the issues of multiculturalism today, this volume offers new approaches to understanding multiculturalism in Central Europe freed of the effects of politically exploited concepts of social spaces.